Is MEGA Sup Forums approved?

is MEGA Sup Forums approved?

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I dunno but I wish more forums that post filehost links for videos would decide which hosts to use so if you pay for premium speed you dont have to pick many...

Also sadly I only see porn use filehosts, never see music or nonporn video forums that post using filehosts, only torrent trackers.


Torrenting is much healthier

>lol download our mobile app if you want to download anything
>but only 5gbs!
No. They're shit.

If it isn't, I don't really care. It works for me.

>People actually pay premium

it's ok. i see a bunch of re packers use it on their website. coming soooooooooooooooon

>Asking that question to a free as in freedom board


>Click request desktop site
>Download it no problem
Epitome of a retarded phone poster.

Yes I download on average with 80 mbs from them, when I reach limit I click reconnect on my dial-up, continue to download forever, anything I want.

its a seeeecreeeet~

Probably referring to the filehost thing where you have to pay money to unlock files.
>The idea behind Bitcache is to turn any file uploaded to the platform into its own "shop".
>Creators can upload any type of content to the service - such as a video, a song, images or computer code - and then choose how much money they want to charge.
>That can be anything from $1 (£0.77) up. Bitcache will help to distribute the file across file storage websites, torrent sites and community file-sharing sites.
>The service, which will eventually include a web browser extension and a mobile app, would also let media organisations, YouTube vloggers and bloggers accept micro-payments from viewers.

i don't think it's going to take off .

It's going to be the new norm.

Also i apologise for the spelling when i try to write fast my fingers slip thank you

kim dotcom is doing it. remember his last few projects?

Yea, probably not unless media companies end up getting behind it for some reason.
It would be ultimately pointless anyways if they try to paywall content
>one person downloads the protected file and pays to unlock it
>unpacks it
>repacks it in an unprotected archive
>uploads to to another file host or torrent

Just need a nudge in the right direction guys just a lil nudge towards whatever other wordly power holds my acces to greatness

Apparently it's encyptred so they think that's not going to happen.


50GB free cloud storage and secure file sharing is pretty hard to argue with.

this is just a glorified "Complete this survey"-website.

and yeah, he's just trying to get a bit of marketshare from Mega's popularity. Many filesharing applications tried the same thing. The most prominent example would be iTunes.

Neither of those stopped piracy. Neither of those were truly revolutionary. They're just a way to try a bit of upselling.

You do know that in China it's standard, completely standard, to get 2TB for free?

can you sign up for that from outside of china?

nope :)