Space Internet

Lets say I have my own Martian NEEt base with good life support, renewable energy, and food. The light/radio delay between me and Earth would be about 13-14 minutes. That's a lot of latency in order to shitpost, where timing is integral. Without going faster than light, is there a way to make space internet faster? In Star Trek they use this made up thing called "sub space" which lets them transfer data from Earth to anywhere in the galaxy with zero latency and perfect fidelity. Also, i presume it was encrypted some how since it was military communication.

Can a space internet work?

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The latency would be far too high, a neet base on the moon should work though.

Spooky action at a distance technology would be my best guess.

Dont they have a live stream from the space station ?

Pretty sure latency will increase with distance, making necessary the use of higher frequencies and higher transmitting power.

Isn't positioning important? If the communication satellite on Earth that the moon neet is communicating with is on the other side of Earth, then it wouldn't work.

>igher frequencies and higher transmitting power

Isn't radio limited by light speed?

Agreed quantum entanglement should be the way to go for interplanetary/intersterllar communication

There was something about the minimum number of relays you'd need to be able to beam information to earth and back. /sci/ might be able to tell you what frequency you'd likely use and why

made a thread on sci, thanks man. Yeah i figured relays would be needed at minimum anyway to prevent packet loss. I'll let you guys know how it goes when I get to mars.

you can't send information, QE is basically a random number generator that gives the same result.

would binary information really be impossible? You just need something that represents something, and something that represents nothing.

QE is read only and random.

It's the ultimate form of encryption if you XOR the randomness with the data you want to send then transmit it through conventional means.

>Can a space internet work?
Sure, just host websites on every inhabited planet and have the the servers the sites are hosted on handle distributing user uploaded content to other the servers on each planet. It still wouldn't work well for boards with faster discussion though.

When I wrote the spooky action post I was thinking along the lines of the Chinese supposedly teleporting particles into their space station in space. Not sure how accurate that is but if it were true then I think it'd be something to give more thought into for OP's question.

I finished watching The Next Generation not too long ago and distinctly remember sub space having latency.

You can send a satellite into such an orbit that it will always be directly between the moon and the earth.

Is this the power of American education?

The spacestation is less than a lightsecond away from the surface of earth. Mars is about 14 lightminutes away. We transfer information using electromagnetic waves, i.e the minimum ping on the moon would be 28 minutes.

Quantum Radio

For pure round trip times in a conversation? No, light speed is as fast as it gets (unless you can in fact exploit quantum entanglement somehow).
For anything else though you just cache the shit out of everything, download every page you're likely to want so if you suddenly decide you want to switch from Sup Forums to Facebook you can without having to wait 14 minutes. You'll still have to wait if you request an unexpected page but it's better than nothing.

can't have any affect on the outcome of the particle?

nice to know that the /sci/ mods pedo weebs

>> /retardistan/

With Mars at opposition the one way travel time is around 3 minutes, at conjunction it is closer to 22, but with the sun's interference you'd need extraterrestrial relay satellites that bounced your signal through a less direct path increasing that maximum delay.


Its not like internet is a magic thing floating all around us i am pretty sure if we wver colonize mars we will put routing infrastructure before hosting a big urban population, you only need a couple of rack farms and in order to keep the internet monolithic you just synchronize them twice once at the end of a day

Latency for comunications is what? 4 minutes? Completely doable hell my girlfriend takes more time to respond a messenger message

Stupid goiym, Mars isnt real.It's just a conspiracy to divert all those funds thrown to various Mars projects straight to Israel.

Read up on quantum entanglement.

Orson Scott Card describes it in Ender's Game. He calls it the Ansible. An instantaneous long distance communication network.


fucking phoneposters get out.

we dont transfer over EM we use Radio Frequency for data.

is it so hard to delete 2 characters?

wtf I hate the Atacama desert now!

>we don't use EM
>we use radio

Nigga is u srs?

As to our current knowledge, nothing can travel faster than light. To bring one piece of information from one place to another it needs to, somehow, physically travel to it, in some way, shape or form. If nothing can travel faster than light, then neither can information. Your best bet would probably be to set up a station of sorts that floats somewhere around current halfway from earth to mars and hosts your server, so that everyone gets information at around the same time, but with a considerable delay still.

There are theories of quantum entanglement use to allow information transfer at greater speeds than that of light, but I do not think it's been proven.

Anyone know what filter was used to make this kind of effect on OP's image? Here's the original.

>extraterrestrial relay satellites
I can see this happening more and more as the technology became less and less expensive. Basically community-launched relay stations around any celestial body with an orbit.

pic related

you're american, aren't you

OP here. I fucked up the calculation. 14 minutes would be the latency from the sun to mars, one-way. From earth to mars it would be 4 minutes, which would be more like 8 when making requests to some place on earth. And that's probably in the best possible scenario.

Yeah a local Martian network would be a requirement, but I guess what I'm wondering is if there will ever be decent communication between planets. Or is it just going to effectively be like writing letters.

i mean, EM/FM radio is in every car, how can he not know they are the same?

In GIMP go to Image>Mode>Indexed. Then under Generate Optimum Palette put in a really low number, like below 12. Then in Dither select "Positioned". Convert.

>effectively be like writing letters.
>8 minutes
man we are spoiled nowadays

Well on Mars it wont be so bad. But lets say people go off and live on one of the Jupiter moons or even further. Instant satisfaction gets less and less (assuming Earth is still the information hub). Want to read today's news about the solar system first thing in the morning? You gotta wait 10 hours on Pluto.

>how can we send information faster than the speed of light without going faster than the speed of light
Gee, I don't know.

Oh my god, dithering, of course! I just posterized it and after that jumped through filters with no luck. Thanks a million, kind user.

Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids

So basically space Internet is going to suck.


good luck

if you read the wikipedia article you can easily see that it can't be used for communication

>Going to be based on quantum communication.
>Basically poking entangled particles to transmit info.
>Transcends distance issues as entanglement interactions are instantiations
>The more particles in parallel will mean larger throughput/lanes

Spooky action is cool cation.

How's the weather in America?

>> quantum entanglement
Can't be used to transmit information faster than light. You still need a classical channel to get the information out.

FTL anything is pretty much time travel and can fuck up casaulity. The only exceptions are one way FTL anything. The problem with this is what exactly prevents two way FTL anything.

That being said, since we can't into FTL, we can compensate for being slower than light with massive bandwidth and caching. Mars and Earth can be continuously shooting the entire internet at each other all the time, provided there is enough bandwidth

>people keep citing quantum entanglement as a method of FTL communication
Jesus Christ

>Spooky action is cool cation.
Until someone measures an unentangled photon and gets the same result.

What resources could the op have, what person could the op possibly be to have an internet device and connection in SPACE, earth orbit even

In fact, it's cold as hell.