Take a quick pic on my 2015 smartphone

>take a quick pic on my 2015 smartphone
>try to post to a Sup Forums thread
>filesize is too big
really? what fucking year is this?

Decrease the resolution and compress the image you dumbass.

Your large noisy image doesn't need to be that big anyway. Resize it to something more fitting of it's image quality.

I know that you moron, but the website should automatically do it. if trash like instagram can do it, surely Sup Forums can do it as well.

>compressing memes
not on my watch

> the website should automatically do it
> using a server CPU because you are too lazy to do it
Ha-ha, no.

> Sup Forums
> doesn't know javascript exists
Oh wait , I'm not that suprised .

Also , saying "the user should do it" is a bad excuse for a bad developer, you should facilitate the user experience, not the other way around.

fuck javascript

>wanting to bloat Sup Forums even more
Kill yourself you double nigger.

t. Never programmed in their life but browses r/programmerhumor

Get the fuck off Sup Forums you faggot. Clearly you don't belong here.

Not op but you got assblasted, nigger

I'm assblasted because you're acting like a fucking newfag fresh in from the leddit.

Fuck javascript image resizing and recompressing, it just adds more shitty scripts to the site. Also it takes control away from the user over the quality of the images they upload. Just look at something like Twitter. You can't upload a decent quality image because they fucking recompress everything at shitty jpeg quality.

Fuck you. It's fine. Stop taking stupidly high resolution photos with your shitty camera phone. No one wants to see them anyway.

>take a look at Sup Forums.org(slash-gee)
>see frog posting
really? what fucking year is this?

It literally just makes the site user friendly I don't want to change my camera settings every time I take a pic for this shit tier website

>complains about Sup Forums performance
Just how poor are you user ?

> takes control away
> Sup Forums
> never heard of quality settings
If the user does it manually it's ok , if the browser does it it's a no no. 3rd party extensions like 4chanx exist because of the poor user experience, get your autism pills and a decent pc fgt

>I don't want to change my camera settings every time I take a pic for this shit tier website
One, change your settings once. There's literally no need for you to take high resolution, noisy as shit photos on your phone.
Two, fuck off.

>phoneposters assblasted because they can't shitpost their blurry ISO 3200 cancer pics directly

Awesome. No one wants to look at your 10 MB worth of noise, faggot.

>thinking that your computer would be the bottleneck
This website runs on shoe strings. I stopped using 4chanx because it devolved into a steaming pile of shit.

>caring this much about this shit tier website
>thinking js would bloat the servers

How ? You really lost me here user , is handing out js files that taxing? They get cached anyway. Funny how you all white knight this shit tier website, do you like to live in your own shit that much ?

>would rather let millions of users do something instead of centralizing it
Please don't become a dev

>hurr durr i dont care about this shit tier website
>i care so little im gonna bitch and moan for hours on end about how terrible it is it wont let me post fuckhuge uncompressed images

You should honestly consider suicide.

>he's so new he doesn't know people fucking use pic related to browse 4chin
Lurk more faggot

The correct one, if you want those features, please feel free to sue any of the other websites that have them.

>too lazy and/or stupid to resize/compress his own images


>Wants to add blackbox javascripts of hundred if not thousands of kilobytes on size, simply so he can upload shit memes from his phone
We don't even take kindly to phoneposters in the first place, you should probably just kill yourself.

Why is it the server's responsibility and not yours
This kind of attitude will ensure that the only people capable of running successful websites are google and facebook and amazon, and of you dont have resources you won't have a website

I mean that's already the direction things are going but you don't have to accelerate the process.

Not that idiot, but just to interject-
He doesn't want the server to process it, he wants it done clientside in javascript - and an worse proposition.

It's not about that I care/don't , it's about proving how retarded these arguments are, when in fact , are only excuses , couldn't care less about your shitty pictures.

>Being stupid enough to enjoy doing repetitive tasks .
I'd rather write my own script to do it for me ty

Hate it or not , js,php and any other language you don't like will continue to be used as long as it does its job, go cry in a corner

Which board is this again ?

Off to kms bye

>takes a a grainy af 18 MP pic with 0 contrast, full on banding, and shit exposure
>tries to phonepost

You deserve it.