The age of form > function starts now

The age of form > function starts now.

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>starts now

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, piece of kunk!

Is that real? I can't tell


no way that is real... right?

Why is there a mouse clicking on a phone screen?

me neither, but given apples autism about their interface im inclined to disbelieve

This can't be real.
But again, pic related.

It's from the SDK for IOS as the iphone x isnt out yet

This seems like the iOS sdk from xcode 9, i haven't used it but I'd say there is a very strong chance it is real

It’s not entirely real. It’s the iPhone Simulator. An app developer made this as a quick joke. Apple themselves have given guidelines to make apps their content inside safe areas with margins so that the content should never have to move horizontally.


I literally can't get over this. How could they allow something so retarded? Without that little flap thing they would have the most beautiful smart phone on the market. Edge to edge screen covering the entire front face of the phone is the stuff you see in movies.

Why the fuck didn't they just drop the front-facing selfie camera, are people really so vain that they need this? Or they could have made a small strip across the whole top rather than a fucking dent in the middle of the top of the screen. Makes no fucking sense.

""no bezels""

So they sell you a display that is only 85% usable? Genius.

>Without that little flap thing they would have the most beautiful smart phone on the market. Edge to edge screen covering the entire front face of the phone is the stuff you see in movies.
You must be living under a rock. Haven't seen the LG G6? LG V30? Samsung Galaxy S8? Note 8? C'mon user. Don't be stupid.

I mean I agree that the notch looks dumb as fuck but at least be real. It's just a stupid design decision but it's not the only problem with the iPhone X.

Not entirely correct. Content is not the same as UI elements. I’m sure they would be fine with it if you use that space for buttons, an address bar, etc.

>damage controlling this hard

go back to /r/apple with your fruitytoddlertoys

Why would anyone ever browse in landscape?

I wonder





Millenials love their safe spaces. Every college student will want one.

>not putting paul on top

john was a globalist liberal race mixer who sold out his country, culture, and religion

the night he got shot he took a cover photo with yoko naked while she was clothed

clutching on to her like a mother figure(which lennon had relations with his mother and had a complex)
while she was smug like a dominatrix

its almost poetic that she started to care about him after he hit his lowest point and needed money (it was for her own album)


We need to update this picture.

I meant all four edges, rounded corners and all. No phone has that. It would've been fantastic, but Apple was too stupid to do it.

Wait, what is that black bar at the bottom??

unsafe area


Presumably "home button slider" or some bullshit along those lines, since they got rid of the home button it can be confusing if there is no visual clue of how to "go home".

They could have the screen be the kind of flip board their trackpads are. Press a little harder and it activates a hardware switch.
But, modern apple is modern apple.

gooby pls

what the fucking fuck


I was going to ask about this. They already have the haptic feedback system and the button on the other phones uses it, it not being an actual button.

Surely the most sensible design decision would have been a haptic feedback button at the bottom of the screen instead of their ridiculous gesture controls?

It seems they've decided to be different for the sake of not being like android rather than it having any usability benefits.

The whole phone screams of the kind of bizarre, poorly thought out style over substance decision making that gave us the touch bar on macbooks

far too sensible for applel

Best Theory I found is to avoid iPhone X begin confuse galaxy 8 or another tiny bezel phones.

lmao, apple protection tips from aids

>they chose beatles front names because they know 20-35 millennials will feel cultured for recognizing them

So they are basically being Google with their Pixelright now.

they can't cut slice a piece off the top
that would fuck with the display ratio

This packaging can't be real. It looks like orange genitals.

kids don't know shit

You don't know what you're talking about. Apple is so far ahead of Android in terms of UI and gesture designs.

I wonder how screenshots will work on the iphone. What will they do with the top of the screen?

>This packaging can't be real. It looks like orange genitals.

It is real tbqhfam

Did Apple just fire all their designers?

they would have gone with the second look if samsung hadn't already done it first

they want to create an "iconic recognizable" style

that's the same reason why they have been using the iPhone 6 design for the last 4 years

Say what you will, but the "receding hairline" style is very recognizable.

I don't like this

>iNormies will defend this

Itt poorfags who can't afford an iPhone X. Keep up the tears lads it's actually pretty funny

>getting rid of headphone jack and now bezels when nobody even asked to get rid of them
Idk m8

I pre ordered the note 8, I'm such a poorfag!

There's nothing to say that they can't just release an update that makes the right example the default one and the left one optional. Right one looks way more aesthetic.

Though being recognisable is part of a good design, it's not exclusive to good design. Recognisable can also be bad. In this case it looks ridiculous, that's why it's recognisable.

fuck off with this shit. iphones are barely more expensive than android flagships and you're likely just trolling awfully.

so people will just do a mod to make the nav bar black, or it'll become an option when this feature has had time to cook properly

see also

>so people will just do a mod to make the nav bar black
yeah, as if there will ever be a jailbreak again with Apple's ever increasing jewry

>Android povvos being this butthurt that they can't afford an iX

The poorfag salt on Sup Forums these last few days has been hilarious

Why would you waste money on this design nightmare?

oh, so that's what happened to 9
Top kek


Poorfag fox and grapes are the sweetest

Turns out that Steve Jobs was the only real designer at apple.

Him and Scott Forstall. After they fired him ios became just another soulless minimalist shitheap with ios 7

>no one noticed The Beatles

>having unsafe areas in your phone

I have to admit that while I like iOS overall the interface lost a lot of soul after the sudden skeuomorphism witchhunt

love beatles.

24 payment plan

Who the fuck browses their contacts in landscape mode you fucking retards

Should have been CEO. Jobs fucked his own company by naming that faggot his successor rather than Scott. Apple would be 10 years ahead of where it is today.


>Cook's aim since becoming CEO has been reported to be building a culture of harmony, which meant "weeding out people with disagreeable personalities—people Jobs tolerated and even held close, like Forstall,"[20] although former Apple senior engineer Michael Lopp "believes that Apple's ability to innovate came from tension and disagreement."[21]

Says a lot about current Apple really

yeah, that's clearly the only instance where this is a design catastrophe

To be fair. No one will go through their contacts in landscape

Not sure why Anti-Apple shills are so butthurt about this, it gives a nice rolodex feel - do Anti-Apple shills even know about skeumorphic designs?

>skeumorphic designs
Those have been outlawed by His Gayness himself, he was even fired for them

I miss you Scott. Death to His Gayness.

The phone isn't even out yet.

Am I the only person that thinks that the left looks better?
t. am designer

Yeah, its obviously got problems when it goes into landscape mode. But desu I never use my phone like that.

a picture of happier times ;_;

they just went for the fuck my shit up approach
nobody cares about details
all they care is agenda

those app themes were comfy as fuck

The right one looks actually pretty cool, impressive.

I use my phone in landscape all the time when I watch videos. So, this is actually a big issue. I wouldn't want a part of the video to be cut out from the screen.

And if the app would avoid the notch, it would still suck, because the whole "edge to edge display" meme would be useless. Why would you pay for edge-to-edge if you can't actually use that?

this so much

What, do we need to compensate for overscan in our PHONES now?!?

Wow. That is disgusting.


thats ugly af

All the anroid flagships are gonna follow suit and perpetuate the cycle of bad design.

Kill me

There's no way they thought that with the iOS guys. The new phone is a clear example of a hand doing some shit the other doesn't know and the head just giving random blowjobs to homeless niggers on a back alley without a clue of what the fuck is going on.


Not this time, user. Not this time.

jesus christ

>twu ports