Alright /g let's get this straight

Alright /g let's get this straight.

If i code in GO I'm a retard.
If i code in Rust i'm a SJW
If i code in C/C++ i'm a balding neckbeard living in my mom's basement.

What is my best choice?

C,C++ and Java
It's the least insane option.

I haven't tried rust out of those 3, I can tell you I like Go. You should use the language you like, regardless of what it is, as long as it doesn't hinder your abilities to get the task done.





C# or Python

You're best choice is to stop giving a fuck about what other people have to say about anything.

Learn as much as you can.
Then, use the right tool that let's you get shit done as fast as possible.

Honestly C++ looks like the least dead language among the ones you mentioned.

As for your question
if you don't care about performance
Maybe C#?

x86 ASM obviously

JVM languages are the white mans programming tools of choice

JVM languages are pajeet tools of choice you plebian.

.NET languages are the white mans choice of tools.

Go will replace Java as the mainstream systems programming language.

Go jobs already pay a fuck ton, and that'll only increase as you gain experience in a relatively new and unknown language.


>X will replace Java
literally every year new language becomes X, and it never happens

You couldn't be more wrong.

>.NET pajeet calling themselves white

C# aka. better java

My meme languages of choice
>system programming
D / Nim
>statistical/data science
F# / R
>general scripting
Python / Guile

Code in Brainfuck then you are a god

don't put C and C++ in the same category

Did you select the wrong graph by accident?

If you code in Ada you're an aerospace engineer. Do it user. You've always wanted to fly high.

Stable, fast and SJW free

Pajeets are no better than SJWs

Rust the language has nothing to do with SJWs. The fact that Mozilla use it to promote SJW shit doesn't mean you must become a SJW. If you weren't a retarded pol monkey you would not even need to ask this.

> t. Steve cucknik

t. Anarcho queer trans communist

>all these Sup Forumsyps who literally became Pajeets to "fight le sjews xdd"
this board has gone downhill

rust also sucks because its useless.

OOP I'm general does. not to mention Java is probably the worst practical choice and not your only other option

Did you just say that Rust is an OOP language?


Rust isn't an OOP language.
.t Rustfag

2 low IQ dickshits who voted for a turd
Holy shit, this. Except it's not the board, it's the entire site. There are virtually no actual programmers left here anymore, it's like people keep saying, they left for the good chans/sites (none of which I will name because I don't want pol-cancer there). Pol seriously did fuck up Sup Forums for good, not allowed to have good things. Possibly the last decent thread left is /fglt/ and also the discussion we have about TWMs and security. Everything else is retardedly (or should I say Americanly) hyperpoliticised for no fucking reason, even Sup Forums couldn't remain wholly free of the pol-cancer but it's already so shit that no one noticed.

this. Using the right tool for the job is more important than anything else.

If you don't like it here, fuck off. And take your shift language with you.

>good chans
You mean the ones with 5 posts per day?

>Dont interfere with my echo chamber!
Fuck off. You are the one who doesn't belong on g. You have no programming knowledge yet you dare to type with your low IQ fingers in a thread about programming.

Do you really think you're smart by using Rust? It's the Go of systems programming languages.

Those 5 posts are better than all the combined posts on g in 2017. Japmoot could have fixed this but he is more concerned about just making money off this piece of crap site.
Otherwise the sensible thing would be to delete pol and probably also int.


I don't think I actually claimed to use it, though the few times I've tried it out, I've had no problems, it's remarkably ergonomic and well thought out. I agree with the guy who says just use the best tool for the job. I'm not against Rust or any programming language for that matter. That's something for low IQ ameriturds to involve themselves in, enlightened beings do not factionalise over things like programming languages.

So you're shilling for a language you don't even know. Why the fuck are you in this thread in the first place?
You're truly are one of those pathetic SJW social outcasts. Are you going to call me a Nazi next?

>Japmoot could have fixed this
You can only fix it with more aggressive moderation. Every unmoderated or self-moderated place will inevitably turn to shit as more people join.

>Go of systems programming languages
Bad comparison. Rust doesn't try to actively prevent you from being clever. In the rare case where you might be hindered by the borrow checker you just turn it off.
Most of the other issues are purely ergonomic and that's the main focus for them now, in two years or so it will be a very good language.

Forgot to quote

I'm not shilling for Rust specifically you fucking dip. I'm saying use the best tool for the job and ignore fucktards like you who bring politics into something where it has no place. I'm also saying programming discussion is essentially leaving g and finding a home elsewhere thanks to fuckwits like you, who have 0 programming knowledge yet know that Rust is Sjwew. Turds like you do not belong here yet you have e somehow found like minded turds to hang out and have not had enough people like me coming to shut your moronic ass down that you have begun to feel welcomed. You are not welcome here and you never will be by the people that matter. When the people that matter leave and you're talking to the other morons like you who don't know anything except their tabloid politics then it's going to be a funny day.

I'm not going to read all your nonsense. I know who you are: you're the Rust shill of Sup Forums. I recognize your writing. You cannot handle criticism and can only come up with excuses.
Remember: communism is the root of all evil.

We're always something, OP.

t. pic related

lol, I've never shilled for Rust, I've barely mentioned it even once, except in passing before today. But yeah I must be who you think I am, using your foxnews-trained detection skills. Fucking shitcunt. I'm not and have never been communist btw. Comfortably centrist like most programmers. We're not stupid enough to get partisan over shit that doesn't affect us directly.

Go. Easy to work in, powerful tool chain, compiled language, with memory management flexibility. If only the OO was a bit better and had proper inheritance.

On a side note I use go for app development or anything that is performance critical. And Python for everything else.


Don't program at all and LARP like the rest of us.


I'm tempted by Crystal and Pony and R and these other lesser known languages but I am concerned by the lack of a major backer, which translates into lack of uptake which translates into lack of community which translates into lack of support. There's a reason Python is kicking the fuck out of everything else and Crystal or Nim or Elm are all obscure. And why Go suddenly took the world by storm.

At least this nigger is honest about being a polfugee. You need to go back though.

Sadly you are right. Im eagerly waiting for a Windows port of Crystal because without that its literally irrevelant as it can get.

There are some lesser known languages with a decent community though. Lua is pretty comfy with LOVE2D.

>communism is the root of all evil.
no, that's capitalism

Learn Objectionable-Sepples and make iThing apps.


best tool for the job.
Nothing less nothing more.
If python is the best tol, use it.
If javascrip is the best tool, use it.
If asm is the best tool, use it.
Fuck retards and cowards who are afraid to learn new things and stick to their jack of all trade languages.

.NET is for pajeets who forget their place.

Ruby is beautiful


>What is my best choice?

Whatever language that solves your problem in the shortest time for your specific problem.

Be it Go, Rust, Javascript, Java, C#, C, C++ etc et al.

The only people who spend time whining about 'the best language' are those in academia, and they don't matter one shit.