This is the guy who coauthored systemd

This is the guy who coauthored systemd.

Other urls found in this thread:

this Germans, Jesus, can t be trusted.

>linus, a known autist, banned a better white male
why am i not surprised
so common in the linux community to harbor these ill feelings towards white men

>causes trouble
>ruins everything he tocuhes

When are people finally going to learn that germany was a mistake.

Still a better programmer than your average microtard winblows so called developer.

That's just a given. Everyone except paid shills realize Windows 7 was the last good product they made, and that was a decade ago.

Since when was Wikipedia the bastion of truth!

Is that substantiated or more bullshit?

>he doesn't have xir filtered
excuse me?

Germans are niggers of the white race.

Nice philosophy, if you don't understand the code, ban the author.

>systemd is about making Linux more vulnerable than it already this

No shit sherlock,why do you think the NSA (Red Hat) pushes it so hard?

Why do you think there are so many systemd shills in this place?

yeah no wonder he's a rat

You misspelled windows xp, but otherwise you're correct.

That's the russians babe.

>two references to verified sources
>muh wikipedia is not trustful
Amazing critical thinking skills.

Since when you are so ignorant about a not so distant even that is very well known?

Linus calling out Kay bullshit has been discussed and posted countless times you fucking imbecile.

>Thousands of lines of UNDOCUMENTED C code courtesy of Harry Potter
>People don't understand it

Of course people don't understand it, that's the idea of the authors who made this piece of garbage in the first place, those security holes won't write themselves you stupid goy.


what happened to that poor man

If you don't understand the code, don't commit it. He deserved what he got.

Doesn't even understand his own work how fucking embarrassing~

I don't see anything wrong with that.
If a developer introduces a ton of obfuscated code into a critical piece of software, thus increasing the ammount of potential attack vectors for no good reason, I say it's the right thing to do.

Everything on wikipedia is a lie

Just because others working on the project are intellectually inferior doesn't mean the software should be limited.

Yeah. So?

Nothing is stopping him from forking the project :^). I'm sure his """"superior"""" intellect can handle it.

Jesus can't be trusted? Your addressing to Germans?


Pick one

Why would someone of "superior intelligence" pull stupid shit like

>Not using templeOS for all privacy related matters
Terry would never let this happen.

pick no more than one

isn't ring 0 dangerous and insecure

Linus should of made better effort to understand the code.

The most secure code is the one that hasn't been written yet. (c) someone else.

Just like Terry said, it's like riding a motorcycle: if you will do dumb shit on purpose you will get wrecked.

>uses ring 0

>uses ring 3
>dis r SO secure and KEWL!!!11 no VIRUSES xD PHEW im so glad mai oh ess treats me like a toddler and doesnt let me do anything, freedum is too dangerous xDD

But that user isn't telling the truth. Why do you automatically believe them?
Oh right because it aligns with your worldview. Linus can't ever be wrong, can he?

btw, don't create religious figures out of average men.

actually he wasn't banned because of a commit he did in the kernel

It's his kernel, faggot.

Eternal kraut strikes again.

no networking = cannot be hacked

nothing good ever came out of east Germany

If you think Linus is wrong, you are free to make your own interpretation of his work.

i think Sup Forums is starting to wake up although there are still many google shills and leftypol faggots

t. anglo-saxon subhuman

They better be.

get over yourselves, stop idolizing an autist


Redhat is gov

Create bugs for long-term surveillance project

Gnu, Linux, foss, etc., etc., are avenues of attack for military agenda to monitor, control, supervise.

As long as everyone keeps calling out their bs the rest will see and follow

Hail the light bringers against their dark world!

leftypol is the source of all the anti-german propaganda. Germany is and always will be the source of whiteness in Europe.

>what is antiquity
Retards everywhere these days

Linus literally saved the kernel from incorporating systemd-specific code (kdbus). Thank fucking god he did.

He hasn't really spoken out against systemd has he?
He uses fedora, so I assume he uses it pretty much every day, an outspoken person like him would have probably made a several page rant by now if it was as bad as you people are memeing

He's said some things about it, but not too much. I believe Linus said he didn't mind it too much, but he though binary logs were insane a few years back. He said this a few days ago though.

>And yes, a large part of this may be that I no longer feel like I can
trust "init" to do the sane thing. You all presumably know why.

Anyway systemd is legitimately crapware. I have yet to hear a single solid argument why we should use systemd instead of runit or openrc.

months ago*

>I don't understand what systemd does and refuse to learn


Enlighten me lennart. Tell me why systemd-resolv is so much superior to dnsmasq.

Simple, it's NOT A BUG.

Yes, fuck your setup. The Lennart way is superior.

>shit dev
not surprised