Windows literally dead

>be me
>trying to install Windows 10 on a used computer I'm selling for a friend
>boot up the installer on USB
>greeted by the monstrosity that is the Windows installer partitioning tools
>it's okay this time cause I'm not dual booting etc. but it still makes me mad
>later, Windows has installed
>five pages of opt-out botnet services
>finally on the desktop
>download regular programs to substitute the horrible Metro/new-Windows GUI apps like Photos and Groove
>suddenly everything is sluggish like I'd be running it on a 200MHz mainframe from the seventies
>check it out on resource management
>System service is using 100% of hard drive i/o
>what the fuck
>can't do anything to it because nothing responds
>can't even get to the desktop
>it breaks the boot partition and I can't get to the windows installation let alone use it
At this point a started everything over thinking there might be some odd luck virus that attacks it right away when it connects to the internet. I know, neurotic, but I was baffled and confused.
>go thru that shit all over again
>this time be very careful not to connect to internet
>when I finally do and start installing VLC etc.:
The same fucking thing
But this is not all kids.

Other urls found in this thread:

install linux with i3

Install Trisquel GNU/Linux and share the freedom!

Install W7 SP1 and only download the critical updates. That's about as good as an experience you're gonna get from windows.

>be me
>install Windows 10
>use it
Wow, that was hard. You retardos must be stupido.

does it have a disk drive?

put your meat in it.

So I restart the process again but I can't get the Windows 10 install media to boot.
And I shit you not
Rebooting in the middle of the broken boot-loop
Had caused the boot partition to succumb into an abyss
And I couldn't boot
>the system
>OR the install media
>OR a Windows 7 install DVD
because they all stopped responding trying to access the disk
>frustrated, start downloading Arch live iso to fdisk into that piece of shit and generate a new partition table from scratch because no Windows install media let's me partition disks, let alone I can't open any installers cause they won't boot

But this, even this
isn't all.

no one is going to buy his shitty computer with this shitty operating systems

You're not selling it to the right people then

Install WIN 7 SP1 Ultimate ED then you fucking faggot. Maybe rice it a little to look like winblows 10.

Install gentoo

literally no one cares. this is not your blog.

ok I'll install something on this guys computer sure

fucking moron

Microsoft set a low standard for software quality. The media and IT community didn't call them on it and basically gave them a free pass, for unknown reasons.

So now I'm reformatting the drive on external tools because MS doesn't give you the tools to.
Meanwhile I'm idling on google looking up what could ever cause the crashing in the first place.
And I run into this.

>literally on genuine microsoft site helpdesk
You can't install Skype and Chrome at the same time on a handful of random Win10 computers because they instantly start using 100% disk i/o, resulting in a dead machine in my case (lower-end specs)
But because Skype is pre-installed on win10 as soon as it connects to the internet, it means you can't install chrome at all on fresh Windows 10 without either disabling an obscure setting on Skype or deleting it altogether.

>I don't have a face.

Makes me want to fuck up everything. Why is any of this allowed?

And morale of the story?
install gentoo or buy mac

>i'm retarded
>windows dead because i'm retarded
>need to share my blog with /g

>10 on a used computer I'm selling for a friend
Borked HDD. Bet?

The Xbox 360 was called the "Xbox 180" when they tried to make changes that were unpopular and had to reverse themselves after they were mocked by Sony and the media at E3. In videogames they have competition to keep them semi-honest.

get fucked in the ass
I have used windows for the majority of my life and just recently started jumping ship
And I just earlier this week installed win10 on my desktop with no problems
But the problem is microsoft doesn't ship any kind of diagnostic shell or powerful tools of administrating let alone installing an operating system.
Basically what said

I wish Apple was a more direct competition, but the truth is they can overlap and coexist no problem, especially now that the platform war is kind of done when everything happens on browsers and Mac and Windows both get capable software.
Fucking when will anyone monetize on a perfect user-friendly linux system with prorietary gui?

try windows 10 enterprise ltsb

>be me
>use windows 10
>everything works

>using windows
>complaining you cant install crome and skype at the same time

This is the state of Sup Forums

Same desu senpai
It's apparently a widespread bug but windows shills won't admit this.

The problem Im running into is pajeet only uses the new hotshit desktop graphics libraries that are in 8.1 and 10 when it comes to shit like vr desktop, so Im seeing stuff that actually wont work on windows 7.