Why does Sup Forums hate Indians so much?

Why does Sup Forums hate Indians so much?

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Literally everyone hates Indians. Even Indians hate other Indians.

According to a Sup Forums mod called Troid, nobody hates them. Actually, according to that same mod, it's racism to make fun of Pajeets. Good luck OP, you will need it if he sees the thread.

Enough to light a match in India and see what happens

Terrible infrastructure
always trying to pass the buck off
broken as shit english
as soon as their script is broken they dunno how to think about it, even if an # is there
backstabbing mindset in the workplace
always feeling entitled
never want to fix the issue, just band-aid it
shit work ethic
"""college"""" is basic highschool compsci 1 at best
no shits about security

just a few of many


what do nippons think?

Because nobody likes Indians.
Nobody hates Indians more than India anyway.

Is this the /poo/ thread?

superpower b 2020

im not an idiot who tars everyone with the same brush, and doesnt judge an entire race based on the actions of a few, also i seriously doubt anyone in this thread has ever met an indian, and are just parroting stereotypes and hearsay

>poo in loo spotted

im a white american

I have met and am friends with some really fuckin funny and smart indians, but for the most part some of the common problems are:
>extremely competitive to the point of being a dick
>horrible communicators
>horrible project managers
>all about presentation not substance
>steal your work
>they have horrible parents
>they become horrible parents
>sexually frustrated
>socially obnoxious
>socially inept
>sometimes alcoholic from major life stress


Only a Pajeet would type that God damn horribly fuck off Poopjeet

>Curry niggers

Sup Forums doesn't hate indians, Sup Forums treats indians as they deserve.

Indians, as you may know, are a face-oriented caste-culture. Due to high expectations from parents, Indians cheat their way through school to land easy six-figure jobs in the programming industry, much to the dismay of the predominantly white educated males that have traditionally been the meat and bones of the industry.

Because of minority-favoring regulations, Pajeets are a special subcategory of Indians that write programs with their own feces and make the most godawful solutions and software known to man. You can often find them shilling for very bad software and corporations.


t. indian

They're a demographic weapon being wielded by IT conglomerates to drive down the wages of their workforce.

In this way, for the average white western man in his western nation, indians represent decreasing quality of life for him and his kin.

Why would anyone be happy for this situation? Indians aren't making life better for anyone but executives and themselves.

whoa buddy i've worked with indians for about 10 years and been to india for 6 weeks.
i have to work with the mouth breathing retards here on (((unfulfilled))) engineering jobs abusing the h1b visa - everything you hear is true
india has whole companies dedicated to ripping off your grandmother during tax season. it's eastern shit-tier swindling of the elderly.
yes, they all stink
they all jabber in native tongues an never make friends outside of THEIR indian circle - see above, indians try to impress westerners, they don't actually like them and hate other indians not from their home state
yes, they are social retards. the men get away with it because they get assigned a wife, they literally put no effort in being attractive to women which means they never developed beyond pre-pubescent grunting and cooing to other men while making rapey eyes to women.
The women can be social retarded but if they're hotties they can get away with it, if you stand the smell


>be whitey programmer
>weighs more than 300 pounds
>can barely sustain his 7 mountain dews/day habit with his low income due to inferior intellijence
>come home to relax on his recliner where tyrone fucked his wife the previous hour

Oh Sreenivasa Khatumanuparunthanan Patel, you so funny!