Use windows 7

>use windows 7
>2 months ago, explorer starts being slow
>over time it gets slower and slower
>need to restart explorer.exe a million times to even be able to use my taskbar or browse folders/control panel etc
>keeps getting worse
>gets to the point where I can't even use my taskbar, it's utterly impossible, nothing works at all
>have to go into safe mode and disable a bunch of shit and remove a bunch of programs
>nothing works

You know what solved this completely? You know what the problem was?
I had about 5000 files(images, autistic ocd text files etc) on my desktop and I simply had to move them to a different folder.

I didn't even think this mattered.

Holy fucking shit.


have you ever had this feel?

Windows rot.

Install gentoo

I sorta had some slow down but then I ran this command to repair my installation and say some improvements

How the fuck do you even fit 5k files on your desktop?

>linux doesn't rot

>Storage media dosen't rot

I don't know but I have ocd and type a lot of autistic text files and I created 5k in 1.5 years

>being such a pleb as to have 5000 files on your desktop
look buddy I'm a fucking lunix snob but even I couldn't blame this on windows, you just have clinical retardation

You pretty much forced explorer.exe to load all your shit on your desktop

this. out of curiosity did you ever look at how much ram explorer was eating?

Look how nice my desktop looks now after clearing that shit

holy shit it goes so fucking fast now, I thought it was just a meme or old wives tale

Noice, looks clean as fuck now user

it was eating everything

I just assumed it was over bloated over time, like all windows installations get

I never questioned the amount of shit on my desktop

why even bother with that desktop if you won't actually use a win95 theme

fuck off back to your blog op

Having a lot of shit on your desktop in Windows is a bad idea, everyone over 10 year old knows this.


thanks user
I feel like I just took a big shit
or cleaned my apartment,
either of the two

my fucking mom knew this and I thought it was just a meme

holy shit
its actually true

>I didn't even think this mattered.
You desktop is a folder and explorer.exe is constantly showing it to you. They had it right back in 3.11

put 5000 anything in a folder sometime and try to look at it.

*the desktop is a folder*

Let me have a spinning drive and quite possibly the MS antivirus called security solutions or whatever by any chance? Try an ssd if you haven't. Problem gone for same symptoms for the machines I work on.

>MS antivirus called security solutions or whatever by any chance?
bullshit no, no ms antivirus
I'm not an idiot and don't click on dumb shit and don't use antivirus software

>Try an ssd if you haven't.
My windows installation is on an SSD

>COMSurrogate.exe has stopped responding
Retard, organize your shit.

>5000 files on desktop
Nigga what the fuck

I have ocd


If you had OCD you would sort the files neatly into different folders instead of flinging everything onto a table

Haven't we seen a thread like this recently?

user did you clear the browser cache and hisotry.
this shit slows it down.

Gave it a try and it actually looks like it's no bs.
Explorer.exe was eating like 61 MBs of RAM in my case, made 6 empty folders and it started to eat around 62.3 MBs afterwards.