Just in less than 3 years microsoft will stop supporting windows 7

>Just in less than 3 years microsoft will stop supporting windows 7.
I hope either microsoft will make a GOOD windows (Without over"idiotfriendliness" or privacy issues) or at least linux will become a decent os for gaming pc's.

>linux will become a decent os for gaming pc's
prepare your anus for Windows 10

this is now a thread about cute doggos

>linux will become a decent os for gaming pc's.
It is right now.

Theres really nothing that bad about windows 10

Stop bring autistic. Pirate enterprise and change group policy if you're paranoid about "muh spying"

in 3 years you'll grow out of gaming

That's like saying 'in three years you'll grow out of TV' but ignoring the hundreds of millions of old people watching TV.

>Stop bring autistic
hey phonefriend

it's nothing like that

It actually is exactly like that.

>Same laptop.
>On windows 7 my game has 60 fps on high settings.

>On linux on the same laptop the same game had 20 fps at lov settings.

I think linux need more improvements in that.

Gaming is my hobby as same as ocassionall pc tinkering. I just love to play some games occasionally.

>end of supports means my pc with W7 will literally instantly die
I fucking hate this meme.

>vast majority of 60 year olds play mobile iphone / android games

>you'll grow out of gaming

>Just in less than 3 years microsoft will stop supporting windows 7.
Wow, 9 years after everybody else stopped supporting Windows 7. I thought Windows was supposed to be up to date lol

It wont instantly die but it will become more vulenable and over time new hardware will be less compatible with windows 7. Actually windows XP is not ded, some people use it. But other hand it wont work perfectly in computer with more than 2 GB RAM.

And same fate meets windows 7 because of being more outdated windows 7 wont be able to use all potential of more new hardware.

You know damn well that security is not the reason people use Windows. Thus, end of updates changes nothing.

Where the fuck do you joyless 30 year old McDonalds workers always come out of the woodwork from? Some people have hobbies that don't involve overdosing on Benzos and crying. Deal with it.

>As of 2016, the average age for a video game player is 35
Whew, I still have plenty of time to have fun.

But good support for new hardware/software is.

Win7 ultimate or win10 enterprise ltsb?
Having a hard time making a decision for daily driver laptop, i do everything on it, it came with win10 home but i want to be able to disable telemetry

Ironically that's the majority of the "adult" gamer demographic. I have literally never met a well-adjusted adult male with a family who indulged in a "gaming," hobby. They always seem to be permanent juveniles who evade responsibility with shit jobs that optimize their free time, who have no interest in the basic responsibilities of being a grown man.

>no interest in the basic responsibilities of being a grown man.

because that shit sucks desu lol

i would rather be a "juvenile" and have fun and have nothing than waste my time on this planet trying to live up to some bullshit that society says makes me a man. good luck with that.

t. malcontent

why does support matter at all i never update anyway

Linux works perfectly fine for gaming get your head outta your ass OP


>I think linux need more improvements in that.
or the game needs improvements
most games are made for windows or console and ported to linux without optimizing

>I have literally never met a well-adjusted adult male with a family who indulged in a "gaming," hobby.
I have met plenty.

It's nothing like that. Believe me. In three years time you'll be gaming much less or not at all.

i work 8 hours, come home and watch 8 hours of TV while boozing and then sleep 8 more THAT IS REAL MAN things you JUVENILE

>In three years time you'll be gaming much less or not at all.
I remember hearing something like that three years ago.

No it does not, all that's on linux is valve shit and some indieshit.


admit it bro it's just an addiction/way to avoid thinking about real life problems

win 7 ultimate until 2020 (use daz loader)
and then win 10 enterprise ltsb (2020)

>t. guy who used to spend all his time gaming now spends all his time shitposting instead

How old are you might I ask? And what do you play.

I just hope michaelsoft doesn't somehow render LTSB unusable for gaming because it's the only version of 10 that isn't absolutely horrifying

trump, ur mummy awaits to tuck you in bed

Wew. So this is the level of mental gymnastics Guhnuo/Lurnix freefuckturds have reached to make their OS not look so useless.

I'm willing to bet they're gonna pull an XP and they're gonna push that EOL date a couple more years.

Just use Windows 8.1 with Classic Shell or something.

Redox-OS could be it then.


>meme os written in meme language ever being usable

>Lacks all understanding of a development process.

Ok buddy. Let me know when you convince everyone to rewrite their drivers in Rust. And then come back again once you realize it still runs Xorg so there's going to be no performance difference between Linux and Redox OS on graphically intensive games.