Literally stole all features from Galaxy s8

>literally stole all features from Galaxy s8
>literally got the screen from Samsung

Why would anyone buy an imposter product for more price???
Hahahahahahha ifag btfo

Stop posting phone threads mongoloid

>Why would anyone buy an imposter product for more price???
this is quite literally Apple's entire business model

Name ONE (1) feature the iPhone X stole from the S8 besides muh bezels

Iris scanning

Took no hardware buttons after Samsung did it too

being $900+ dollars

glass back, wireless charging, headphone ja...oh wait.
actually if they copied the screen/bezels a bit better, it wouldnt look like ass.

>Why would anyone buy an imposter product for more price???
See the logo on the back? That's why.

iPhone X doesn't scan irises. iPhone X projects millions of lil dots on your face and then uses those dots to make a 3D map of your face.

...Didn't Samsung steal the Home Button from the iPhone, though? Google specifically went out of their way to make sure Android's navigation buttons looked and behaved nothing like the iPhone's, but Samsung went ahead anyway and implemented a physical Home button just as Google warned them not to do. Eventually, Samsung caved and removed the home button to get rid of bezels and now uses Google's recommended on-screen navigation button layout while the iPhone X uses gestures.
Samsung doesn't own on-screen navigation.

Pixel did it. Nexus did it. Hell, even a few Windows Phones did it. Pretty much every other phone except Oneplus did it.

>glass back
First appeared on the iPhone 4. Removed in iPhone 6 through 7, then came back after 7.
Samsung first introduced glass backs with the Galaxy S6, which was I think around the time the iPhone 6 came out.

Samsung took glass backs from Apple, Apple took them back.

>wireless charging
>led screen from Samsung
>iris scanner
>face recognition

That's not my point. Samsung is Apple's largest mobile competition, they care what they do.

>wireless charging
Samsung doesn't own Qi.
So many phones besides the Samsung ones used Qi charging. Even the Palm series used it. Even Nokia's Lumias used it before Samsung did. You know that, right?

>>led screen from Samsung


Samsung has been making displays and processors for the iPhone literally since the beginning. This means nothing.

iPhone X doesn't scan irises.
Facial recognition has been around forever. Not a Samsung product.

Facial recognition is on my old fuckiing $50 boost Mobile phone. Lmao Jesus Christ

None of this changes the fact that they completely ripped off Galaxy s8 LMAO

LULZ epic burn!


>Samsung S8 came up with bezel-less design

Fucking normie fags

S8 is shit
Aplel is shit

HTC U11 is the best phone of 2017

>chinkshit xiomeme did it first
Fuck Lee