Linux gets Hollywood-grade video editing, color grading, and audio post-producton suite

As someone who has been waiting for Adobe Premiere Pro or an equivalent modern editor for Linux, I'm happy to share this. For those who don't know, DaVinci Resolve is a professional video post-production suite now available for Linux (also available for Windows and macOS), and it's available to download free-of-charge. It's also literally THE standard for color grading used in movie and TV production industries.


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Well, nice!

>closed sourced
I mean, I guess it's good news but still - most of GNU/Linux users won't use it.

Where's the source?

locked away so you freetards can't fork it into a shitshow.

What's the catch?

Finally, AVLinux will rise to glorious prominence!

Dude, alright, just fuck that whole crowd. Always eager to yell "open source" but completely incapable of creating good software on their own. These people are posers, plain and simple.

Not that I particularly blame them for being incapable of this feat. Creating and maintaining good software requires a lot of people and paying those people. Good luck with ever meeting other people, let along having money to pay them if all you do is rice your fucking desktop and lazily bellow Stallman quotes like a pissed off sloth on a rag.

It was on linux for a long fucking time

And fuck your shitty program. Don't come here wanting to be treated like jesus just because some proprietary program is available. Fuck off and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

You mean improve it and get rid of the retarded price restrictions for basic tools?

>retarded price restrictions
you mean actually paying for something you cheap fuck?

>Fade In for screenwriting
>DaVinci Resolve for editing, color grading and audio mixing
>Houdini for VFX
>Nuke for compositing

Soon we won't even need Windows or macOS to make movies anymore, if that isn't already true now. The pipeline will be completely start-to-finish without ever needing to leave Linux.

Feels good, man.

>most of GNU/Linux users won't use it
I doubt most users care. Just like most people don't call linuc GNU/linux. Free software is a complete pain in the ass to use. Most people like having fully functional desktops.

adding in an arbitrary price lock is stupid no matter how you wageslaves want to reframe it

I'm giving you this software free of charge. You don't want it because you have unrealistic expectations - fine with me, go make your own.

Most of the functionality is already available in the free version. The Studio version gives you extra collaborative tools, 3D tools and Resolve FX.

do you argue over arbitrary pricing when buying stuff in the shop?

jesus christ, if FOSS is so fucking sexy, why isn't there already a free studio grade film editing package available right now?

The stuff in the shop has to pay for distribution, packaging, and manufacturing (and/or harvesting, producing, etc). And yet those 3 chickens are only $18.
$299 for some standard tools? You've got to be fucking joking.

If you hate FOSS so much then use a proprietary OS that already has this program available. Crying on Sup Forums isn't going to help you.

get a job, tyrone.

So time to develop the application doesn't cost anything? Fuck, I'd love to see you commie dickheads in a real job, when it comes to payday you get fuck all and you'll like it.\

Stop pretending it's all about some pious crusade against the evils of code you're not allowed to see the source of, it's that you're a peasant who doesn't want to pay for shit.

Free software is free in freedom not free is in beer. Stop trying to use FOSS is an excuse to be a cheapskate.

Well, this is basically three professional AV solutions in one for free.

Considering other equivalent professional video software like Adobe's Premiere (editor), Speedgrade (color grading) and Audition (audio mixing) will set you back $599/yr; Avid's Media Composer (editing) and Pro Tools (audio mixing) will set you back $1,899; Apple's Final Cut Pro (editing) and Logic Pro X (audio mixing) will set you back $499, and all of this is for ANY of their respective functionalities, I am pretty grateful that Blackmagic Design were generous enough to offer *any* of their functionality without monetary charge.

So you're releasing it 'for free', and yet expect development costs to be covered by adding in arbitrary price gates? Do you even hear yourself?
Free software is free as in freedom AND free as in beer.

Sweet mother of mercy, you people are fucking annoying. Don't buy it and call it a day. You don't need it anyway.

>Free software is free as in freedom AND free as in beer.

That's even more extreme than Stallman himself. The GPL allows you to sell software for a monetary fee.

This is pretty big if true.

Actually, the FSF says that a license that doesn't allow you to make copies and sell them is a non-free license.

I really doubt that the price of software plays major role in professional video editing.

Let's take the $1,899 from , round it up to 2k/y and double it because why not. Then look at the average salary of the person USING this software. Very likely >100k/y for persons with enough experience.

So, who cares if one program is freeware?

I think it could work well for entry-level filmmakers who are looking to get started but don't have a lot of money, and then when they start making a profit and see the need for the extra features, they can purchase the Studio version of Resolve if necessary or move to a different software if they please.

Even if there was no free version and the whole thing cost $299 minimum, that's basically a steal compared to other post-production packages.

A brighter future is on its way, mah brotha.

You can actually write screenplays in your favorite text editor with Fountain.

amateur,hobbist, starting freelancer,studens and you tubers.

Limited features in the free version. Still blows away the foss alternatives, though.

how do I git gud tho

gimp is free and open source and doesnt hurt my rectum.

Most who want fancy video editing will.
You have spent to long in your own flutter bubble.

I'm still waiting for a Lightroom alternative which I'm pretty sure nobody will bother with on Linux

Don't forget OpenToonz and Krita for anime.

Neither of which use Linux

not his fault you spent all your neetbux on waifu pillows and dragon dildos

Kind of old news, however i'm very happy that the misinformation other people is trying to spread over linux is finally disappearing and that more professional software is coming to linux although there's a lot of open source programs that at this date are actually good or pretty decent for work. There's a pasta about this, i'll post it, maybe someone who want to give a shot to linux may find it useful.

>closed sourced
>I mean, I guess it's good news but still - most of GNU/Linux users won't use it.

The "muh freedom" and "muh open-source" autistic group of ideological linux reactionaries are what's genuinely preventing linux from reaching mainstream desktop consumers.

If they don't want to use closed-source software, that's fine, but they have audacity to berate others that genuinely don't give a shit about software freedom and just want to get their work fucking done.

This is the pasta:

Working on linux v1.1

Godot engine
BricsCAD VS Autocad
Freecad Demo
Freecad BIM
Freecad & 3D printing
Gimp 2.10 features
How to install photoshop on wine
Pixar Film Production
Linux art 1
Linux art 2
Davinci Resolve

>muh open source

Same guy here. One of the few areas where i haven't found good programs is civil engineering. If someone has good examples of people working on linux in this area i would be happy to expand the pasta. If you know about an area where you think linux lacks i'd happy to research it later.

>I am pretty grateful that Blackmagic Design were generous enough to offer *any* of their functionality without monetary charge.

foss ideologues are a large part of the problem

ok but you should add:
>Available for an OS i actually like!
Well, that's at least my sentiment.

Linux is good by it's own merits, being open source is only a big plus. There's more people using it than people who hates proprietary software (i would bet the people who uses it just for being foss is an small portion). Just saying.

I know brlcad was used by the military. Not sure if that's useful for civil engineering.

>locked away so you freetards can't fork it into a shitshow.
indeed, sjw proof.
mozilla could have ruled the waves if it wasn't for the furries that turned it into a real life shitshow.

It's available for Wangdows, Mac OS, and Linux. Don't tell me you're a BSD clown...if so, you should be used to disappoints by now.

wow, i didn't knew about BRL-CAD. Thanks for the info!

>It's available for Wangdows, Mac OS, and Linux. Don't tell me you're a BSD clown...if so, you should be used to disappoints by now.
Wow, people in this place is becoming pretty sensible and attacks without a good reason. I'm a linux user and what i mean is that i'm very happy that there's more professional software on linux. Just saying that the availability for linux is important for me, not only that is cost-free. you should read again what i said.

Exactly, they have a nonfree license.

This! Until I'm blue in the face! Stallman makes great points and all but he needs to separate his rhetoric from the Linux OS. He does not own it, and he does not contribute to it's code, he has no right to speak on the communities behalf. It's rude and crazy behavior.

>crazy behavior

There are more people using it than people who hate proprietary software (I would bet the people who use it just due to being 'foss' is a small portion).

you fell for the cult that is richard stallman and FOSS, good job you sheep

Ahh, sorry, to me it looked like you were saying "It's not available on my OS of choice." And I do agree with your actual statement.

>hacker sex

Not indian but it's true i'm not native speaker. Thanks for the correction although you aggressivity only makes yourself look bad.

am I the only one who can't understand this guy's terrible english? can someone translate this for me?

great, can you direct us to a foss alternative that's on par with the filthy proprietary software OP presented us ?


he's not indian but neither is he a native speaker
he thanks the previous douchebag for his correction, but regrets his unwarranted hostility


Hang yourself faggot.

thanks, that's much better. I don't understand how he expects anyone to understand him except for linguists

enjoy your botnet fagget

Won't hurt if you don't use it.
That fucking piece of old garbage

strong opinion from someone who couldn't recreate gimp if he tried for a decade

I've been using Linux for a few weeks now and it's been a blessing not having to deal with AutoCAD and it's random problems. DraftSight works just as good and it's much less temperamental.

Desktop editors
Code Aster
Code saturne


If you're using Linux, you can kill the botnet. You have control over your system. There aren't any secrets when you can observe everything.

needs some bitwig studio

Recreate it? Who want to hurt himself like that.

Thanks, that sounds interesting.

Only if you point us to a person who would need said software while using GNU+Linux.

so you can't

Thanks a lot.

bump because people deserve to see this thread.

>most of GNU/Linux users won't use it.
The reason it's called Linux by normal people and not "GNU/linux" is because your kind is a minority. Most linux users are not freetarded.

I only make vids from my animals.

>Available for Windows
Perfect, just like any decent software for Linux.

Windows has always the best of both worlds.

but windows is shit

and linux has shit freetard software

i'd take the shitty OS base with good proprietary software

>and linux has shit freetard software
but you're literally in a thread that proves otherwise

So now my $200 Pixel 2013 with crouton is just as good as a $2000 Mac book? Cool

Whats the version of this that compete with Adobe Photoshop?

Not always; which is why everyone with a brain runs linux/windows and not linux/mac

>incapable of creating good software
>ignoring the entirety of the open source codebase used by everyone who matters

the majority of freetards are just hardcore liberals and there is no apparent bias towards left or right
they're certainly not commies

>thinking freetardation has ever been depended on money or price
you clearly don't belong here
don't let the door hit you on the way out

>have to register to download and use

i see you can't either

openshot is a POS tho.

Does it even work? Installing it from AUR on arch is broken

How else can I install it? is anyone actually using it?...