Admit it, you'd buy one if you could afford one

Admit it, you'd buy one if you could afford one.

I won't lie. I can't wait to put a NOTCH in my belt.

im happy with my bezeled htc 10

Looks sexy af

it costs less than 1% of my gross annual income and it's less than 5% of my day trading account.

I'll stick with my Nexus 5x.

I like Android more

Android poorfags tell the best stories.

I can afford one.

That's why I've got one pre-ordered.

I can afford to buy one but I'm not going to, because it's not out yet and I never buy products before they've been properly tested and reviewed.
Only idiots and gay-murr furries preorder things they know nothing about.

>Malware: The Phone


Admit it, you'd buy one if you could afford one.

I will buy one because ithe iOs ecosystem is brilliant and there is no alternative for it

Honestly I might've admitted it with the old iphones. But now that they've got rid of the physical home button its just a generic android phone running something that isnt android

But user, that phone isn't running Android.

If I could afford it, I'd spend that money on something useful.

Like more disks on the home server.


nah, already got the original version (galaxy s8)

Has iOS progressed beyond toy os tier yet? Has Apple stopped being aggressively anti-consumerist? Well, that's my answer.

I can afford one, most people can on a contract if you're really poor. The iPhone X has major flaws and the big black border on the top of the screen is a deal breaker for me. I'd rather get a Galaxy S8. I currently have a ZTE Axon 7, great phone and the bezels are pretty fucking thin

I wouldn't use it even if it was free. I do not use closed source devices and software.

>afford one
you talk like 1k is anything expensive whatsoever. christ you faggots will say anything just to feel superior inside your head because the only thing you have left to be proud about is what products you buy.

I'm still surprised they don't have a touch version of OS X yet.

It's the only way they're going to step into the tablet PC space.

Best get off Sup Forums then, considering it's closed source and you're using their servers.

>He says, while not bring able to afford an iPhone X

$1,200 is not expensive if you're a stable adult with a good job. The issue is that there may not be enough supply until 2018.

There isn't much the iPhone X does over the iPhone 8. I see it as the iPhone 8 but with a few more features. I'll get one just because I may as well. It's not that much money over the iPhone 8 as it stands and I'm getting the 256GB one.

I'd say that most people should get the iPhone 8 though. Unless you just don't care or whatever, but the iPhone X is just going to be a "for fun" device. You'll never get $1,200 worth out of it.

Thanks, Apple. Fucking Jews.

or tech reviewers

to be honest just get a oneplus and only buy the iphone X if you're rich and okay with buying a thousand dollar smartphone

just get a S8

the iphone 4 was $299 and it was the top end model

no. normies. no

so predictable. your retorts are second grader level. get an actual job and you won't have to pull shit like this on here just to feel superior for a few minutes. you're pathetic

>Even considering that someone considers it expensive

I forgot how stupid people on this board actually are. No one fucking cares about the price. 1k is literally nothing even for a mcdonalds worker.

Never buy the first model of anything.

imho stainless steel band+glass rear looks horrible, maybe it looks better irl, will see.

But I can afford the better iPhone X user.

>He says, while not being able to afford an iPhone X

ok cool

It looks top notch!

No? But I'd sell it if someone gifted it to me.

Why all the iFags use the "can't afford" card when they talk about their overpriced shit?
It is not the price that holds back ppl from buying this p.o.s.. It's the features that make it a no-buy.
It's a downgrade over similarly priced phones.

But I can and I'd still rather stick to my Nexus 5x.

Sure isn't as speedy but I don't need that just to browse Sup Forums and do my work.

Sure this post is bait but I felt the need to reply anyway. It's a slow day at work.