iPhone users blown the fuck out
IPhone users blown the fuck out
at least the iphone comes with a decent operating system
you know, the thing you interact with every single moment you use the device
All of those things will be done far better by Apple though. Perfection takes time.
>no iMessage
stay pleb
>we had that
what a gay ass nigger. did you own all those phones, nigger? or are phones sports teams to you?
fucking faggots.
>Current state of Sup Forums
The S6 wasn't waterproof tho
>mfw I abused operation payback and put forward Sup Forums to normie mass by running multiple twatter accounts
iPhone user: yeah it's basically like the s6 but you can't download banking Trojans from the official App Store
No it doesn't, it comes with ios
will ishits ever recover?
I don't have to use shit android so its fine
>phone posters doubled traffic
Hmm, it's almost like people who browsed Sup Forums on their computers started using their phones as well when they went outside.
underrated kek
>no u
>t. 2010
>not using homing pigeons
enjoy your data being mined by the nsa, cunt
why the fuck does it matter? Sup Forums has never had any valuable conversation other than some generals.
The difference is, Apple's shit works. It unironically just works. Lagfags will never get it.
>shittier hardware
>buggy software
There's no excuse to use a lagdroid. I've used one for a year and even the way it feels and scrolls is just off. Literally never got used to it and switched back to apple
>A galaxy s6
You mean a galaxy s6 without a headphone jack. For twice the price.
I really want a clear glass back on the iPhone 8 so all the lagfags see my A11 chip.
>b-b-but why does it need to be so powerful
Because it can, this is why we always win
>iPhone 8
what are you poor?
I have the iPhone forever plan so I can get the x if I want. I want to wait until next gen though when they work out problems that the screen will have
Yeah enjoy launching those farting apps 0.2 seconds faster kek
>it just works!
>facial recognition 4 years ago was exactly the same as in the new iphone
apple is releasing stuff when it has been perfected and not a half-assed version of it like other companies
*Apple doesnt include something*
Facebook: OMG lmao apple doesnt have this (laughing crying emoji)
*Apple includes something*
Facebook: LMAO why are they copying samson (laughing crying emoji)x2
>jpg artifacts
screenshots of a fictitious conversation, cool story op
At least it _just werks_ on an iShit, unlike Android shit.
Tuck you
you mean animoji? :^)
>decent operating system
>doesnt even have proper webM support
IOS is a fucking joke. No wonder people call it toddlerOS.
Not a google fan, but....really?
>webM support
>allowing google to have any say in standards
It's like you enjoy being KEKED by the (((botnet)))
>Muh webm
wow, who cares
Do all apple users assume that once you purchase an apple device you will always purchase apple devices?
Sup Forums allowed me to make a good friend
him: ayo you seen that new Mario game?
Me: that illegal ass Mexican nigga ain't even got his papers
Him: lmao
>wireless charging
>only 2 years old
What did he meaned by this?
You pretty much have to. Wanna write '''apps''' for '''your''' iPhone? Guess what, you need a Mac for that.
Once gay always gay, that's the Applel walled garden motto.
The iPhone 7 was water resistant and if you want to talk about copying, Sony had water resistant phones years before Samsung did.
Post the cute girl moving her head.
I don't think clover registers as mobile to Google
>not paying $1.99 for The Chan
What’s your life like?
>not using fb messenger
No friends detected
>not having imessage group chats with your besties
My dude
Which one user-kun?
>$1000 gif
Couldn't find it before but this one :)
Really? I think it's the other way around. Seven years ago there were significant differences between iPhone, Blackberry, Windows Phone, Android, etc. And back then, even if you were an iPhone user, you might consider jailbreaking it!
Now, your phone's a toy no matter what you have. Your computer's a computer, better to have a phone that's a good phone right? So why not get the toy that's actually a good toy?
Joke's on you bitch, I've been phoneposting on Sup Forums since November'10
I really miss my first Android phone, had it tricked out to the limits. Flashing a debloated ROM legitimately gave as much performance as a stock ROM max overclock, with about 20% better battery life to boot, and CM7.1 was the last great Cyanogen release.
Not all of us are broke niggerfaggots or college age cucks today.
Go be mad somewhere else.
You know what the real redpill is? Even 125 million unique visitors over 6 months only equates to less than 50 million posters. There are constantly about 150k users on average round the clock. 50% of those are here every day, at least.
>Sup Forums never had any valuable conversation
Thats not true at all
>samsung or other shitty lagdroid
it's like buying a suit from aliexpress: shitty manga style with a shit ton of crap on it with no useful purpose
nice sleek italian suit: less crappy "details", more functional usable features while looking clean as fuck.
so the iphone user is paying for the user experience, meanwhile any other fagdroid is just trying so hard to justify themselves for the shitty choice.
haha, I remember the "facial recognition" on the galaxy S3, shit was worthless like most of samsung's bleeding edge features.
>phone posters are even more glorious
Apple is a bunch of furry enablers
Do you still have green text bubbles?
Oh wait you do. Sorry poorfags.
There need to be more fire emojis.