Am i the only one who actually doesn't mind windows 10 and finds it comfy?

am i the only one who actually doesn't mind windows 10 and finds it comfy?

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why this dude again

An operating system is about more than just muh aesthetics, user.

but it does literally everything most people need.
coming from someone that uses both linux and mac for their job, i honestly think windows is a good balance between the two. it's not perfect by any means, but it serves the purpose that most people look for in an OS.

unfortunately not

>currently 9:20 in India
>pajeets are waking up

>LITERALLY using a picture depicting haze as wallpaper

....i live in the US

comfy is subjective
i find this comfy.
>still no valid points as to why windows is hated besides the usual

If you don't mind the forced updates, then you should be happy with your comfy levels.

>Open the Run command (Win + R), in it type: services.msc and press enter
>From the Services list which appears find the Windows Update service and open it
>In ‘Startup Type’ (under the ‘General’ tab) change it to ‘Disabled’

I think I remember that image from /wsr/?

windows is only comfy when its your bitch
not the other way around

i can agree with that.
took me a bit to fully disable all the automatic shit and such.

Theirs literally nothing wrong with every other gen of windows and anyone that says otherwise is a fucking idiot

this also disables anything in the windows store (if you play forza it wont launch) and it can cause problems with windows iso installs to usb

would rather run out of date software..

also if you play games or do any kind of cad work your literally fucking yourself by not using windows...

if you just want to dick off on an image board and rice your shit or literally only use photo shop and dont care that you cant do anything with your computer feel free to use linux or mac os

I've never had an update forced on me by 10, but it's negligent to use Windows and not install updates anyway.

No you don't. You'll never be American.

if pajeets 11" cock up your rectum is comfy to you then who am i to judge

>transparent task bar

how pls

I don't mind it either. It's actually a bit like a step in the right direction. They're clearing up the interfaces and putting the meaningful choices in front of the user instead of hiding them under six layers. Also performance is just regular Windows performance and I don't think basic telemetry actually includes sensitive info.

However I hate what it will become in the future. Owner of your OS may even have more leverage than Google to shove ads in your face. They'll definitely find ways to monetize in time and we'll get used to it because of Windows only software.

But yeah, right now it's pretty comfy.

Don't bother

I can do it in about 15 seconds on linux

windows? Fuck off. You'll be at it for three hours trying to figure out what you need to download or edit.

Windows has never been friendly to any kind of ricing

>waking up at 9:20
>neet detected

Didn't know it takes 3 hours to download Classic Shell and set taskbar opacity to 0.


come to CO user, will suck ur dick

It's a trainwreck and the updates are the definition of abuse of monopoly: hololens, xbox shit, all stuff that doesn't make the os better but push for other microsoft products.

install classic shell
>pic related
never have had to deal with updates ruining my shit, as you can disable them with a quick google search.
i've never seen any xbox shit on my system.

>implying I am not using Windows

windows 7 is best windows

That's a completely valid point though.

Win 7 is just better.
Oses are supposed to be as invisible as possible.

i agree that 7 is better honestly. i use windows 10 because im too lazy to revert back
doesnt mean the bandwagon hate on win10 is justified tho

>>still no valid points
>>except this one major valid point
Its almost like you are a shill.
When will you get it through your thick skull, that the functionality and "comfyness" of win10 is not exclusive to the os, and users can pick another if they are unsatisfied with how win10 treats them.
If privacy is a major concern to Sup Forums users, simply waving your arms around and saying it isn't a big deal won't change that. You're just being stupid.

im not saying that everyone should use windows, just saying it doesn't deserve the never ending stream of shit it gets. i'm well aware people prefer linux and others mac, but i'm just trying to figure out why windows is suddenly hated.
it's easy enough to disable most of the tracking shit on windows 10 as well. i think microsoft is kind of a cunt for putting it on in the first place but it's bypassable if you have basic computer knowledge.

Where is this?

i wish i knew.

You can use this instead of Classic Shell if you prefer something more "minimalistic":

Oh, and ignore this faggot

>why windows is suddenly hated
It was always hated, but windows api made it hard for many to left it in the trash where it belong.

Can't disagree with that

Why hide the right hand part of the browser, is it because you have the tunnel bear extension running?

Looks like Tokyo Skytree Town

Yeah I don't mind it for my desktop for gayming, it def is pretty comfy imo, but I also hate it and want off the platform because of Windows new business model so unfortunately I can't pledge support to it

Of the millions of people using the OS, you are the only one that actually likes it. Congrats.

The last update fucked up the apps, this is currently my desktop.

No restoration point and windows fails to uninstall the update that's causing the problem (KB4038788), tried literally everything except a fresh install, but even if I do it will eventually happen again if I update it. My last hope is waiting for a new update that fixes the last update (it's already a known issue many people are experiencing), but then again, without the apps functioning properly I'm not sure windows will be able to update itself. Just fuck my shit up senpai.

You wallpaper is nice though.

Does it feel comfy knowing that you are constantly being watched? Maybe you lacked a father figure as a child?

Right here. Use it as my gaming/HTPC and it's fucking awesome.

BUT, it took me months when I first installed to get it fully under my control (zero botnet and yes, it's possible if you know what you're doing).

But once you do, it's fucking great. Still prefer my Mac Pro 2008 for non-entertainment purposes.

Does this also happen on a new user profile? Updates tend to break them for some fucked up reason.

how do you set custom icons?

The transparent task bar, the icon theme you chose for the desktop icons, I don't know. The only thing right about that screenshot is your wallpaper.

Personally, I find Windows 10 to be awfully messy with the "literally everything" it can do that I need. It has its settings spread arbitrarily between 2 control panels and a settings "app". They moved their startup programs from msconfig to Task Manager, and left the Startup tab in msconfig with a fucking message that says "we moved it elsewhere".
Regarding the point raised, I need my computer to feel like it's my own, my bitch, to have a good time with it. Windows 8 and 10 both have obnoxious messages saying "Let us take care of this" or "Don't turn off your machine! We're collecting some info and we'll restart it when we're done". These messages give off the impression that the computer turned into Microsoft's bitch, not the user's, and that they're giving you permission to use THEIR computer. That is counter-comfy, and it's all over 8 and 10.

I had 8 on my laptop with a broken OEM installation that basically rendered my laptop unusable on battery. I updated to 10 as soon as I could (foolishly not doing a fresh install), and besides its performance issues which I attribute to the upgade, the system felt just messy. The simplest things just take 10 times longer because you're looking for anything display-related where it's been for a decade and find it strewn in heaps in crevices of the OS.

nope i like it

They even tried to hide the Control Panel when it's still needed to troubleshoot issues with Outlook 2016, among others.

>but it does literally everything most people need.
Oh, like not trying to forcefully install updates while you're rendering a video or compiling software? I see.