How can you applefags even compete?

How can you applefags even compete?

By getting laid

only an incel would like that a phone can get you laid


The condescending tone Android users have when they talk about phones is ridiculous.
They are better in every way but people buy iPhones for the brand and they know that is why.
Do I think it is a little dumb when Tim Cook acts like he just invented the wheel every time they add an otherwise already heavily used technology, yes. But whatever it is just a phone and I'm tired of posts like this shitting up Sup Forums.

t. An Android user

>doing a certain thing so women might be slightly more attracted to you
lol fag

please post the picture with xiaomi, samsung and iphone

Left: Runs iOS

No malware on the app store
Battery efficient

Right: Runs Android

Free for all app store/Malware with millions of downloads
Sucks battery like nothing else
Java-based OS with UI lag

It's not all about the hardware, faggot.

User experience >>>>>>>>>>> frivolous hardware

Left: Runs propietary OS that has been compromised numerous times and allows 0 modifications to it.

Right: Can run wathever you want. Can use the app store that i want (i can even download my own apk). With franco kernel + greenfy (xposed framework) i get 2 days of battery usage. No UI lag whatsoever and I'm using substratum theme engine.

yes i am replying to bait

>Megapixels = better camera ($1000 cameras have 14 MP so that 16 MP in samsung must be better)
>Display meme
>you can download from browser for years
the OLED screen is the only valid point

>implying android hasn't been compromised numerous times

I use my phone as a tool user, not a toy. I don't care about your kernel/theme autism.

>No malware on the app store
all non-free software is malware

>muh geekbench
what a worthless benchmark

Sneak peak of the new Apple TV

Headphone jack is a negative by the way

good goy, communism is the best for all

>im-fucking-plying that shitty snapdragon will be able to compete with the A11
>im-fucking-plying that 6GB on JavaOS isn't more like 1.5GB for an operating system running native programs (like IOS)

>Galaxy s6
lolno. The s7 is but the s6 wasn't. Also, s6 came with 32 gigs as standard, not 64. I'm all for pointing out how apple are playing catch up but let's not lie about older devices.

I'd also like to point out that the s6 has thoroughly mediocre battery life, which is why the s7 was made thicker.

But user, the S6 came out more than two years ago.

have you just noticed that iphone is late with specs? it's been a thing for quite a long time. people are still going to buy the phone though, because apple.


This is a courageous post

desu after the Note 7 fiasco and having my own S7 Edge's LCD fuck out because of hardware issues I just about switched to the X. But that november release date is cancer. Plus the insane price tag doesn't help.

Got my note 8 with that free 360 camera + like $500 for my S7Edge trade-in. Can't complain.

Or because the software, fit, and finish is more important than the hardware specs.

I'd gladly run iOS on your android phone, but you couldn't pay me to try to run android on it.

If you had a single neuron you would know that it isn't Java that's eating all the RAM on Android and that iOS aggressively freezes background apps.