/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


Install GuixSD



>tfw you find a cool text editor (micro) that suits your needs perfectly, except copying and pasting to other applications

Goddammit, I just want something as good as Sublime but not a resource hog like Atom. I don't even use it for developing, but I like having tabs and saving sessions. Other text editors like pluma and gedit are too buggy.

Tell me why I shouldn't run an older version of Winamp with Wine instead of using a native Linux music player.

I've been using Debian for over a year now, and while I like using it, I don't really understand how Linux is better for programming than other OSs. Is it the software selection, BASH, or the file system?

*** Warning ***
You are currently viewing /fglt/ - a thread made explicitly for interjecting and shit posting about gnu instead of offering factual advice

Please consider turning your attention to this thread instead


Now hold on just a minute. I couldn't care less how you listen to your shit music.

Just go back to Windows you pretentious fucking idiot.

Because Spotify exists and it's the year of our lord 2017


Because qmmp/xmms is the linux version of winamp.

>What to use instead?
Just plain alsa, without pulse

I'm on xubuntu and really need to be able to press
[Alt] + [Shift] + [R]
for one of my programs, but when I press it, nothing happens.

I think xubuntu might disable that because it uses that shortcut itself. I looked into Settings > Settings Editor > xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts, but there is none that uses my combination.

What can I do to press that combination in that program?

what program is it?

Anki. I need it for the Cloze Overlapper add-on.

Well, you can program in both windows and gnu/linux but in gnu/linux you have much more freedom unlike windows. In windows if you want to modify a program thats non-free you have to reverse engineer it, but in GNU/linux most software is open and free and you could easily modify pretty much anything if you are a skilled programmer.

Btw do you use testing?

Have you checked the window manager settings? settings manager > window manager >keyboard

Finally listened to you homos and tried Ubuntu

Been using it for a week at work and I've never felt more productive. Thanks faggots

That combination isn't used there, but I didn't know that there's another window for keyboard settings, thanks.

Fuck no. Use debian net install and upgrade to testing.
Ubuntu is amazon spyware
Noobs fall for Ubangoo

Why don't you just use Sublime

Once I'm really comfortable with this I'll try Debian

Which one just werks out of the box better, Ubuntu or Fedora?

Ok, try something like this on your terminal
xfconf-query -c xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts -l -v

if you can't find the key combination there, it's not an xfce4 shortcut and the problem lies somewhere else


>any lennartd distro
Fuck that shit, use Devuan net install and upgrade to testing.


What's "primary", by the way? Kept seeing it in there. The left [CTRL]?


Delete xflock4

Isn't that the Super (aka windows aka command) key?

No, it says "Super" for that.

I fucked up and posted this in /flt/ which is as usual just retarded autists arguing about GNU, reposting here, sorry.

Does anyone know where BOINC puts it's daemon error logs to? I don't want to register on their forums, I hate having 50 accounts for every dumb thing.

My daemon recently started failing and shutting down randomly and I don't know why, I'm kinda scared my CPU is overheating. But I run ryzen so hurt durr no sensor support yet...

Primary is sometimes used in place of Ctrl to make things more confusing to the everyman

If that shit actually worked
you think i like systembotnetdick?

Of course I use testing.

works on my machine


Is there a better alternative to Evince for PDF?
Evince has this problem where it gets stuck on one page if you edit form sections on it

Pls help
Fresh install of debian. Intel WiFi firmware installed and all. Wireless networks are shown but the damn thing doesn't connect. Gives me the password dialogue repeatedly. Obviously password is correct. Checked stackexchange the solutions didn't work. What do?

I personally just use pdftools on Emacs. I didn't know you could edit pdf's on Evince. Obviously, that's no good if you don't like Emacs, but I find that it provides most of the functionality Evince provides.

Are you trying to connect to your wireless networks through a network manager or through wpa supplicant. Try the latter, if you haven't. The network managers on heavier DE's, I find, are really unreliable and basically worthless. Part of the reason why I hate live mediums that ship with stuff like KDE. It's so stupid.

Answered in the other thread but it got deleted. Okular, maybe?

Why don't you try them both and find out?

Not full editing but you can fill in forms that are made by a proper PDF editor. I need to fill in some legal shit and Evince is crapping itself like a typical GNOME turd.
Yeah I'm gonna try that too.

Also the WiFi said has /! Could it be the cause?

Fuck WiFi ssid I meant. Also I used network manager and I'm gonna try wpa_supplicant now

I use okular.
It prints a ton of debug information when you launch it in a terminal, but if you silence that, it is good.

Install wicd, this crap happens on all Debian based disteos and they still haven't fixed it for fucking years

I suspect that it's not so much an issue with Debian and their quality control as it is with the software in itself and, presumably, how it interacts with the drivers. I've had similar issues with many live mediums, like the Gentoo LiveCD, which is ridiculously big for medium that's meant for a simple chroot install. I mean, seriously, anything bigger than XFCE is just bloat for the sake of it. I don't care if you're using a WM or LXDE or whatever, but when you have that many moving parts, something's bound to break, and it's downright offensive how bad poorly made some of these live mediums are.

Do I need to have the "pamac" pacman frontend running all the time if I pacman -Syu once a day anyway? How can I make it not run in the background if I'm only using it to search for packages?

What the fuck is pamac?

its a manjango thing.
ignore post

That's a nice blue.

I'm using Antergos and it was preinstalled but I don't use it. I guess I could just uninstall it entirely if there isn't a way to disable it from running.

Install Arch Linux user.

What debian/ubuntu variant takes up the least HDD space out of the box?
I hate the fact that windows 8.1 takes up 40 fucking gigabytes of space

All i really play is CS:GO and that works fine on linux, i have a 750ti so drivers are no issue, i only look towards things with apt because thats all i really know

it's literally the same thing

You could use a netinstall of Debian or Ubuntu and just install what you want, but if you're a beginner, that's maybe not a good idea.

Just do a net install or a debbootstrap install, if it really bothers you. Honestly, though, you're going to pull in about the same number of packages regardless of how you install it, since you're still going to need the majority of those packages to have a functioning desktop.

No. Manjaro is a useless bloated thing over Arch.

If it were literally the same thing, why don't you just call Arch?

For you. The target group may enjoy using Arch without the hassle.

ffs I'm not using manjaro I'm using antergos
because it's installed differently and in my case the preinstalled software was relevant to what I was talking about

>ffs I'm not using manjaro I'm using antergos
Just replace manjaro by antergos.

Then there is a distinction, in which case, it isn't "literally just Arch".

see im a bit of a scrub with linux, im not as good with the more fiddly bits
is ubuntu/debian on its own under 10gb?

manjungo causes more problems then it is worth

Well, you might be interested in its use as an AUR helper. So you might like something more lightweight such as pacaur. But otherwise, yeah, just uninstall pamac.

Have you anything to back that up?

It's about the same size as literally any other distribution, since you're installing the same exact packages.

I swear to God, when will you people learn? We have this conversation every single thread.

Reminder that everything you know about Arch is a meme: lists.archlinux.org/pipermail/arch-general/2015-July/039443.html

"X isnt working anymore btw im using manjaro"
"X and Y arent working anymore when i use Z btw im using manjaro

Let me dig out my "stupid questions per os" graphical aide

it is literally just arch after the installation process, so why should I start over and install vanilla arch?
yeah that's what I used it for originally but I started using pacaur. I guess I'll just uninstall it then


Well, same counts for any distro which is popular among beginners. Beginners have questions, beginners break things.

for the last time guys I'm not even using manjaro so stop fucking arguing over it


right, fucking fine then

ubuntu, debian or mint
which has the most shit from the start?
or all they all the fucking same

ive got a 120gb ssd to work with, every gig counts

it's shit. install Arch instead


isnt manjaro just arch with a gui installer?

In addition to maintaining their own core packages, Atergos maintains their own repository of packages not packaged by the Arch project. So, no, Antergos is not just with an installer.

Antergos or Manjaro, which does /fglt/ recommend?

It doesn't matter if you do a bootstrap install

what is currently the best arch installer? should I use arch anywhere? is it good?

If you're really that serious about minimalism, you should install Gentoo. And make sure to enable TRIM or whatever the equivalent is for the filesystem of your choice.

Install SwagArch GNU/Linux

probably only semi fglt related but:

>want to move on from chromium
>try out firefox again after Sup Forums has hyped it up a bit
>since it supports the most of my current addons/extensions, also a very logical choice
>...but firefox is shitty as fuck about gtk3
>buttons and other things look like fucking shit

It's crazy how Chromium implements gtk3 well but it's vomit-inducing in Firefox. I guess I'll just stick with "muh botnet" until Firefox gets its head in the game.

You can customize FF with stylish to your likings.

They are literally on the aur though lol
thats where they get all these packages from

I'm pretty sure Firefox uses GTK2.

It also uses Mozilla's own higher-level UI toolkit, XUL, although I don't recall if this is the case, presently.

spend 1 minute and memorize 10 commands to install arch

Time for a new laptop guys. What's something affordable to run Debian or Manjaro on. I would really like to have 1080p LCD

could you post these 10 commands please?
i don't believe

Read the wiki, you lazy fuck.

How about a manly thinkpad?

you lied to me
you surly dont even know them yourself

What the fuck do you want from me? All the documentation is in the docs. A monkey could install Arch if it wanted to.