Is it me, or has the overall quality of posts on Sup Forums declined significantly over the last 5 years? I'm a newfag, only started using Sup Forums in 2012.
Is it me, or has the overall quality of posts on Sup Forums declined significantly over the last 5 years? I'm a newfag...
What is this "quality" you're talking about?
I'm much newer to Sup Forums, but I've noticed a discernable drop in quality since my earlier Sup Forums days.
Sup Forums as a whole has gotten more shit, for sure, though.
when you stop telling people to adhere to individual board culture, guess what happens?
also you're part of the second stage of decline
Generals killed Sup Forums. Thanks for making /vg/ then leaving, faggot.
Flood of new people killing board culture.
Shitposts that aren't deleted.
Board rules that aren't followed.
It's good though. The more technically ignorant people like macfags and gaymers here, the more jobs for techies and more money. The only problem is ubiquitous pajeets.
No it isn't. Do you know how soul crushing it is to work in customer support? Or to develop shit and constantly have to alter your vision because people are too fucking retarded?
So shut the fuck up about opening tech up to normies being a good thing.
when did anybody ever follow board rules lol
This and banning desktop threads.
Tech board, not show me your wallpaper board
I think it's because in the early days computers were more a geek thing, now any kid with an iToy consider to share his insightful opinion about consumer electronics, they're flooding social media.
You stupid nigger, a desktop and a wallpaper aren't the same thing.
Desktop threads are about usability and creating the ultimate user experience, not about what picture is on the root window. kys yourself because you're the kind of person that didn't understand desktop threads in the first place and probably was half the reason they were banned.
>I want 10 different versions of the same thread at all times
>I like pretending desktop threads weren't a problem
generals helped manage boards that were already shit quality. Sup Forums was never good, and if it was it turned to shit way before generals.
There was no Sup Forums before 2004 you idort.
Having to work in tech support is your fault. Also ironic that you will bring up your shitty, smelly opinion on "normies" yet if it wasn't for them, you probably wouldn't have been able to get into it at all since a base model desktop in the 90s cost $3,000 and that's not adjusted for inflation. Also you were probably the "normies" who caused the similar shit meme of muhseptember wherein usenet turds can't cite what was so superior about it before. But it's okay, just have the same fucking thread where you pretend to be old and call everyone kid. Also just because you showed up first, doesn't give you the right to run the show. More normies online makes it even easier to sell them software. If you aren't doing this or selling them something, you're a fucking loser
Generals are inherently shit. Because they always lead to being tripfags circlejerks and nobody except their small circle will post in them.
I was reading Sup Forums during the oldfag period and made only one post about a japanese final fantasy commercial. Because of that limited interaction, I'm not a qualified oldfag. Everything after that I was "around" for.
>he wasn't there when Sup Forums was invite only
I'm not poor I don't care about technology costing more money as long as mentally ill poorfags (like you) stay out.
>Launched: October 1, 2003; 13 years ago
Pol killed it. Not generals. We had generals for years.
Yes I'm mentally ill because I disagree with your bullshit. Big problem here is you haven't even listed yet how you're different from "the normies". all you do in these threads is just call everyone kid and normie because you've fucking failed hard and you are slowly realizing it and want to pine for a time you still had potential.
You're quite the same as the macfag on macrumors who said the same thing, wanting apple shit to be even more expensive because he just wanted it to be a made up exclusive club.
Sup Forums is the reason i can't say nigger on Sup Forums anymore. after gaymergate Sup Forums turned into surveillance state.
>Muh Sup Forums boogeyman
Reminder before Sup Forums got infested with cancer it used to be great
Oh yes, it's bullshit because you disagree with it. How enlightened. I don't even get what you're rambling on about, autist rage I suppose, but keep that shit in Sup Forums.
Been on Sup Forums since early 2004. Technically earlier since I followed it from SomethingAwful when it went public and moot was using it as a way to store and share his hentai collection since he couldn't exactly use his house's primary computer. So in the earliest days unless you were in various catagorized hentai boards and shitty anime/manga translations Sup Forums was a shitfest.
But anyway, Sup Forums was initially for guro, basically sexualized gore manga. When it turned to Sup Forums this board was spammed with guro images quite often in protest and even afterwards no one really cared about it. It wasn't until techies from Sup Forums kept getting their threads about computer hardware deleted and told to gtfo and to post in Sup Forums that people started using it.
I mean, I think if anything this board has just become "softer in tone". What I mean is that before this place was for thick skinned people from Sup Forums who were desensitized to all the fucked up stuff the internet had to offer. Mix that with the fact the majority of the users at the time were angsty teenagers and you get a very blunt and somewhat hostile atmosphere where circlejerking was shunned. It was basically concentration of antisocial techies from an already antisocial Sup Forums.
But to answer your question, arguing over intel vs amd has always been a Sup Forums thing. 4chans popularity is what softened the board like anything else that gets popular. Then again I mean Sup Forums as we know it wasn't even out until like 2005?
Cool cat and cool trips.
His salient point wrong. Normalfags and advertisers categorically ruined the internet. This happened way before Sup Forums though.
You're full of shit about desktops by the way. My first family mid-range HP computer cost more or less the same as they do now.
When desktop threads was banned then everything went to shit. Desktop threads were the main source of creativity and sharing knowledge on how to do interesting things with the desktops in particular, but the OS in general. This enthusiasm and creativity spread everywhere, but now it's just an advertisement platform for Indians on Microsoft's and Apple's payroll
allowing the rampant consumerism to thrive in Sup Forums has killed Sup Forums. I don't know about other boards they have different problems.
>But to answer your question, arguing over intel vs amd has always been a Sup Forums thing.
The level of discourse in these threads is shit these days
literally doesn't matter
How can we save Sup Forums, user-tachi?
Autism then
I notice the softer tone too. "Edgy" has kind of become a stealth reddit term for "stop being offensive". I've even noticed that on blue boards its not uncommon for someone to say "homophobe" unironically when being called a faggot. I think its probably the Redditization of the board but it might also be that high school kids are trained to content police themselves.
In a weird twist of irony Sup Forums used to be big on grammar. I'm really bad at spelling and grammar myself. But I remember a time when people got shit on for not capitalizing their sentences, spelling shit wrong, making pointless line breaks, and generally typing like a retard. Now its complete acceptable to be a phone poster.
>Reminder before Sup Forums got infested with cancer it used to be great.
>making pointless line breaks
It's called reddit spacing these days.
Remember that the "cancer" is Reddit and don't let them pretend that they aren't.
Yeah, I agree. It's all just bad arguments and shit wit replies wrapped up as internet memes. I would've gone into all that but I felt my post was already a bit too long. But yeah, the softening I was refering affected all things including discourse. When I said circlejerking was sort of universally shunned on the board (as a sign that you were basically trying to gab your way out of an issue rather than addressing it) that is one of the aspects of it. Everyone here had enough of normie social etiquette so trying to digitally show your ass was always looked down upon. Sup Forums's image for a long time was thought of as akin to an old man with a dry sense of humor. I know that sounds retarded but it's how I seriously felt about the board in its early days.
heh, pol already doing another flip flop.
The board is swamped by those types, Say something they don't like and you get called a shill.
Blame Troid.
He banned people for posting hidden anime nipples on Sup Forums and he's been letting the cancer that is desktop/speccy/battlestation/etc on Sup Forums for a long time.
Screencapped the catalog 5 years ago
lol I know exactly what you mean. I'm posting this from a phone and early 2000 online culture is the #1 reason I am so anal about my grammar online. One of the biggest ways to get shit on online was to be shit at typing and spelling lol. Pretty sure it was the antithesis to 1337 speak of the 90s once normies ruined that too. But yeah that's crazy you bring that up, I hadn't ever even thought of why I'm like this, even in texting friends/family.
>no generals
Ruined by the cucks from /SekritTorrentKlubGeneral/
(Seriously, we need /tg/ or something to contain that autism, mods here embrace it tho)
>no frogposters
god I miss those days
That's because pepe was tolerable back then, it didn't get really cancerous till around 2014-2015ish with all that rare pepe faggotry
This. The ban on desktop threads was retarded.
I'm not even sure if it was an actual ban or just the new janitor deleting threads he doesn't like.
If there's a dedicated board for wallpapers, why shouldn't the desktop thread be on that board? Same reason why the private tracker general should be moved to /t/
>No generals
>Guy asking about hookah
Good times.
>bitcoiner thread
>"I'm a bit late to the party but"
Wonder how he made out
>I'm a newfag, only started using Sup Forums in 2012.
Uh. Nigger, I don't know how to literally break it to you but... you stop being a newfag after around 1 year of being around a board/Sup Forums. I can't even... you're so hopeless you'd still be a newfag in 2035.
>Uh. Nigger, I don't know how to literally break it to you but... you stop being a newfag after around 1 year of being around a board/Sup Forums. I can't even... you're so hopeless you'd still be a newfag in 2035.
Typical nu-Sup Forums, doesn't understand what newfag means:
Because this is a technology board. People post wallpapers in /w/ (not necessarily desktop wallpapers), they do image editing, cropping, put renders in backgrounds, this kind of stuff.
They don't discuss linux, window managers, desktop environments, hackintosh, font rendering or anything more technical there. Sup Forums's desktop threads never were wallpaper sharing threads, there is no reason for them to be on /w/.
And the last, there is the cultural aspect. It was used to be on Sup Forums, and Sup Forums users posted in it, not /w/ users. The janitor essentially killed the most active thread of this board.
I remember judging Sup Forums because they were tech illiterate consumerists. Look at Sup Forums now. I feel bad.
Sup Forums should filter out any IP that has been on a Discord server.
>this is what summerfags actually believe
>i can't even
>1 year
6/10 made me mad
Because it's mostly about technology. You could go months without seeing a single wallpaper on the desktop threads.
I came to Sup Forums in 2006 and consider myself a newfag still
Bunch of fags kept making 3-4 threads every time the old one died and mods took out the entire general rather than banning the faggots
well you did fall for the pass jew
At least I'm not a literal indentured servant to Google, user.
I'm more or less in the same boat as you. This place used to be a lot more fun and interesting a few years ago. I'm not sure what to blame besides an influx of normalfags/redditors. A significant amount of posters around here aren't remotely tech literate.
I wrote on a forum somewhere that $10 was too high and that I might buy when it goes back to $1.
the headphone threads back then weren't much different in quality than the ones now, there's two of them there. There is the "no time for love" era desktop threads and the browser war proto general. Atleast none of them are on the front page.
All because a few assholes ruined it for everyone
I joined Sup Forums because of the horo threads and stayed because I secretly hope they'd come back.
Yes. During his farewell, Q & A, Moot himself remarked on how quality has gone downhill since he started Sup Forums. He specifically said that posts have gotten shorter and that users were treating the site more like a chat room than a forum. If you ask me, this is entirely due to the influx of phoneposters. More than 50% of the messages on Sup Forums are made by a mobile device. Not only do phones make typing longer messages more difficult, but the average phone poster is likely to be of less intelligence than a desktop poster. Also, you can't make OC on a phone.
So, to sum it all up, niggertech ruins everything.
Take off the nostalgia goggles, it was always shit and always treated like a chatroom. Only now mobilefags and other cancer post trash because they want to be in the epic Sup Forums screencap
>I'm not sure what to blame besides an influx of normalfags/redditors.
The 2016 election killed this place, Sup Forums bought way too much attention to the site.
The REAL normalfag influx started with all those top 10 videos about Sup Forums that started coming out back in 2014
God is not real tho
Everyone on this board seems extremely angry. No one is able to disagree on something without throwing a stream of insults into their post
This site has mellowed out quite a bit compared to 10 years ago. Sup Forums used to be be serious fucking business at one point where you can get into a fight over a shopping list.
>when you stop telling people to adhere to individual board culture
Who told anyone to stop adhering?
I've said it before but I'll say it again the run up to Fermi's release was Sup Forums's apex, and the most consistent fun I've had on the internet ever.
/consumer electronics/ just is what it is now.
>ne's never posted on Sup
And now we have screenfetch threads, which are better since most users unclude their entire desktop.
this is how i remember Sup Forums
also, fuck desktop threads
The catalog was a mistake
>mfw I'm phoneposter-tier that's never been called out because I actually try to fit in.
Normies ruin everything.
Yeah, Sup Forums was one of the boards that lasted the longest and the quality wasn't that bad until about 2011. Rest of the site went to absolute shit circa 2007. Moot went full cuck, and then there was hiroshima nagasaki. Result: site became curated based on what will bring the most people over (for profit reason), such as by only allowing bait threads, marketers, etc. while killing all legitimate discussion.
I've been here since 2007. It all went to shit when Sup Forums went mainstream and we got ourselves shitton of corporate shills and guerrilla marketers.
thanks luggage lad
No, reddit-spacing is when the fag types out two line breaks. I've actually seen that done, and that's when you know you've had enough to read for one day.
I wish we could go back to those days. I struggle to read pajeet-glish.
kill yourself
For good fucking reasons you cancerous cuck. If there really was a god, he'd have struck you down long ago.
Fuck, it looks like was so fun back then.
I wish I wasn't a dumb newfag who came here after the shills and redditards invaded Sup Forums as a whole.
Holy shit, now I want to kill myself.
Pretty much all of 4 Chan has. What I'm curious about is the fact that Sup Forums posts are riddled with misspelling recently.
from 2012
Don't worry, techies have just turned into spineless script kiddies.
>Been here since like 2006
>See people like you recently
Better you than more redditards I'm so fuckin sick of their cringe ass autism.
They're socially awkward ONLINE.
It's been the same since 2006