Crypto sa going down, Cheap Graphics Cards are IN

>Vega will be cheap
>RX 470/480/570/580 will be cheaper
>2nd hand mining GPUs will flood ebay and craiglist
>High wattage PSUs are back too
>including 1000w-1600w EVGA PSUs 80+ Platinum/Titanium

Budget and Value builds INCOMING
Prepare your wallets

I wish this was true.

>2nd hand mining GPUs

oh boy, can't wait to get a used GPU that has been run 24/7 for months on end

why are they covered in mud?

>2nd hand mining GPUs will flood ebay and craiglist

thank you but no, i like my stuff firsthand if possible, especially electronics

>implying it will make a difference at all
Hi AIB shills!
Maybe you should have sold some of the cards to retail channel atleast and not just given them all the miners for cheaper one time payments :)
We're gonna enjoy you squirming again.

This, both mining cards I have are now fubar'd, 24/7 is less harmful than load spikes my ass

>Grab a pair of 280x
>Fully disassemble and clean them, temps are actually fantastic after it, high 60s
>Even still one died after 2 months, the other after 6

Fuck off, nobody wants GPUs used for mining.

Only Vega and 580's will be worth it now, brand new.

>buy 7870Ghz from miner after BT crash
>still runnings today
Nice made up story though shill.
Again, you should have sold at least some of the cards to retail - but you didn't you were greedy and wanted bulk payments from miners right away.

Not you're paying the price.
Live with your shit decisions - hopefully due to the budget cuts your job will on the line.

>implying it will make a difference at all
>won't hold steady overclocks, might cause graphical artifacts after prolonged use
>possibility of frying a RX480 within days after turning it on/off a few times after it has been used for mining for years.......... oh and the warranty ended a few months ago!!!
are you retarded?

>shit that never happened

You're a miner, aren't you?

>hurr shit that never happened!!!!
I see that shit all the time, always related to "I bought this GPU for cheap that was used for mining".

Have a (You) in case you're just a dumbass baiting faggot.

>ITT: Marketers try to convince people that buying used is bad because they're so shit scared about the looming mass of cheap mining cards that they'll lose sales for a good 2 solid quarters.

Don't buy into the bullshit anons. Used is fine.
Reminder that 2-3 years ago GPUShack was actively recommended here until the marketers got upset with it.

>I'm _literary_ a tech illiterate and don't know shit (I base all my experience on this one GPU I bought and worked fine for me after I have no actual proof for how long it was used for mining).

>I have no proof that it's actually bad, but umm yur dumb so buy new!

>Nice made up story though shill.
>Again, you should have sold at least some of the cards to retail - but you didn't you were greedy and wanted bulk payments from miners right away.

Make up your fucking mind, it's either a lie or the truth
And btw I sold the 2nd card about 1 month before it went out, guy was pissed that's for sure

Fuck off retard, nobody is saying that used isn't fine. Just don't buy shit used for mining, normal GPU prices will fall too, not just ones used for mining.
You can't get older then RX 580 for new anyways, the shop price will be cheap as fuck for even NEW cards for RX 580 and Vega now.
There's no difference price wise for buying a RX 580 brand new for 200€ or used for 180€, but one has solid warranty and you actually know it hasen't been fucked with.
I bought my Sapphire RX 480 for new from shop for 180€, just before the miners hit, then it was suddenly 350€ for NEW and a year latter a used one was still 270€.

>everybody must be a shill who is discussing something I don't like in a positive light

>Marketers try to convince people that buying used is bad because they're so shit scared about the looming mass of cheap mining cards that they'll lose sales for a good 2 solid quarters.
>he buys from companies so delusional for profit instead of his local computer shop that never overpriced things
are you a normie?

No one is going to buy your overpriced cards.
Face it, you're going to have a few rough quarters.


I'm pretty sad that /biz/ is all about crypto-currency and making a quick buck and nothing about actually starting a legit business requiring good work ethic and discussing experiences with start-ups.

>no one has actually provided any source for the claim the mining GPUs burn out
Really make you think...

Just browsed /biz/, everybody there is on suicide watch...

brb, have to laugh at biz now know...the people reporting dead ex-mining cards.
Have a (You)

This bitcoin business is starting to worry me, the Bitcoin market already breached the 50-day moving average and they're running out of supports. If this materializes into a full-blown crash, this can have implications for the world's stock markets.

The absolute STATE of this autistic miner attempting to shill his shit cards.

>Shows about 4 syllables being said
>Sentence is 6 syllables
Thanks tumblr!

This is the perfect time to go all-in with life savings in Bitcoin.


Unironically this. Although I probably wait for 2700 instead of 3000.

I have a 7 year old card that was doing mining 24/7 for two years, and it's working perfect to this day.

>not intentionally crashing the crypto market while shorting the stock market

you fell for the meme

I found a new Msi 580 for 280$ and another new Msi 580 for 290$ (30mhz higher clock than the other card). Not bad for a factory oc and cooler.

You should only expose at most 10% of your cash holdings to speculation. Crypto-currencies are extremely risky.

Friendly reminder to not buy used mining gpus!! You're helping greedy gold Rush chasers.
If you buy used try to buy from someone only selling that one GPU, miners sell multiple.
Used gpus are awesome I got a 980ti hybrid for $310 and it scores 21000 in firestrike graphics which is about what a stock 1080 fe does.

>No one said anything about dead miner cards in this thread, no sir, nuh-uh

I'm feeling generous, have another (You)

i hope bitcoin crashes to the GROUND then i'll buy some

Anybody got actual figures on the average lifespan of second hand mining cards?

of course not
