Linux users, what do you think about systemd

i think its great

it's the last hope for linux on the desktop

It's taking on way too much functionality and suffers from way to much scope creep. Will you red hat shills pls leave.


Friendly remainder that Poettering tried to ""fix"" a systemd bug by circumventing it in the Linux kernel.

Fuck off Lennart.

sysd is doing for init what xorg did for display. Thx based lenny.

It's also doing them very well. And the best Linux minds are using it and are sure to keep it functional, so you don't have to worry

It's shit and so are you

I've never had binary logs break, but they will eventually. Systemd-resolved and most networking related services are cancer somehow. Everything else is adequate.

it tries to replace too many things

This. It would be just fine if it stuck to init and services.

ITT: babbies cry about software they dont have to use.
like just purge it nigga ahahaha wtf isnt a gnu linux system modular??? ahaha

It's open source and Linus Torvalds approves of it, so I'm gonna defer to his expertise and say I approve of it too. The old init system was a clusterfuck

I dont use it because my os doesnt run it by default and its the only os ive used since rh went commercial back in 03.
I dont see what the fuss is though.

What OS are you running?


Cool. I use gentoo. I also prefer to avoid commercial distros.

Why is this browser low tier?

>he uses systemd
>he doesn't use gentoo with based openrc

>binary logs
Where can I find these?
Do you have an example of a log that is unreadable?

I refuse to use systemd or pulseaudio before they're goddamn clusterfucks and I don't want to spend months learning them.

OpenRC and ALSA are much, much, much easier and fulfill all my needs.

I don't care either way really