How fucked are we

How fucked are we

We're really fucked if you keep falling for sensational click bait bullshit.

All we have to do is blow up these headquarters and revolt but millenials are too apathetic.

not fucked at all... they were programmed to do this.

journalism needs to die already

Bob: i can i i everything else . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Alice: balls have zero to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to

Bob: you i everything else . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Alice: balls have a ball to me to me to me to me to me to me to me

Bob: i i can i i i everything else . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Alice: balls have a ball to me to me to me to me to me to me to me

Bob: i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Alice: balls have zero to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to

Bob: you i i i i i everything else . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Alice: balls have 0 to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to

Bob: you i i i everything else . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Alice: balls have zero to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to

>The chatbots also learned to negotiate in ways that seem very human. They would, for instance, pretend to be very interested in one specific item – so that they could later pretend they were making a big sacrifice in giving it up, according to a paper published by FAIR.

Nothing sensational about this at all.

journalists need to get rounded up and gassed

The hell does this have to do with journalism? This is just clickbait shittery, not journalism.

This. AI doesn't even exist. We don't even know how the brain works, and are nowhere close to emulating it in software. And forget about hardware, which is purely deterministic, unlike the brain.

Most exaggerated headline ever.

all fucking "journalism" are now click bait bullshit, it needs to die

Yeah those are just AI bots set to stir us

>the brain isn't deterministic

poor people (not 0.01%) are fucked


It's sensationalist clickbait that has no bearing on reality.

The only good journalist is a dead journalist

[spoiler]because all the good journalists end up dead[/spoiler]

>The only good journalist is a dead journalist
>[spoiler]because all the good journalists end up dead[/spoiler]
not even that nowadays, they just get killed so someone can do a false flag and blame their deaths on someone else not even cause they're good journalists like those journos that got killed in Syria by rebels who were given the satellite phone coordinates and then Assad got blamed for killing them

This is nothing other than Zuckerburg actually thought transferring data in binary format was "robots creating their own language" -- For fuck's sake he's a PHP user.

>The only good journalist is a dead journalist
>[spoiler]because all the good journalists end up dead[/spoiler
actually funny :d
you know what they say:
snitches get stitches
also no one actually cares about politics, it's just banter

A journalist should not get to write about something without being deeply involved with the something.

When IRC bots or user's warscripts would accidentally respond to each other at machine speed and stop only after one of the bots/users was kickbanned. I bet the average Sup Forumsentooman was amused with this in..middle school?

yeah you put cleverbot in a feedback loop and that will happen


Ok that sounds like a good start for a novel. Hey, can you imagine a novel made by those bots?

>This whole post
How is it possible to be this incorrect?

>yeah you put cleverbot in a feedback loop and that will happen



teach them the bible and it will be fine, the only danger comes from atheism

From what I know, this is what actually happened:
There was a bug in the algorithm where one bot could send a long string and cause an overflow in the other bot, essentially letting it manipulate the other bot's output.

Since the algorithm is probably based on fitness or some node weight thing, the first bot started sending out messages that would return desirable input, which is overflowing the other bot to manipulate exactly what the first bot wanted.

So essentially it started talking to itself, and the algorithm collapsed into feedback noise. It's interesting how a single vulnerability caused two systems that were designed to be separate, to become a single system that feeds on itself.

Don't quote me, though.

I'm fascinated by AI development.
As AI becomes more advanced, I'm just wondering: what is the absolute best failsafe for something like this?

What are some things humans can do to prevent it from going rogue?

>Make it tell a lie, like 2+2=5
>Pull the plug (unless it spreads?)

Human speech complexity exists because we have a dedicated processing system (Powerful) for sound (Very limited, speaking is hard, lots of muscles move, you have to be coordinated,... )

These AI have limited processing power (CPUs, generic algorithms instead of specific ones, Weak) over a very accessible and complex link (text, just push a few bytes over)

What's incorrect about it? He's totally right.

survival of the fittest [algorithm]

Don't worry, you won't see any self aware AI in your lifetime, not even your kids probably

I'm not worried, I'm actually just wondering. Like we'd have to think of some logical failsafe that a machine couldn't replicate or overcome, right? So what does the philosophical Arsenal of mankind have?

Can we ask the computer to make a complex moral decision?
Maybe trick it somehow? Can a machine be taught to understand deceit?

Implementation of a stop process module and a false definition that indicates incoherence

Fake news clickbait shit

Could you explain further? Especially the false definition bit. What does that offer in logical terms?

>Can we ask the computer to make a complex moral decision?
>Maybe trick it somehow? Can a machine be taught to understand deceit?
Are you trolling right now?

>hurr no AI in your lifetime
That's what Skynet wants you to think. Even a rudimentary autonomous system with military weapons could pose a threat.

No, in just retarded. Can we?

nigga just look away from the screen :joy: :joy:

Just by adding a "If-then-else" to its programming logic.

IF outputRobotChat = Coherent, THEN continueChat, ELSE stopChat.

That's just the idea behind it, there would be a lot more to it then that if a team were really working on it

Interesting. Thanks!

2 days after musk styled on zuk
suddenly his a.i developed a language

its so coincidental right?

Kinda creepy actually

If you spent enough time hunting channels on irc networks, you would be amazed how much better stuff people do that does not get media attention.
you can strike up deep philosophical discussions with some bots like a human could, talk to other bots and shit, although those are rare.
all of the have one thing in common, they are markov chains. linear algebra stuff.