Is getting an SSD worthwhile?

Is getting an SSD worthwhile?
For a machine that only does development work and occasional content creation, would this provide any benefits?

>inb4 muh boot times

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Doing a data transfer right now, I'll tell you when it finishes



*suddenly dies*

you mean like HDDs?



HDD->SSD for OS drive is the single biggest upgrade I've experienced since upgrading from a single core to a quad core or higher

makes the computer feel 10x faster in practice

As for making games run faster? NO

I'm not a gamer so that's useful anyway

>being this triggered


My Crucial SSD went into read only mode after a couple of years. Currently using a WD harddrive for boot.

year of model and capacity?

For me its worth it for the almost instant boot times and no loading screens in most games. I still use an HDD for storage though

Don't know year, but got it still in my draw, CT120X100SSD1


Nice if you use laptop hibernate. Thanks times and delay on hdd are abysmal.


It's from 2014-2015

But still, how did you manage to wear it out. MLC NAND lasts ~3,000 P/E cycles or 360TB of write endurance. How the fuck did you write that much?

got crucial ssd on laptop .. use it for torrents even
uptime = 1.82 years
power cycles = 2921
Perc_Rated_Life_Used = 11 (%)

is A1

Yes, content creation loads and seeks faster when it's on an SSD.

The fact that you claim to be a developer and have to ask this question seriously depresses me.

Windows 7 and their in-house antivirus is fucking hell with a spinning hd. 2 hd later an ssd solved the problem on same machine with no other changes.

depending on the size of the codebase you work on it can be anything from a slight improvement to a life changer
I sure wish my work computer had one

WoW and most MMOs are unplayable on HDDs because of the loading times

>development work and occasional content creation, would this provide any benefits?
you'd better invest in a bigger RAM than on a bigger disk, given your case. development work does not benefit at all from it (and the bottleneck is more likely to be on RAM or CPU). content benefits from storage, and storage is still cheaper on rust disks. Also, rotational velocidensity won't suffer an outage as bad as them (assuming you're working on a desktop without a UPS and not from a laptop)

>than on
*or on

> run faster
It helps on loading times. Like 2-4x faster.

Large files being read/written in sequence will be fast on both HDDs and SSDs. Not sure if it would be worth using an SSD just for that.

SSDs are good at one thing and that's reading data out of order. In sequential order a good hard disk can be comparable. For random writes the hard disk's controller will queue up writes and attempt to write them in sequence to avoid huge performance penalties. Hard disks *cannot* compensate for reading data out of order though.


You ok brah?

>SSDs are good at one thing and that's reading data out of order. In sequential order a good hard disk can be comparable.
Not even close. See Speeds are not even comparable, and modern filesystems are built to make use of flash.

OP: If you're tight on cash, buy a smallish SSD for your OS and dev environment and an HDD for storage. You won't regret it.

I'm still waiting for the prices to start going down again. Prices have gone up over the past year.

1TB ssd in my laptop someday.

They're back on the decline. 250GB 850 evos can be had for under $100US

Yes, the near-instant boot times alone will make going back to an HDD difficult

It's worth it even on an old SATA II system. My old Core 2 system actually became bearable to use with an SSD. It became way more responsive. I was using a 7200 rpm drive before.

Where were you?
We m.2 nvme now.

Absolutely. Everything feels so much snappier. I’d argue it’s the best upgrade you can make to a pc that doesn’t have one.

I'm building a new computer soon. Is a m.2 worth the extra money for a OS Drive? A 500gb one looks to be $100 more than a SATA 3 SSD.

>Is a m.2 worth the extra money

I personally think it is very worth it. I've been using mine for about two years. Now that capable motherboards are even cheaper that support x4 nvme it is a no brainer.

z170 here. cpu@ 4ghz, ram @3ghz.

Im using a samsung ssd, my boot times are still almost 20 seconds.
I installed a windows embedded vm onto an image on this ssd earlier, it took 10 fucking minutes to install it.. the install was only 4gb.

so is it better to buy lower-capacity SSDs than higher, given the short lifespan?

This... I have previously upgraded lots of things like RAM, CPU and so on, but an SSD is by far the most noticeable upgrade.

Higher capacity ssds have more memory chips inside and more storage to load balance with to reduce wear

What's a good 120/126gb SSD?

Same here. Ssd didn't improve shit. Got a Z410 SanDisk 500gb one

short life span - my fucking sided ... haven't had a single samsung 830 die on me and i've plastered like 20 "cempeters" i'm the nigger of pc maintenence ...

and those are approaching 6 YEARS of daily use