Not using windows 10 in 2017

>not using windows 10 in 2017
heh, guess you guys hate /comfy/ ???

Why do you have a picture of my waifu as your wallpaper ?

Sauce pls

lol mugi is cuter


Fuck off, no rupees for you, Patel




os x is comfier

she's not pure like yui

I prefer usability

I want to eat all of Yui's shit.

I dont use Windows10 because Im not a cuck

Also, I would nakadashi Yui so hard.

yknow im pretty sure Yui is actually retarded. Her parents named her sister Ui so similarly because Yui was a fuckup and they wanted a better child.

Depends on what your definition of "comfy" is
>never have to worry about W10's bullshit on W7
>everything just werks
That's what I call comfy

Stay poor, wageslaves

>"Stay poor"
>W10 was free for like a year

>literal botnet that spies on your every move

Fuck you

>implying there is better waifu than Mio

eh its comfy enough I guess, does what I want without too much complaining.

>Not using KDE

>been using 10 since day 1
>never experienced a single one of the problems Sup Forums claims is so ubiquitous in windows 10
>never seen any ads
>never had candy crush installed randomly
>never been forced to restart
>never had any software compatibility issues (and i still use legacy 9x software)
>never had any slow update installations
>never experienced a single system crash
>never had any issues with UI malfunctioning

>implying not comfy
>implying you're not also being spied on 24/7 thanks to your CPU's hardware backdoor
using free software on top of nonfree hardware is a placebo

ltsb comfy

kill yourself weeb degenerate

Keep being in denial

anime website
>>>/reddit/ is that way

Kde is even more bloated than windows

this is technology not Sup Forums

go back there, please

you sound like the one in denial
>m-my encrypted arch l-l-loonix installation w-will save me from t-the g-government!!
>NSA just activates the CPU backdoor and downloads all your data and encryption keys from RAM



seek help

What distro is this?

I don't care about bloat. I just despise windows.

Fedora with KDE.

Are you talking about the slut that showed her pettanko ads to an entire auditorium of high schoolers? Really? Mio is a whore while mugi is pure

hannah montana linux

wow, it's fucking trash


Say what?

iqdb -> no relevant matches.
Fuck, sauce pls.

>being this retarded
By the way I don't use GNU, pajeet.

>implying using x86 processor

>not trying google


No wonder you like windows

There's a GitHub for that program?

I think we can all agree the best anime is beelzebub

Which program?


>Sup Forums

The python one for the lyrics


Not canon

Ahh. It's a simple script I wrote the other day. Simply reads Spotify metadata from dbus, gets the lyrics and parses the html. Needs to be manually refreshed with F5 when the song changes. If you're still curious it's github/Jazqa/scripts/, I'm on a mobile so don't have exact link.

Thanks, I think it's great

install GNU+Linux.

I paid win 10 pro OEM for like 20€ on the grey market. worst purchase ever I can use Win10 even without serial wish I could go back

>botnet central

can't you use spotify API to check for new songs played?


Thanks, I just got promoted.

spread the meme

>using a K-ON wallpaper
>in 2017

K-ON would have reached third grade elematary school by now if it would have been a human child.

Don't know. I need to check it out. It's quite literally my first Python program and I created it in an hour or two.

Thanks, kind user.

but I do!

also jews

Newfags should return to reddit, Sup Forums is based on anime culture and that's why it's on every board
Pic related


Do you even know who the CEO of Sup Forums is?

hello friends

post discord senpai

Even 7 home basic BTFO LTSB and other snake oil versions of 10.

>posting gook sluts

Nah, dude. K-on is shit. Even hentai wallpaper is better than that garbage.

The jews.

No, I don't like slow operating systems with intrusive "features" that cater to consumers and leave developers as an afterthought.

If you're going to lie, you should at least make it believable.

ugly and uncomfy

This doesn't look /comfy/ at all OP

She tripped, it wasn't intentional and she was traumatized.

Wallpaper? :3

Mugi? Literally who.

>still a pedo
How about the rope for you?

Why do you have a scantly-dressed 15 year old as your wallpaper? Are all Linux users pedophiles or what?

am i the only one who thought about the kpopfap discord?


it still is, it always will be

i literally just created a new usb of the latest creators update and installed it on a new computer

Also a meetup, so i can end your pain with my f91w.

Hi! Enjoy!

thanks! :3

WTF is wrong with you?!
What if you have any visitors in your apartment.... oh wait.... you don't have visitors anyway

What's wrong?

>generic anime wallpaper
just what i would expect of a nsaOS 10 user

>uninstall Microsoft botnet
>install Spotify botnet

he is windows user

is this the new desktop thread

mugi has many black boyfriends in the manga user


Yes it is really a /comfy/ and it werks

I don't need or want any of the consumerist "features" that you value. In fact, I consider them unnecessary bloat and a hindrance.

wallpaper's very comfy. too bad it has winshit running on top of it

how to 100% transparent taskbar?
