Other urls found in this thread:
>doesn't realize most applications uses 1-2 cores due to backwards compatibility
>iPhone 7+ continues to dominate the latest Samshit in gaming
Samshit literally poo.
imagine unironically caring about phone games
Is that the same thing that claims an iPad is more powerful than a modern laptop?
>iPhone beats every other device in Benchmarks
>yfw you realize that the closed infrastructure of your OS limits you to actually make use of said performance
Are you even 18 years old?
Lol what a fucking loser
I bet you are actually this stupid.
"haha hey applefags welcome to 2015 lol how does it feel to have 2 years old specs?"
>iPhones soc btfos every arm CPU in existence
"who needs that kind of power on a phone lmao"
androidcucks ladies and gents, the same people that think a 1440p is the bare minimum for a 5.5+ screen size
iphone 7 was killing literally everything
when the reality came kicking in turned out it was actually slower
its not like apple is driving geekbench through its isa developed for ios for only ONE single device eh?
>iPhones soc btfos every arm CPU in existence
At a synthetic benchmark that has attained meme status over the years for never reflecting reality. Good job.
>meme benchemarks
In performance everywhere because the competing ARM CPUs have to use half their resources to make Android run because it's such a terribly made pile of garbage
You forgot
>TFW you own an iPhone because mobile devices shouldn't be PCs
>TFW PC for at-home gaming, Nintendo Switch for on-the-go gaming, iPhone for phone shit
What's this people caring about performance on smartphones anyway?
iOS doesn't let you do anything fun anyways why bother with performance
>use half their resources to make Android run because it's such a terribly made pile of garbage
Perhaps because it can actually do something other than consume content.
You can sell the fastest chip in the world, but if it can only run a shitty locked down OS that doesn't let me do anything you haven't designed into it, and refuses to communicate with anything outside your walled garden, I won't want to buy one.
Not that guy but this "benchmark" puts iPads up there with workstations. This is so hilariously and obviously skewed that it's amazing that anyone actually swallows this tripe.
qualcomm a shit
that's what they get for not updating their drivers so that the rest of the world can get Android 7 Nougat
I'm surprised phones haven't hit the point where more performance is irrelevant. Mobile games a shit
>Mobile games a shit
Mobile emulators not a shit though. Add a bluetooth controller that holds a phone and you can have a handheld PSX with an enormous library of good games. With a more powerful SOC you could have a PS2.
I just use a ThinkPad for any games, or my PC at home. Too busy with college stuff when I'm on the move amyway
>It doesn't count because I say so!
He's talking about the videos where people open a dozen apps side by side.
See Geekbench is infamously shit and regularly gives iOS such good scores that it's pretty blatant at this point. To deny it is straight up trolling.
Oh, another iPhone/Android thread. How interesting...
Get cancer, you dribbling cunt.
the £900 phone is more powerful than the £600 one.
Fucking what is this.
not an argument
Its pretty nice to play emulated games during my commute to my classes.
Let me translate for you applel moron: The source is not credible.
Double the price for less than double the performance, is this supposed to be impressive?
for most people even sd430 is enough for communication, casual games and quick snap, they won't care about benchmark
>all that power
>wasted with a shit screen
Why do we even need more CPU power in phones?
He's right though. An argument implies that op has a defendable position. He doesn't. Therefore, they are in fact, not arguments. They are disarming statements.
I hope I didn't lose op with my use of reason and logic.
Does anyone actually use benchmarks anymore?
WRONG dumb androidposter, iPhone 8 (4.7) has A11 and costs $700. iPhone 8 Plus (5.5) $800
>>doesn't realize most applications uses 1-2 cores due to backwards compatibility
This is actually a lie. A completely baseless accusation.
who would pay a thousand dollars for a phone?
how do they even get away with selling them for that much?
Please tell me nobody actually uses Geekbench for anything more than shitposting. I don't know why they still exist.
Someday phones may even be powerful enough to perform basic calculations on their own instead of doing everything in the cloud. Think of the possibilities.
Leases. Yes, people are that desperate to buy the latest fruit phone to pretend to be rich.
A $1000 phone is more powerful than a $600 phone...
Well shit, what a surprise!
You know apple joined the moarcores meme though and the A11 in the iPhone X is a 6-core; 4 low power(830 level ) cores and two high performance cores
Phones can already do this with calculating optimal driving and walking routes with open street maps
>iPhone because mobile devices shouldn't be PCs
I still own a flip phone for this reason, now fuck off with your iPhone PC.
>iPhone for phone shit
You mean for calling people? People don't buy the iPhone because it's progressively getting better at calling people, but because it's a mobile console platform.
I can edit word documents, excel files, and powerpoint presentations for work. I can get work done and fuck off all on one device.
I don't care about secure shelling into my electronic toilet to inspect my feces, nor do I care about using my phone to measure the penises of strangers when I walk down the street.
Anybody that trusts those gimped-in-favor-of-iOS benchmarks is delusional.
Besides, how good can the A11 actually be if one single core alone can produce a score that's nearly half of what all 6 cores can produce? Either the phone hardware is shit in terms of multithreading or the benchmark is gimped as I just stated, and I'm suspecting it's a little of both.
Losing potentially upwards of 150% performance (if one single core is ~4200 then six core multithreaded should be roughly at least ~22-24K by definition) and it's only showing ~10K then it's losing a fuckton of performance someplace.
>using benchmarks in 2017
and...? My phone is 3 years old and I still downclock it to save battery without having a lag, more power drain so I can play more shitty mobile games on a device that doesn't even have most basic functions a root provides is simply not worth it
The note 8 is over 900 dollars
Yes, it is, and it does a whole lot more for the money than the iPhone X does so, it's what's known as "good deal" considering. It's still priced kinda high, sure, but it offers a lot more capability overall than any iPhone ever made including the X so, it's worth the money in the long run if that's the type of phone you actually can make use of.
Xpedia xz premium is faster than samshit. Why is that and U11 missing?
I have a landline phone. Screw the mobiles.
Poozen BTFO
yes it is an argument
>ITT: How fast can the Apple shill crank out bullshit posts that contain rebuttals a 5 year old might make.
Come back when you're prepared to fight for real, you fruit jew.
There's basically no difference in functionality (aside from the pen), and an ios device will hold more value and receive better software support over the years