/BST/ - Battlestation Thread

Listen up you bunch of highsockers
I will call you a faggot if you don't reply to other people's posts when posting yours.

First like, 2 other posters don't count. I don't care if you (you) me.


Other urls found in this thread:



Garbage, also these generals are fucking shit.



Are the weights for your kegel excercises? Also, whats it like being a manlet?

eggsdee le ebin maytrix bagground anonymus we are legin nevur forget ebin consoles dood.

Only cool things in room are the knife and PC case.
Get rid of background, get rid of gaymer mouse, and you might be promoted to not being a faggot.

don't use youtube arrows on Sup Forums

>he prefers giving a faggot a (you) instead of just placing an '@' to trigger autists such as yourself
It's like you're a retarded or something.

Not going to lie, I dislike your entire setup. Everything about it is fucking cancer.

Let's start from left to right.
Xbox -> console faggot
Call of Duty Ghosts -> faggot confirmed
Edgy letter opener -> small penis
Guy fawkes mask -> edgy retard who wants to act like he's significant to society
Monster can -> Stop it.
Monitor -> shit colors, gamma is too high. matrix background makes you look like a fucking queer
red thing -> not sure what the fuck that ugly piece of shit is. I'm guessing some kind of xbox. console fag once again confirmed
keyboard -> chiclet shit razer keyboard. switchblade interface is fucking garbage. you only bought that because how it looks
mouse -> are you fucking gay? what's with all of those angles?
mousepad -> is that cheap, shit LED lighting really necessary? Do you play on 8k dpi because that mousepad is small as fuck?
Computer case-> what the fuck is that ugly piece of shit? Does it have enough angles for your edgy, microscopic dick?

srs kidd0, please swipe everything off of that desk and start over

gamer fag

Nice puss. Everything else is disgusting.

That cat is damn cute





Why do you say that? His setup just screams bachelor, not mom & dad.


i want the poster of the error

you don't like my fap shirt or my piss cans?

why is your keyboard on bubble wrap lmao

nice posters, really like the error one.
very comfy
"user, what do you want for Xmas?"
"Moom, a thinkpad"
a few months later
"user, what do you want for your birthday?"
"Moom, another thinkpad"
I like that desk, look quite jugend.

I added led strips to the desk today.

Got a lot of replies in the old thread so I'll just carry stuff over from there

Case is Phanteks P400S with tempered glass panel. They're not stickers, they're custom printed plastic sheets I got from a local company that does advertisement prints. I did some measuring and photoshop work, and took the graphics to the place on an USB stick. Girl is Kirino Kousaka, from Oreimo.

I have a ton of different RGB light sources in my computer - Built-in light strip, 1-meter NZXT light strip connected to the motherboard, RGB LEDs on the motherboard and the Corsair logo on the water cooler. It's really fun being able to create combinations of colors! Right now it's pink and turquoise, looks like this: (You)

The font is CC Wild Words, a very common font for manga typesetting

T-Thanks, I love you too user

I'd love to chat more! I'm not too into technology, just have my brother and friends helping me but I guess I know a little? Someone threw my Twitter handle out earlier in this thread!

I HAD ALMOST FORGOTTEN ABOUT ELLEN BAKER even though I'm apparently ellen baker irl

be honest with me user, are you a homosex?

wheres your squat rack?
nice wall
what sbs did you cop?
does your lego castor have a non slip bottom?
cool lamps and wp
nice kb
lots of white space

How to spot a newfag

what's the puck shaped thing?

That joke didn't work.

Weighted squats are not really a necessary exercise. Bodyweight training, frog jumps, running, and regular squats are more than good enough for those muscle groups. Lower risk of injury as well. But my university has a gym anyway so I don't need it at home even if I did do them.

You made the cut


i wish. i hate paying for my own internet and cooking
>what sbs did you cop?
dunk high, lunar janoski mids, and the sb frees, all in flash pack. pic related
>You made the cut

plz be bait

Finally found the perfect wallpaper!
Honestly one of my favorites. I really don't understand the hate.
Cute cat, what's her name? Keep calling mine kitty cat.
Ten years ago, I would've thought this was the best thing ever. Now I find this rather childish. To each our own I guess.
My dream car. Brap/10
Love the wall, love the cd stack, hate the mismatched monitors.
Damn that lighting feels really comfy.
Dislike the mess, but at the same time it's charming.
Not a fan of that bright under desk light.
I really want to not hate it. But I do, primarily because it reminds me of this really annoying weeb guy at school.
Why is the monitor tilted sideways?

>in poverty

I'm jealous of you guys battlestations :(

cool pic from ~2 months ago
full actual setup pic

i moved the tower to that little table because i needed more space to have shit on the desk

New chair, new gtx1080, new headphones and stand.

I named her Lydia after this bitch because she is my housecarl. Sometimes I call her "Meowzers"

thanks I live in my little sisters basement

Does this make me a normie?

>Does this make me a normie?
It makes you a faggit

no, but having a baby sure did

this setup looks fuggin comfy and I would play the shit out of nitw on that monitor

give wallpaper pls



What the fuck is that bar for, do you turn and do a few pullups in between smugly posting about your standing desk?

Hello fellow case bro. I see we are now GPU Bros as well, literally the exact same evga ftw2.

Godspeed with your excellent tastes in both cars and computers.


not him but I found it

don't h8 mang I've got a set of dumbells right next to my diabetus cans

you consumed 660g of sugar with these cans

Fix your fucking wires.

I know where everything is on my desk, it's fine.

that's almost as much weed as I have smoked in my entire life

Thanks, yours is comfy as well.

I appreciate it, nice keyboard and mug.

Fuck you.

Yea man, it's very comfy! Thanks a bunch. I rarely ever use them though, I am mainly in the dark. I really like that whole purple theme you got going, and the cable management is wicked.

Do some cable management, and it would be perfect. I really like those wooden walls.

Been doing that for years.
If I haven't replied to you it's your fault for being a newfag.

Clean sheets every day, keyboard on the wall. Cedarwood oil spray keeps the bugs away. AC a foot away.

put mexican cola sign back as centerpiece again edition
cute cat
lots of potential with that skylight user
can't see shit
clean up after yourself
omega stands are shit, the knockoffs are even worse
also can't see shit


Also I don't think you understood what I said.

faggot as well see first post

I mean yes



>putting you computer on the floor
Shameful display.


Potato Farmer


for a dyke using a desk meant for children, you say potato farmer like its a bad thing

Brit senpai.
Why's your screen blurred?

Because I realized my spotify user name was gigantic and in the middle of the screen.

>pic unrelated


Hows the case user? is it a corsair 570x? im seriously considering getting one for a new build. Any trouble with GPU clearance and sata/ssd hubs?

Having custom cables would definitely help a lot. The ones that came with my psu were mostly way too goddamn long.

GPU fits fine, biggest issue is top clearance and possibly air cooler clearance.


wow you are fucking gay


Go Beavers


according to corsair, the h100i v2 fits up there?

fits up your mom's asshole

maybe a little lube and it does

update us when you get your first kidney stone


Nice pussy
Nice copypasta
Nice shit

trinitron crt

Anyone have any desk suggestions? (noting I'm Australian)
I want to get a second monitor, but my current desk is too small. I estimate about 160cm wide and 60cm deep would be about right for the space I have.
I'd also like it to be aesthetically pleasing if possible.

What monitor stand?

Where do your legs go?



looks like a dorm

>spaceship mouse


>twitchfag autism chair

consider looking into a pair of RP-150m's or RP-160m's

>rubber dome shit


it makes you gay

plastic shit

>t. crt > lcd

Why do you have so many headphones?

1 for each genre, lmao how n00b are you

Why would horror and sci-fi need different headphones?

depends on the movie

R8 my battle station and room anons.


really plain and boring/6


>all these indoor computers

what are you all scared of fresh air or something?

Is comfy.
I wish my mum was still about to buy me my thinkpads. Having to work for my old chunky old netbooks blows.
It's a fairly temporaty set up so I keep telling myself there is no need to keep it tidy!
Yeah, to be left open so the rain ruins all my shit.

>blurry as fuck picture
are you scared of standing still or something?

This looks physically comfy, like your bed, couch and chair look comfortable.
Could do with some aesthetics work. How does the place look with the lamp on?

other than that shittier mouse and the gaystation it's pretty sweet, I especially like your case.

these cables everywhere


I mean you're def a faggot, but that setup is pretty nice

>what are windows

Need a trip to ikea. Have picked out some things to get my bed-station up and running properly again.
Know what kind of lighting and decoration I want for the walls too. Need to diy a pair of frames with some light strips.

I'm not a highsock fag so I guess this doesn't apply to me, great!

beds are for sleeping, not using electronics
and light strips are tacky and 15-yearold tier

But I do sleep in the bed, user.

And lightstrips out in the open in full view are tacky.

do u not see the filco majetouch 2 w/ olivetti keycaps on me lap m8? obviously NOT standing

picture was blurry cos i dont take more than 1 photo of something (waste of time)