Is Tutanota the sucessor of Proton Mail?

Is Tutanota the sucessor of Proton Mail?

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I'm sorry, what?

We all know that Proton Mail is fucked up, and cock li is mail for the memes that can be easily shut down by the police.

>We all know that Proton Mail is fucked up
We do?

You should, they are shutting down accounts based on allegations on twitter.

Pasta from an earlier thread:

Protonmail banning illegal account is ok. No one is arguing that.

Protonmail banning illegal account without court order, labelling it hate group then saying that was not the reason for the ban, and then virtue signal about it on Twitter and Reddit, is not ok. The fact that they stumble on every single argument put forth by everyone on Twitter, Reddit, and everywhere else, indicates they were going to ban it no matter what the reason is, because to virtue signal on Twitter and pushing political agenda was their goal.

The fact remains that they labelled it a hate group without evidence, they accepted some random guy tweeting a picture as evidence and acted without investigation, and they fucking tweeted about it. When you do all of these together, you send a clear signal that it is a deliberate political virtue signalling, and not some sort of administrative procedure.

They even said in their Reddit thread that there is no rule, there is no 100% certainty, they can only use judgement. Their judgement of labelling it hate group and then immediately saying covering their ass saying that wasn't their reason for the ban. Their entire course of action speaks volume about this company as a whole and hint at some deeply unseating agenda at play. Protonmail marketing their privacy but hiding a clear political agenda, makes it a honeypot by definition, one which lures you in so that they can potentially kill your operations by banning your email.

That poster is unequivocally calling for violence. "Hospitalize your local Antifa scumbag".

Is there a slippery slope I'm not seeing here? Because I'm pretty sure the supreme court of the US wouldn't even consider that free speech.

fuck off back to Sup Forums, mongrel

> A poster inciting violence inb4 the email should be removed without evidence

Are you a faggot?
What if I did a poster exactly like that one, and put your email address on it?
Does that make you a criminal that deserve your email deleted?

Interesting point. Still going through the image sources.

Do we know whether this incident was open and shut and/or whether they did some investigation?

t. Tutanota marketing team

Your reply is dumb and your honeypot is dumb.

t. Protonmail marketing team

Based on no investigation at all as far as I know, it was a open shutdown and they even posted it on twitter.

Epic comeback, you must be really smart

Meaning you have no evidence and just spreading bullshit

How much does Tutanota pay you per post? I could use a job.

Going through the reddit thread it seems like a clear cut case although with some understandable worry on how this might be abused, however they only suspended the account and it's possible to appeal.

Although them making somewhat arbitrary judgment calls for particular cases might be worrisome, they only appear to go so far as to suspend an account, and only when it seems fairly obvious to be breaching ToS.

You guys new at this? Us shills aren't supposed to out ourselves as shills, I work for nvidia myself and they'll fire us as soon as we make a mistake like that.

They're getting sloppy. All week it was anti PM now they changing it to pro Tutanota, how convenient

It is equally a clear cut case of someone faking a poster on twitter, and then Protonmail taking the chance to do some political jihad. The fact that the tweeted poster is not seen anywhere else online and offline should make it clear to anyone that it is very easily a fake. This is internet common sense.

Then Protonmail not only acted without court order, they acted without any investigation other than "it looks like hate group to me". Not only they are playing a bad judge, they are playing a bad investigator, and now trying to backtrack the arbitrary hate group labeling but failed spectacularly when they contradicted themselves.

Saying "it is only suspended" is just making it worse because that means they can easily get off by suspending anyone they don't like with "but oh you can appeal it". Imagine a cop jails you for nothing at all and you have to proof your innocence. This is not hardly a slip up or a judgement error, this is a monumental warning about how Protonmail is a political tool that is actually used. It is clear as day to anyone who is attracted to Protonmail because of their privacy but is now suddenly subject to political sabotage. Honeypot status proven by their very own actions.

Nice try shill, it is even worst than protonfags forever bitch!

The only problem of Tutanota is it is in Germany, that means all traffic is easily logged by the letters agencies, however Tutanota claims to be end to end encryption so the spying will only return encrypted data.

what the fuck is tutanota

a honeypot and botnet

Tutanota marketing shills on suicide watch

(((encypted data)))

Then they will be able to appeal.

Your interpretation seems mostly born out of ideological presumption of malice on the part of ProtonMail. I see no reason to go so far into reading their thoughts and harshly judging their actions. At most I can concede this approaches a grey zone.

Even the law isn't always clear, and although you can question their decision in this case, you can't call it a slippery slope and evidence of malice.

The "honeypot" remark in the end in fact leaves the realm of reality.

>it is in Germany
dropped, practically the worst place in Europe if you care about privacy and not having cops steal your servers without warning

only webmail interface (limitations of the encryption is being incompatible with IMAP or POP3 without some plugin, I guess there could be something done for Thunderbitd though)
can't craft plaintext (as in no HTML) emails - impossible to send automated git commits, getting 'gtfo' on every mailing list, problematic PGP formatting


I'm using it as my primary email provider but I haven't deleted my Gmail account yet.

Works fine, I just wish they would redesign the Android app already.

Support always responds within hours etc

It doesn't hurt to just create a test account and use it for a couple of days to see if you like it or not.

ProtonMail certainly has better design, but that's because it is a newer email provider

Checked and keked
How will Tutanota fags ever recover?

They banned few accounts that were being connected to illegal activity (which violates their TOS, was not court order) after having enough evidence. (One retard trading drugs publicly on reddit, other some redneck ameriburger group for preaching violence (might be considered as domestic terrorism).)

>having enough evidence
>domestic terrorism

Hurt feelings cannot be evidence for domestic terrorism. C'mon at least stick to the facts.

they ban accounts and then proudly tweets about it

lyou can literally print a "hateful" poster with a person's ProtonMail account that you don't like and then tweet ProtonMail about it.

Since the content of the emails are encrypted, they have no way to verify if the account in question actually does any "hateful" things, so they trust a fucking image from a random person on the internet.

The same goes for SJW VPN providers (literally fabricate evidence of a "hateful right wing extremist" account on the specific VPN provider and they insta banned it kek, without any legit evidence, just an image

please see picture

> not having a 10minutemail mail + a bot that spams 24/7 the "10 more minutes" button
It's like you don't ever care about privacy

> Tutanota respecting user privacy

Very funny OP!

Use KolabNow, fastmail, mailfence.

Bwhahahahahahahahahahaha, top fucking kek
Tutanota does the ultimate SJW virtue signaling
What a fucking joke, no one should use that piece of crap

its not about violence its about liberal faggots getting their way

hospitalize antifas is a no go but antifa (a literal terrorist org lol) can conflate regular republican voters with right wing nazi white supremacists and call for violence against them with no kickback

open your eyes dear faggot

>Creates accounts on my own server with some famous persons name
>Blog about it
>But we cannot confirm it was really him

Not sure if clever marketing or just retarded

Seen it and went through the sources. Here are my conclusions:
Haven't found the "SJW" arguments convincing so far.

I think KolabNow would be the ultimate substitute for people who believed ProtonMail.

I agree, it is basically honeypot. I wouldn't trust them running my email if they can just disable it anytime and I have to prove innocence by showing them my email, which totally defeats the point of privacy.

It doesn't even do encryption.

retarded name though

so you just expect third party to do encryption for you? how about you do it yourself?

>I agree
Pretty sure we don't.

nope. use msgsafe (dot) io

This looks promising, but they seem very new, too new