>Type "()", then go back one, and fill in the parenthesis [MASTER RACE]
>Type "(", write the text, and then type ")" [SEXUALLY INEXPERIENCED, LOSER, PROBABLY NOT LOVED EVEN BY MOTHER]
Which one are you, Sup Forums?
I have a half decent text editor and I don't need to do either.
I'm neither because I'm not an oaf who uses a text editor without automatic bracket insertion.
I type ( and then whatever I need to go inside of it and then I'm done, because my editor has already appended )
A is a bad habit that I need to deal with. B is more efficient.
what text editors do you use
only answer the question if you have full-time jobs
Visual Studio Code for (quick) editing files on the desktop, Intellij for Scala, Vim in SSH.
>not writing "make_code_good.exe" in cmd to make good code
Brainlets......... . when WILL they learn.
I have my parens autocompleted in everything I use, both professionally and personally.
emacs, vim, visual studio, intellij, and sublime are what I use in an average week
In emacs I even have paredit, so I can't not have the opposing bracket
I use option 1 but I'm a sexually inexperienced, loser, probably not loved even my mother
Atom, Sublime, Vim
>Type "(", then editor automatically creates the closing parenthesis and places the cursor inside for typing
>same applies to ', " [ and {
VS code, vim, nano
does that mean you have to use the arrow key to skip over the parenthesis when you're done lol
I'm definitely the Type "()" type.
Wait, master race? Oh fuck you, im the other type then.
Neither, I use nvim
Why are you mad, user?
I have dead quotes, double quotes and back quotes for diacritics, so I've naturally got used to the first one.
>type "(" and write, since the ide already autocompletes a ")" after the cursor
t. non poorfag with work to do
i cant stand auto parenthesis
the master way of doing it is to write ur shit, press ), home, (, end, return
Why the fuck would that ever be acceptable? That is so many extra key presses for no reason
that's why its funny
>kobold waifus
! F U N !
>Type `(`
>back tick master race btw
>other parens completes
>smart dropdown list I programmed in elisp opens up with different options depending on the preceding function