Don't let Android fanboys see this image

Don't let Android fanboys see this image.

i honestly don't care about any of these and i'm planning on getting the iphone x

By that logic iPhone X has four bezels. Notice how thin the non-bezel parts are on the Mi Mix 2 and the Samsung. Look how big they are on the iPhone (plus the speaker, microphone, camera at the top).

I see four bezels + notch on the iPhone.

This. Xiaomi won.

I don't care I only want a portable internet machine with a apple drawing on it?
I'm a girl (male) xD~

Why is having no bezels or the flattest phone such a big deal?

there's nothing to innovate on so it's all about stuff that actually doesn't matter

>the no bezel meme
how about instead, i buy a phone with bezels for a price that wouldn't make a masochist die of sexual exhaustion? pic related is all metal, 1080p, with a 3000mah battery, a fingerprint sensor and a moderately fast processor (snapdragon 630 for the decent models) for a third of the price of your memephone and half the price of an S8
what's with phoneposters and bezels, anyways? unless you're planning to do eyefinity with your texting/calling machine, there's no fucking point! doesn't even look good imo


4 bezels, disgusting

id rather had bezels than a huge notch cut out of my screen.

name one (1) person who A) is worth being around and B) judges you by your smartphone
you might have to use google, since your point of reference appears to be your fellow 7th graders.

The Xiaomeme Mi Mix looks best to be honest. Too bad the Mix 2 is a downgrade in every regard.

Sir, i believe what you have here in the iphone is a half bezel.

nerds without a life complained about it so the big companies listened. Enjoy having reduced functionality and using your device with 2 hands all the time for one useless extra inch of screen state

the iPhone X design language follow the Apple Watch, in case you didn't notice

I was wondering for a moment why it looked familiar

don't let applefags see this

This nobezel meme is dumb.

Unironically this
Unless your phone is 5+ years old nobody will even mention it


>things phonecucks care about

I'm not even an iTard and think this looks nice. It looks more consistent. Stop being retarded, they made a good design choice.


what kind of people care about this?

sonyshill here
even i cant defend the current direction of xperia
i dont need them to be small or anything, but why did they get BIGGER?

lol you are an iTard if you think putting bars on everything is better than having a bezel

To look more masculine and intimidating.
Look at it, it looks like a sharpening stone.


I've had iPhones the entire time I've owned smartphones (went from 4 to 5s to SE), and I love my SE. But that looks fucking stupid and I'm not paying NINE HUNDRED AND NINETY NINE UNITED STATES DOLLARS for that garbage. Androidfags, what phone line do you recommend when my SE bites the dust?

the SE 2 next year.

0.6 of a bezel


Sony, OnePlus, Xiaomi. All have decent phones.

By definition the entire black fucking ring around the display is a single continuous bezel. 0/10 for effort.

the one line of phones apple hasn't botched to shit yet; here's hoping they keep the good ol' headphone jack (they won't)


Why the fuck did Apple increase the resolution on the iphone X? Who the fuck needs even more ppi? Wont it just drain the fucking battery more?

Seeing as they'll probably use the 7 line as the refresh basis, probs.

>it's real

>3000mah battery
>mah battery
a battery is important, man

F to pay respects, pic unrelated (but also pretty rad)

Good goy

i'm not sure what you're saying, though i do agree battery's important


and yet the note 8 still has better screen ratio than the iphone x

>good video
>good video
>video with notch


having a bezel is better than having a weird cutout in your image

Because I don't follow new smartphones releases, what is the one in middle?

compare it to the s8, that's it's real competitor

which is even more pathetic when you realize how much cheaper the s8 is in comparison

Because people almost ran out of things to compare and complain about.

Well, to be precise...

xiaomeme meme mix 5 or whatever, no bezel gimmick on a phone way bigger than a non-yeti can use

How did things go this wrong? The Z5 is one of my favorite phones ever.

Anyone else like having bezels? I have very big hands and even huge bezels + case on a 5.5" doesn't leave me with much screen left

How can they ever recover?

It doesn't matter too much on the side, but top and bottom are useful for when holding your phone landscape.

besides, i wouldn't call the iphone bezel-less with that huge outline. it has 4 tinier bezels and a notch pretty much.

I can't stand the curved meme. I just start holding the device weird.
iPhone (not the X) are peak form.

>6.4" display
I cannot understand how the fuck people even use those things.

hard to say, xperia is finally profittable as of 2016 but it's likely due to downscaling and targeting a smaller niche market, they dont push for innovation because wowing general consumers hasn't paid off
im still using z5 premium and z3 as well, at the current rate my next phone is probably a galaxy

Why must manufacturers resort to extremes? Why does it always either have to be (a) bezels so big they're hilarious or (b) absolutely no bezels at all costs?
Why can't we just have bezels that are reasonably small but not so tiny you lose features?

check mate!

>Applefags are happy with bezels in 2017

Hey Applefags, since you like bezels so much, why don't you like to buy my Dynex TV from 2010? The bezels are thick all around the screen just as you like it! :>

>dat resolution
Apple is shit

The Z5 is just everything I want in a no-bullshit premium smartphone. It's well made, it's nice in the hand and it's not bloated with bullshit non-features that get in the way of its basic operation as a smartphone.

it's a real shame we probably wont see a phone like this for a while from sony
something up-to-date but without gimmicks and bullshit

The companies care about nerds only as much as they need to to get good reviews on CNET.

What they care about is what phone sells best at the carrier store in the mall or at BestBuy. Soccer moms on contract are the blood of this industry not anyone who cares about tech dont fool yourself

My ideal gf tbqh senpai

This. That outline is one huge bezel. Or 4.


>iphone x STB= ~82.9%
>mi mix STB = ~83.6%
>note 8 STB = ~83.2%

4 bezels and they're still only 1% different LMAOOOO lagdroids on suicide alert

A bezel is a bezel, you can't say it is only half!

That really triggers my autism.


What noone seems to notice... Apple completely copied the S8
There is not one bit of innovation in this phone

only an itard defends white bars on an oled screen

You mean that ring around the entire iphone x isn't a bezel?

It's actually determined based on

>2 bezels
>1 bezel
>4.75 bezels

/Thread I wished the xiaomi mi 6 had a headphone jack, would have been perfect.

>cop stops you on the street for "reasonable suspicion"
>orders you to give him your phone
>holds it up to your face and it unlocks
>goes through all your private info

good job apple!

You're already legally obligated to give your fingerprint to unlock it since it's a key on your person instead of in your mind. At least bitch about the dozen actually shitty things about the phone.

Finally someone else agrees.

I like top and bottom bezels

>cop stops you on the street for "reasonable suspicion"
>orders you to give him your phone
>brings your finger to the phone and it unlocks
>goes through all your private info

How is it that no one is pointing this out? There are HUGE bezels left on the iphone yet everyone and their dentist are lapping this shit up.

I don't even mind bezels that much but it's infuriating how Apple doesn't have to bend the truth anymore, they can just flat out lie while pointing at the exact opposite of what they've said and people just go with it. It's really weird.

>using biometric unlocking mechanisms

you're not this dumb, are you?

iFags deserve ridicule under normal circumstances. Anyone who buys an iPhone X deserves a band of followers to endlessly laugh at them for their stupidity.

Because the screen to bezel ratio is still really fucking good.




>pic related is all metal
It's not tho

meant for

fuck off, I'll probably buy from some retarded poorfag though then giving money directly to applel


shit mb, but the metal back does look good

K my phone can run cuda simulations. it cant really but the cpu is almost as good as other phones so that's almost the same thing right

Can we bring the concept of truth back in 2018? This kafkaesque shit is getting seriously fucking annoying.

>4^2 bezels
>0.3% away from one with only 2 bezels

Can someone explain why bezels are bad?