Why is Sup Forums so faggy about OSes?

Why is Sup Forums so faggy about OSes?

Quite literally all of the discussions about Wangblows, Lincucks, MuckOS, and co. are just

>So pretty
>So comfy
>My minimal install uses 200 MB of ram less than yours

It's even worse when you realize all the shitlposting about lincucks distros essentially amounts to arguing about who's a better person, hitler in a bikini or hitler in summer dress. It's the same fucking person. It's the same fucking OS. Distro shitposting is literally just arguing about which collection of bloatware you'd prefer to take up the ass.

When is the last time you saw a shitpost like

>Still using kernel 3.19
>kernlets btfo

Whenever someone discusses OSes, builds, or anything it's always sounds like

>This looks yucky, ewww.
>O-M-G that looks so good, Becky.

You're all pic related.

btw kumiko is rly cute

hibikek was shit.

Sup Forums doesn't know anything about technology. Revolutionary discovery, Hibikefag.

pls keep ur posts tech related or i'll be forced to ban u

dumb ban evader

i was only warned, and this thread is legitimately technology related. pls do not throw around false accusations.

if you have nothing technology related to add please do not post. This is a TECHONOLOGY board for TECHONOLOGY posts

>when someone shills for 'Xubuntu' or any other Ubuntu flavor even though they're all the same shit just with different DEs

It's more meta than technology.

If this thread isn't techonology by your standards, 99% of the threads on Sup Forums aren't technology.

Sup Forums is a conspiracy theory ludditism board, if you want to talk about tech then you need to go back.

p sure its actually a consumerist newsletter

its actually noy

>Distro shitposting is literally just arguing about which collection of bloatware you'd prefer to take up the ass.
so that's why you should just install gentoo

lol owned

Hey, I'm not going to disagree with you there.

They're far from the same, but a weeaboo like you wouldn't know that.

u mean linux distros???? they pretty much are the same tho
also it's the year 2017 and ur using weaboo as an insult??? what are you 40?


this is what happens when the containment thread is benned and nipmoot doesn't followup ban all spammers

There is literally nothing wrong with being a pedophile.

No, I meant saying win/linux/osx/bsd are not all the same.
47 actually.

just letting u know i never said all oses were the same, or even all linux distros were the same please read more carefully next time

OP claimed they were the same OS, which they are defenitely not.

can u pls quote exactly in the op i said they were the same os?

hahaha i wish i could see the look on ur face right now

My OS is more turing complete than yours.

what did you expect?

I've tried to start a thread about the merits of the exokernel and what could be done to improve it. Guess how many replies I got. Less than 10. and one of the replies was a shitpost.

Sup Forumstards don't know anything about operating systems. When they complain about an operating system they're really complaining about the applications running on top of the OS.

Do you really think Sup Forums even knows what user space is? No they have no fucking clue.

I wish that there were more legit software engineers on Sup Forums. Maybe then I could get my exokernel thread. But it won't happen in the foreseeable future.

honestly the people who come to g looking for serious discussion are the people who have no f*cking clue, they're better off browsing reddit i think
g is for anime and shitposting

>t's even worse when you realize all the shitlposting about lincucks distros essentially amounts to arguing about who's a better person, hitler in a bikini or hitler in summer dress. It's the same fucking person. It's the same fucking OS. Distro shitposting is literally just arguing about which collection of bloatware you'd prefer to take up the ass.

Linux distros and Unix have the same file systems but can vary quite a bit, it's like saying that all Winblowz versions are the same.

No I'm an oldfag. I know what Sup Forums is about. I really just shitpost and read the dot.

lmao nice goalpost shift loser

This the first time I will agree with anime fags. These reaction images are fresh and I enjoy their contribution to this thread that will lead nowhere.

Truth is, BBSes are dead. Real niggers use IRC and not cucknode/aRIZchickON. It sucks that I can't shitpost like I used to be able to in 2008 (this was 15 years ago).

Collection of eselect portage bloatware up the ass

Freedom. You wouldn't understand. Go play clash of minions or something on your ibad.

wow ok very insightful ty

>Thinks OS is the kernel
you have to be 18 to post here.

never said that

Also discussing OSes is kawai af

>shitty quality raws

What else did you expect from a bunch of animu shitposters and closeted homos?

>waaaahhhhhh horriblesubs waaaah reinforce waaaahhhh
grow up jeez

Go hang yourself, pedo.

There is literally nothing wrong with being a pedophile.

theres two freaking pages of this junk

>is a weeaboo
>thinks his opinion counts for Jack shit
Neck yourself weeb

>Why is Sup Forums so faggy about (insert literally any topic here)

people who watch anime have a higher average intelligence, better sense of colour, superior spacial awareness, higher twitch-fiber counts in major muscle groups, better emotional intelligence, and a higher left right brain sync ratio

i want hibike posters to go

Post the ice cream hair one.

>believes the weeaboo
Fuck off. This whole site is an indicator weeaboos do not have higher intelligence.

>This whole site is an indicator weeaboos do not have higher intelligence.
how so? i think any non-weeb who visits this site likely has a 2 digit iq

>weeaboos believe that any non-weeb who visits this site likely has a 2 digit iq
>weeaboos are apparently smart
Holy fuck dude... I think you might just be a brainlet.

Sup Forums was founded to discuss anime

well how dumb does a non-weeb have to be to visit an anime website? like did you get lost or something?

hey user i liked those threads

So... exactly what? Alot of things begin with something and ended up something else like dynamite and poison gas. Says alot about the dumb weeaboos here. I came for tech since Sup Forums has a tech board. I still think you weeaboos are cancer. What are you going to do? Cry more?

>newfriend that has lurked less than 2 years
>shitting on anime on anime website
>claims to have bigger than 1 digit IQ

Let me go check those quality sources™ pulled from your ass

reminder kumiko has a bf

Been here since 2006 and I have always shitted on weeaboos. Cry some more.

Kumiko is indeed cute.

desu all you need is: ubuntu 17.04, unity tweak tools, and a nice wallpaper.
Also visit fixubuntu, and you're set.

but Sup Forums still is wholly an anime website
stop lying it's bad for your soul
i've been here since 1993 so owned loser hahaahaaa

avatar spamming is not allowed

their reaction images which are alloud

>but Sup Forums still is wholly an anime website
>People actually believe this
sure it is weeaboo. That is not why you got your own containment board or anything right? Funny that this is the same guy that claimed weeaboos were more intelligent.

well i've been here since 1993 and uv only been here since 2006 so my opinion is better than urs

I have no idea what you mean by weeaboos having a higher emotional intelligence. Sorry I don't understand, does that mean that they are better at seeing and understanding others emotions like a pyschologist, or that they are more emotionaly stable then others? Most weeaboos I have met in person are extreamly emotional and seem very mentally unstable.

Holy fucking shit. I'm the original OP from that post.

Holy shit, I've cooked pasta!

The faggy anime shit isn't mine though. I had a tumblrina pic related.