Let's talk about how much we hate these disgusting subhuman animals.
Indian """"people"""" hate thread
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Sup Forums is over there my friend
>murrican code monkey salty that he doesn't get a job
dont blame pajeet for your inability to get a job, blame the companies not hiring you.
Found the pajeets
>yfw I'm pure white
Some of my colleagues are Indian. While I do not hate them they are horribly annoying to work with.
So, how many women did you rape today on your way back from the designated shitting street?
One of these days, our governments will grow some sense and begin mass culling of these worthless animals, along with niggers and Mudslimes as well.
They unironically are the worst people on the planet.
I would literally rather watch my daughter be raped by niggers than have to deal with a pajeet for more than 5 minutes.
Programmers aren't inherently racist, polturd. We judge on merit. If pajeet writes good code as he sometimes does, then pajeet is okay. If not then he can fuck off. Like you should.
Your mother should have killed you and adopted a more capable son, as long as he was more physically and mentally capable it would have been the right thing to do.
Over 9000
I don't think Pajeets are killing off other programmers just yet, unless you mean through their stink.
>t. reddit
hi :^)
I know the stink thing is a meme but some of the Indian students on campus that are actually from India do kind of smell weird
You're realizing this now? Not even niggers rape women and shit in the streets as much as Pajeets do.
Who said it was a meme?
Well they don't all smell weird, probably not even most of them I would guess. Also I've noticed students from other countries tend to smell different anyway. It's just that there are more Indian students around than say Chinese and Korean ones in my school.
And it's alright to have capable intelligent White people to be replaced by low-IQ subhumans in their own countries, I suppose?
if by meme you mean for a fact every indian smells like a garbage fire then sure
If """"capable people"""" were dumb enough to easily be replaced by """low IQ subhumans""" who don't even know the language that well, then replace away.
I'd still trust a low iq american than a pajeet who studies 60hrs of java.
Glad I'm not the only one who ranks Indians below blacks.
Indians are the most petty and racist people you will ever meet. They are as disgusting on the outside as they are on the inside.
remainder indian bashers are indians and pakis
Programming isn't about trust, fucko. It's about aptitude and raw skill.
I honestly think Indians are trash also, but this kind of attitude doesn't belong in programming. We've always and proudly been a meritocracy. Not a dumbocracy or natsoc.
*ruin every XDA thread*
If programming is meritocracy why are there Indians
wow pajeets horrible odor even outsmarted the jews
thats some 4d chess stinkage right there
why would Sup Forums hate indians. they are the original aryan master race..
only Sup Forums hates indians, because they have superiour intelect and work for less.
Sup Forums is communist piece of shit who cant handle free market and competition.
Indians are the java monkeys of the 00s.
They literally have profession to anything, but they know shit.
They vomit code into files, and it's ok if it passes from the compiler.
They can't properly follow coding standards.... They have polluted the tutorial videos with their horribly awful english accent.
They are vegans...because it's a family tradition.
Chinks, otoh, are as bad as indians at coding, there are many of them that have no idea what they are doing, but just like india, they spit several million of CS and EE students every year...so even that the minuscule minority is able to do proper coding, it's enough to surpass the amount of coders usa and europe produces in 5 years.
Indian and chink papers? ... I hope you can stay away from those.
Because clearly they are capable enough to learn to program you dickhead. I don't think anyone actually thinks Indians are bad at maths or engineering. They have been at it for long enough. The Islamic caliphates of the scientific golden age took a lot of knowledge from Indians.
India super stinky by 2020 beyond human olfactory comprehension
Soon we no stink... U srinK
please don't post this sort of image
>I don't think anyone actually thinks Indians are bad at maths or engineering.
Keep telling yourself that pajeet
this post reeks of gsmarena comment section
aryans were white you incredible idiot. shitskin indians are not related.
hey pajeet, you know that room you have in your house with the candles and silly elephant gods and whatnot? i used to work in peoples houses and when we had indian clients (worst, even worse than jews) I would go into that room even though they told me not to and piss all over their false idols. literally pull my dick out and urinate like i am on the streets of new delhi.
hows that feel you mongrels
Sure thing. I work at Airbus UK, virtually like 70% of the engineers who do the actual engineering are Pajeets. You can't really take their achievements away from them, just because you don't like how they smell.
Look at it this way, you (may) smell good yet you're still too retarded to take on an Indian economically. what does that say about you? Basically that you're a worse fucking subhuman than Indians. Lol.
Find the pajeet
>Shitskin Indians not related
>Indians appeared out of nowhere
LOL. They are related to whites. They are the closest related out of anyone non European. Pol is going apeshit at the facts itt. Lul.
those are just avatars of god. god has infinite forms, so you can chose whichever form you like to worhsip him, because our mind is incapable of seeing God in his true form, which is nothingness (the primary subject)
also, what makes you think I'm a pajeet, sir?
aryans were warriors that took over the proto asiatic peoples. they created the caste system which separated the white people at the top from breeding with the lower shitskins.
buddha was a blue eyed blonde. you are a street shitting mud person.
they surely are. thats why I stopped hating them.
of course, you have many castes among them. so the darkskinned low class indians will be fucking annoying and retarded, thats for sure..
also, there are studies which can determine the caste of an indian based on genes (because they dont marry outside of castes)
and I went into that silly room and peed on your god
i know its hard to understand for a street shitter, but to a civilized person pissing or defecating is usually considered offensive.
>That one retard who always takes the thread LARPing too far
fuck we were supposed to be larping? i thought this thread was for degenerate racists
lol i legitimately laughed you must be one of the "good" pajeets
lel at all code monkeys complaining about Pajeet. You haven't see anything until you meet a Pajeet doing networking. That's where the real incompetence is at.
I am fine with crack dealing black people. Whatever. But dealing with pajeets has made me so fucking racist I can't even deny it any more. I used to be liberal as hell and now I am a complete genocidal maniac. Indians, middle easterners, they are all literally animals.
>and I went into that silly room and peed on your god
no problem sir, thats just an urine sacrifice for ganesh.
this year I made lots of money, must be that Ganesh prefers urine to leafs and food..
I'm going to piss on him myself from now on.
Wasn't it a pajeet who cost the NHS like £100 mil because he plugged the power in wrongly? I'm one of the ones who has been defending pajeets itt (I'm a paki ironically) but I want the outsourcing to be killed off thanks to errors like that. I think outsourcing is bad. But pajeets in programming is ok, as long as they have the talent. I still maintain that we are and will always remain a meritocracy.
Can you find the indefinite integral of the square root of tan x? Because I was forced to learn this when I was in the 12th grade (last year).
What's wrong with those certificates?
Outsourcing is the reason every parasitic corrupt shithole of a country can still survive, and every global "power" can stay that way, with it's inhabitants living cheaper and in more luxury than their ancestors ever have.
You think tech would be this cheap if the Koreans and Chinks didn't do most of the heavy lifting?
No really, can you? I took a look at the SAT paper and they were asking stuff like find compound interest and all.
Seriously man, what the actual fuck have we done to you?