Rage/Cringe Thread
CNN talks about Ubuntu like its a knock-off windows.
Rage/Cringe Thread
CNN talks about Ubuntu like its a knock-off windows.
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but user linux is a knockoff of windows
3 4
There comes a time where we should have been nuked, and that time has clearly passed.
>not fattoo
just nuke north korea, maybe they'll reply with some nukes too
Fat32 would be a good name but since its a Macfag
I don't get it. It's an operative system on a USB?
i can't figure out that bag, among other things. it seems to be just a display of narcissism and flagrant boasting, but really i'm sort of sad that he finds it necessary to carry around his expensive computer in such a 'fashionable' way in an effort to get some approval from people. then i wonder if he actually picked up a friend or a lover from that accessory.
'Think Different' can go so many ways.
1. Think different and consider that a computer can be a tool and a piece of art at the same time. Which honestly, macs are pretty slick compared to other pieces of hardware (pic related)
2. A guy from inside the marketing department telling everyone to run away from Apple's idea of hampering the ultimate utility of the computer in order to also make them pleasing to the senses. 'Think different and don't buy into the hype'.
Jesus fucking christ
I don't really remember what that post was about, but I think I am supposed to rage.
kid installs linux on his own laptop, sister tries to use it but couldn't so throw it into a puddle
I was sure it was something related to video games.
She's installing the internet.
WPRAIZE comes with Best Sites, so it's obviously mandatory.
Also nice quads.
best H3H3 episode
>this triggers the freetard
I miss when h3h3 wasn't just this week in retarded internet drama.avi
but it IS a knockoff of windows
even your meme overlord thinks ubuntu is cancer
how is this cringe or rage?
They removed dedicated servers from the PC version and that was their lame justification for it.
desu it would be viable if he removed the base mount (look it up, some models have removable ones) and didn't show the actual content of the bag to everyone like a flamboyant faggot that he is carrying that thing.
Today's rage is that the yellow nigger in charge rangebanned my fucking IP for no fucking reason. I can't post on /qa/, or Sup Forums neither /sci/. I'm very fucking mad right now. Fucking son of a bitch.
loonix install usb?
There is nothing redeeming about Ubuntu, besides it's not as bad as windows.
Newfag doesn't realize the video is from 2009
Clearly bait, nobody is stupid enough to mix up a local station with CNN.
more like this please
I have a shared IP on my primary connection, I can't poet anywhere because some retard with the same IP probably got botnetted and used as a proxy. Or the whole ISP did, they have no security so I wouldn't be surprised.
Maybe if you tried haiku he would've think twice before banned you.
Now seriously, you can only shitopost on Sup Forums too?
Kek, nice quads
Nope, I have two internet connections, one is completely banned because >shared IP, the other is the one I can post on
I could understand if it was something he needed a connection for, like shitting up some cs:go, but why not stay at home if you're just going to play fallout? Is he trying to show off or something? Is he an autist who doesn't know that people are laughing at him?
OP Here.
i know its an old video...it's still pretty cringe and rage inducing tho.
also i forgot what station it was an assumed it was a retarded channel like CNN. Who the fuck cares what channel its from.
not everyone is a newfag and not every mistake is bait, greaseball.
The best description for ubuntu and ubuntu users is:
Hipsters, so cannot use windows.
Cannot spent 2000$ on a crapbook pro, so they can't join the hc hipster frat.
Dumb enough to fail Debian installation procedure.
So, their last resort is the Cuckerworth's cult, with a special distro, with their special(used to) DE, special display server(used to), their special smartphone(used to), their special s/w ecosystem(failed miserably).
So the Hipster/Linux distro is a windows knock-off with MacOS vision.
Let me guess, you use...Arch Linux?
What's on that for real
Apple Magic Mouse doesn't have this problem.
>$2000 computer
>$2 haircut
Macfags, everyone.
probably a $2 haircut that he paid $20 for.
Lol. You're right.
Gentoo, ackshually.
Has to be either ransomware or dolphin porn. There are no other possibilities.
Is this a pretty effective way to move an imac? Its not like this person is going to carry it every day but its nice that there is something bsetween the portability of a laptop and desktop.
That being said though apple and the people that use them are faggots.
>That black guy looking up at it
this image gets better every time I see it
UNIX came first, retard.
It's probably from when virtual RAM on USB sticks became a thing, with windows readyboost. Horrible exaggeration of it though for sure.
Nope he bought his own thinkpad for schoolwork, Linux, and torrenting, and his mom decided to give it to his sister cause obviously Linux is a virus and he broke his laptop so he shouldn't have it anymore, even tho he bought it with money he earned at his own job over the summer.
Pretty rage inducing
No, I know this story; his mother accused him of putting viruses of the family computer through his video games, even though his sister was torrenting .exe "music files".
You're right, but local stations usually have actually good content, and reporting, so I can see why the mistake
>local stations usually have actually good content
Are you kidding me? Every local news station I've seen was garbage just like national news.
Oh right that happened at the beginning lmao. The sister did tell the mom that his Linux laptop was broken and had viruses tho cause she couldn't install her winshit software on it, and they took it to Best Buy to have the tech install Windows and "fix it"
Anyone who thinks that Windows 95 was the dawn of home computing.
Even still, I see some gems come out of local news, and some good upbeat stories in the middle of high tensions political climates that national news never shows and stuff.
This triggers me.
I bet fallout makes you connect to play
I bet Linux is closed source and Linus just puts out dummy code to string us all along.
Oh I'm sorry I thought we were making up stupid shit itt
da fuck guys? come to a rage thread to enjoy delicious greentext about tech support for idiots, and there is none
there, that's my rage
While true, I think the ease-of-use of 95 created an explosion in home computing that really brought it to everyone. C64 might have been the best selling computer, but my grandma couldn't use that then or now.
I think really 95/98 was the dawn of EVERYONE home computing, instead of HOBBYIST home computing.
Ever had to deal with an employee who deliberately destroyed equipment to try and get an upgrade?
Bitch, we buy those mouse/keyboard sets in bulk. You destroy another one, and we'll force you to use the laptop's keyboard and trackpad.
Easy fix.
There were graphical operating systems for home use before it, like Amiga, Atari ST and Macintosh.
not allowed to play at home? power outage? home renovation? fumigation?
Good god, what's wrong with this? Why aren't the icons aligned at all. Fucking mac makes me sick
Every macfag's desktop I've seen looks like this. Fucking why.
If you guys haven't seen this before, it's hilarious. Back when he was still funny.
Three very expensive machines. All still slightly geared towards hobbyists too, less the Mac.
I didn't say they didn't exist, just that windows 95/98 was the beginning of the boom in home computing.
Whoa, he made it wireless. #LifeHacks
This is, believe it or not, not THAT uncommon among MacFags.
Why is a question for a wiser men than me.
my mother did this
/thread none can top this
I bet he's going to Cafe Du Parc
This is one of the shittiest charts I have ever seen in my entire fucking life. KYS if you made it.
Leaving israel killed h3h3
>mounted an external disk all by herself
already knows more than most neckbeards
Dats aman babay
All I see is an angry face in the pic
>ignore all others
>stick with the botnets, goyim
This video makes reminds me of when they said it was illegal for anyone to go to wikileaks except them