The iPhone 9 won't even have a charging port...

The iPhone 9 won't even have a charging port. It'll utilize wireless inductive charging exclusively and ditch the charging port just as they ditched the headphone port with the iPhone 7. Is Apple going to be the first major tech company to completely get rid of cords in their products?

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Dongles galore

please don't use that word

i can't wait to bomb some dodongos

i honestly wouldve respected apple if they just released the 8 or 7s and didnt come in late with the bezelless design and wireless charging etc

Apple doesn't have that much imagination. They blindly follow anyone with any ideas because they have absolutely none of their own.

is 9 an unlucky number in burgerland?

9 just feels like a shitty version of 10. It's all semantics. Case in point; windows

No, but it sounds like "no" in German.

It's an unlucky number to old programmers.

If they made the entire thing with just two pieces of glass with curved edges fused together, then the lack of ports is fine. That would almost be innovative. But no excuse when some random dude is hacking a headphone jack into your device.

Nope. Burger here and I don't even know but I think it's 13. I know that 4 is an unlucky number in China which is why OnePlus chinks made the OP3T and then the OP5. I guess the X is supposed to feel like the older S models felt where the 3GS was speed, 4S was Siri, and 5S was scanner. Then with the 6S they didn't do jack shit except put in a rebranded A series CPU and more RAM. X is just a meaningless buzzword slapped onto the end of an existing product name because it makes it sound exciting and exclusive when it's really shit. Apple is going down the shitter.

Think about what you just posted.

How are there going to be dongles for a product with no ports?

Nexus 5
Wireless charging.
Wireless mouse.
Wireless keyboard.
Wireless screen casting.

So no. Also, wirelessly unusable. The amount of lag in a wireless display is not workable. You can't hit small targets with a mouse cursor. The wireless charging isn't fast enough to keep up with the power drain.

Applel can't break physics. Either they have lag with hi-res display, or they have display artifacts. Possibly both.

Your dream, I tried it a few years ago. Wasn't worth it.

Wireless dongles

You fucking dumbass. It's the 10 year anniversary of the iPhone.

you won't laugh when it is the first ultra waterproof phone

IP whateverthefucknumber rated for 10,000 metres below surface for 10 days and 500 atmospheres

Next, they'll ditch charging all together, and make the phones completely disposable. When it runs out of juice, you either have to charge it at an approved charging location or replace the phone....because charging voids the warranty?

the charging port serves more of a purpose than just charging, it also allows for syncing to computers and also performing emergency restores/updates in the event that the phone isn't functional, it's not feasible to drop it unless they can cook up some bullshit bluetooth sync technology which isn't likely to happen ever

the X signifies the tenth anniversary since the original iPhone's release you fucking retards

That's why I love Samsung

>make a loop for 10 iterations
>9 because you fucked up logic
And so it goes, and so it goes, that I'm the only one who knows.

Pretty innovative if you think about it. Less cords == better aesthetics

Don't be fucking retarded. A port on the phone is essential for diagnostics, testing and also ACCESSORIES. Its so cringe when people here think they know what Apple are going to do and just think up dumb shit.

>Is Apple going to be the first major tech company to complete get rid of cords in their products?

And even so, when Apple fails to innovate, Apple advocates instead shift the goalposts like you did to "first MAJOR tech company as though that somehow makes it more impressive.

i actually wish they had removed the port on the x and i'm not sure why
nah apple would appreciate the user not being able to fix the phone so they can jew harder with the genius bar

>A port on the phone is essential for diagnostics, testing

Your average Apple fanboy doesn't care about this.


Bluetooth. Seriously, don't put it past Apple to just completely wireless all for the sake of "improving" the design of their phones.

>Your average Apple fanboy doesn't care about this.

Who the fuck is the 'average' Apple fanboy you dumb cunt. You think Apple has a 'type' of customer? Its not 2008 anymore. Diagnostics matter during production too, that's when I was actually implying. Also if there's any future problems. These are nothing to do with 'fanboys' you clueless retard.


Only for audio. What, you're not aware of the vast plethora of Lightning accessories for virtually everything? Yeah, another clueless autist.


i'm not that dude but i want you to know i'm saving your posts for when apple inevitably removes the lightning port lmao

haha ok xD

Wireless charging is so dumb. Lift up your phone and it's no longer charging

how will this work if you want to use your phone while it's charging? doesn't wireless charging still need the phone to be on the plate? or is there some new shit where you can be anywhere within a range?

Put down your phone and it's instantly charging

They would do exactly what they did with the Apple Watch. Build an internal diagnostic port within the device.

iPhones have synced to computers via wifi for years.

They could do something like the smart connector from iPad Pros or the magnetic thingies from the Essential PH-1 to allow accessories. Or, they could just demand that all accessories be wireless as well.

How will they support CarPlay over lightning if they drop the lightning port?

Plug in your phone into a charger and it's instantly charging. Move the phone while plugged in and it's still charging

They'll just use bluetooth or some other wireless tech.

>have to choose between charging my phone and using it
nah, I'll stick to swapping batteries when it dies.

Bluetooth is too slow for what CarPlay does and none of the cars that have CarPlay support only over the lightning cable can be realistically expected to be updated to some new wireless tech to support new devices.

They'd have to make some sort of wireless to wired dongle that converts some proprietary wireless signal to lightning.

"Wireless charging" is another one of those terms that got hijacked by shysters to label something far inferior. Like "Hover boards" that don't fucking hover. There are people working on true wireless charging where you can set up places that automatically charge devices, but for some reason when you steal a name to apply it to something lesser, the real thing often slips away.

>They'd have to make some sort of wireless to wired dongle that converts proprietary wireless signals to lightning

Bingo. You're beginning to see the pattern in Apple's "innovation". Requiring you to purchase life support for your technology for ridiculous costs.

Ha! Like they care about shit you bought already. "Here's the new way! Oh, you have a car set up for the old way? Just get a new car because fuck you!"

I agree. If CarPlay won't work with bluetooth, they will just drop support of it entirely. Apple wants to get rid of the lightning port as soon as possible. It'll be removed from flagship devices by late 2020.

What does CarPlay do that Bluetooth isn't enough?

Apple definitely has a type, usually people who don't know anything about technology or people who know a lot but don't see the purpose of a powerful and USEFUL small device. They are found saying things like "It's a PHONE." and "That's why I have my linux computer hurr hurr".

Lightning ports can be changed into something like the magnetic surface ports or otherwise WiFi/Bluetooth or some proprietary wireless connection. ALSO, there would be a surface mount on the mainboard that would serve as a diagnostic port.

Just because you cannot imagine it doesn't mean it can't be done. Your mental failings do not change reality.

>people have been counting from starting from 1 for millennia
>nu-males start counting from 0 to make things harder for themselves

This is a dark future

It doesn't make things harder. It makes them easier if you're doing comp sci.

Imagine a world where computers cannot interpret a value of 0. Monkeys would fall from the sky, kittens would climb up from the sewers, lions and tigers would fuck the gazelles.

We'd have like no modern technology without the number 0.

Anyone else really want some hipster tech company to make a phone with no ports or buttons? I think it'd be pretty neat. Wireless charging, and maybe a couple magnetic ports like the essential ph-1 has, for people who want to charge and use their phone at the same time (or even just use an external battery)

iPhone X will have multimillennial battery life with no need for recharging ever thanks to diamonds --

7 ate 9.

>9th iPhone
>called iPhone 10

Apple wouldnt ditch the charging port. They ditched the jeadphone jack because they didnt get any money from it. They do get money for every lightning cable though...

I also doubt that they will add wireless charging soon, since they wont make money from that either. They might even have to pay to use the technology.

They added inductive charging with the 8/8+/X.

.... do you even bother checking to see if you know what the fuck you're talking about before posting on Sup Forums?

The only thing Apple optimizes for is its bottom line.
More accessories, with more devices, more often.

>nah apple would appreciate the user not being able to fix the phone so they can jew harder with the genius bar
not really, they would prefer to not deal with fixing your shit at all and either have you buy a new one or fuck off and read how-tos on their website, having retards with simple software issues that you can resolve with a restore wasting time at a physical location is the last fucking thing they want and they'll straight up tell you to fuck off in some cases
t. AppleCare shit consumption advisor
that's iCloud, not syncing, they're not the same at all

Nein it doesn't

so we're going back to docks then?

How the fuck are u gonna be able to use the phone while its charging?

Apple are fucking retarded if they do this

One USB C port is barely enough

Stealth request for Adria Richards memes?

They have a Smart Connector now.

Oh wow, 10 years already? Time flies when you aren't paying attention to fruity faggotry like it's a religious cult.

Open iTunes, select your iPhone, and press the sync button. It syncs over wifi. It's been a feature since iOS 5 in 2011.

jesus fuck I'm retarded, I was never even trained on this and never heard of anyone doing it

even if it sounds like moving the goalposts though, what I was really getting at was the restore aspect, that shit I do a ton and I don't see a reliable wireless solution for that being a possibility

>be me in middle school
>use winamp with ipod nano
>go to friends house who has lots of iProducts
>need to charge, plug into his Macbook
>without asking, autosyncs and deletes all music
that was the point where I decided to disregard all iProducts.

> wireless charging
>>> aluminium frame

you were probably a retard who clicked through the dialog boxes

>t. iToddler

Holy shit I called it!

boring as fuck
go back to plebbit


Nope, there were none. I literally just plugged it in, that is what floored me and made me avoid them. It isn't exactly unheard of either.

how long ago was it? they plaster the shit with warnings out the ass now though sometimes people find ways to fuck themselves in the ass

syncing bullshit is probably the worst fucking part of the iShit ecosystem but I never remember having devices just randomly start syncing with a foreign system without it being initated somehow

Probably close to ten years, I'm almost 25 and this was when I was back in middle school.

>holds number 10

I remember this happening to be too at one point, with iTunes on Windows.


That blue logo was used from 2006-2010 btw.

pretty sure has been around forever, so that's pretty weird, sometimes shit can happen I guess, or something else happened that you may not have been aware of

sometimes I get cases where people just hook the shit up and click through everything without reading it and then are really surprised when their phone is restored/erased/loaded up with some friend's ancient shit backup and now activation locked to their Apple ID they totally forgot about

induction charging would not be the standard for a device by apple
it would be discriminatory to people with medical implants, as many of those people cannot be within 5 feet of induction chargers (or more in the case of induction stoves, or yet more in the case of induction factory equipment) due to almost all of the implants using magnetic fields to temporarily disable the device in case of problems

Actual wireless charging is horribly impractical.
Air is a great resistor.

>The iPhone 9 won't even have a charging port.
It will have one. If it doesn't Apple won't be able to sell extra accessories for fast charging.

The Iphone Starforce 2:Zerker vs saurian will be quite nice, with its integrated basic interpreter right in the ROM.

>Wireless charging doesn't require any cords now

Amazing, these magic pucks that just produce infinite energy.

Wireless hub with ports for dongles

>iphone SE
>seventh iphone
>called SE

The phone drives the display, the car is basically a dumb second screen during CarPlay.

is amazing how Sup Forums stopped relying on Sup Forums for shocktroops and got unlimited free labor from plebbit, although at a high price

RIP power banks, fuck you Apple cuck.