Non-Gaming PC

Hello Sup Forums, I don't lurk here too much, but now I could use someones help in my PC build.
>I need to build PC for my parents.
Their PC is old and slow, it was bought some 5 years ago with label "Gaming PC" - It was trash back then, and it's trash now. So I need to put something together to make their web surfing and youtube experience faster and better.
Ideally I would want something that boots fast, runs basic shit like Microsoft Office and Internet browser with no issues. Be able to play movies in Full HD.
In general, I want something that runs as fast as my PC, except gaming. My junk:
>RX480 8GB
>16GB DDR4
>500GB SSD
>I5 6600K
>Z170-P board
>32 inch monitor
So looking around on amazon I came up with something like this:
>GTX 1050
>16GB ram
>500GB SSD
>I5 6500
>any skylake motherboard
>32 inch monitor
Is it good? Will it be fast enough for day to day activities like youtube? As well, maybe there are better/cheaper AMD builds?
All comments welcome.

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just wait for Raven Ridge to come out

ill bite, its extreme fucking overkill mate. like killing an ant with a flamethrower.

go here idiot

Sorry I did not see.
What would you say is not an overkill?

Sell me your pc

Because for movies, browsing net and office stuff you just need:
>2-4 GB RAM
>128 GB SSD
>lighweight Linux distro
Literally this or even less than that.

I made my family small desktop with
>128 SSD

They plug it with HDMI for Netflix and Oldpeople Chill, do Skyping, browsing the net, operating their bank accounts. I bet people could meet your parent's requirements with Rasberry fucking PI, not with i5, 16GB RAM and 1050 GF

Get an Intel NUC if they would be happier with a smaller form factor.

Integrated graphics are really all they need. You don't need 16 GB of RAM, just stick with 8. Unless they really do save a lot of data, then get a smaller SSD. Perhaps 128 GB or even less if the only things they ever store are documents.

I never sell things
So still it would be 6500 right?
I am not too good in computers, that's why I assume that big monitor needs stronger hardware to run smoothly. Correct me if i'm wrong.
Reason why I don't go for these tiny computers is that if something breaks it's done. For standard PC I can just swab broken components.

>I never sell things.
Then can I have it please? I'm not that financially blessed and would suck your cock for all eternity if you'd gift me such a prize.

>Big monitor need big hardware
Depends if your running 4k
Please ...

The GPU would be pointless. Modern intel gpus are more than enough even for things like photoshop.

Honestly can't tell if bait and not the guy you replied to but resolution is what matters, not the screen size.

Also, personally would go with ryzen 1300 and gt 1030, 2 gigs of ram if linux or more if you really need to run windows on it

R3 1200 or Athlon x4 950
Cheapest RX 550
8gb any speed DDR4
120gb ssd + 500gb to 1tb hdd
Any compatible motherboard, A320 is cheap
A decent case, preferably Matx

Honestly, you could get away with a Pentium G4560 and the IGP

Put an SSD in the current machine and install linux.
Problem solved.

Something like this, 500 bucks, still overkill for a shitpost machine but it will last ages and handle light gaming.

1050, i5, 16gb of ram for parents to use a browser? Are you retarded?
Something like a g4560, no gpu and 8gb of ram is overkill for that
>500gb ssd
Just fuck off, holy shit

It really depends man, people here tell you that the specs you presented is really overkill for a Movie/Net oriented PC, if you have plenty of dosh and don't really care, build you picked will be good. If you don't want to go overboard try:
>i5 with 44xx
4460 is pretty good and definitely cheaper, I use it now for my main Desktop. Every recent Intel processor comes with Intel HD integrated graphic card, which is more than enough for videos and many indie games. There is no chance that lack designated graphic card will impact movie watching experience.
I don't really think they need more, unless you go with Windows 10. 16 definitely is overkill, 8 as well, but many would disagree.
>128 GB SSD
Unless they like to hoard their movies and TV shows, no point having more. Buy them Netflix, or if you they really need that storage, get 1TB HDD alongside 128 SSD
>Any fitting non-gayming motherboard
>Seriously try Xubuntu

these days you can just buy a budget desktop computer. You will get much more for a pre-fab budget computer than if you build it yourself.

Thanks Lads for your replies. It's not a bait, I just wan't to give them that "fast PC" experience. What I understand from you is that GPU is an overkill. You are probably right, no GPU then. I use 1080pi monitor myself, and will buy 1080pi for them as well. I can't afford 4K for now.
So in other words, I will go for older I5 or similar AMD, 8gb of RAM and 500GB SSD, as I want it to boot fast and my parents are trained in Torrenting, so movies will be downloaded and probably not deleted afterwards.
As well, they are not familiar with linux and probably not willing to learn, so I will need to install Win 10.
How will I shitpost on Sup Forums and Sup Forums then?

Check which AMD you are buying, because those on par with i5 might not always have integrated graphics.

And I really would recommend 128GB SSD + 1TB HDD (or more) with system and every program on SSD which makes you boot fast, and every torrent on HDD which gives you best space per dosh value, and has no impact on watching. 1TB HDD costs you around $50, while 500GB SSD will go (depending on brand) $150-250