People born in 2000 and up have probably never used a desktop computer

>people born in 2000 and up have probably never used a desktop computer

A person born in 2000 would be 17, pretty sure many 17yos have used desktops.

>anime picture

Aren't kids into build gaming rigs and shit like that?

>anime site

you've never been to school huh user?

My school used laptops exclusively.

that's the exception at least in Germany most schools are so undersupplied that some still have to use towers running XP with thick monitor cubes.

Well aren't you fancy.

Most public schools still use desktops for computer lab shit. Easier to repair if some kid fucks with it, cheaper for the same performance, and a lot harder to steal than a laptop.

I was born in 1989 and while we had a family desktop I've only owned laptops my entire life.

>people born after 2010 will never use a desktop computer

>i was born in 1999
the post

This brings back some memories.

I set a porn wallpaper on one of the computers at the lab when I was at 6th grade or something. Some asshat ratted me out so I just restarted the computer and let the Deep Freeze erase the computer.

the college i went to a year ago uses desktops
the secondary school i went to a couple of years ago still uses them i believe at least for the CS and art classes

They think windows vista is ancient.
The thing closest to computers they have are smartphones that they spend all their free time on.
They don't know how to type : because the shift key is unfamiliar to them. They've only eve used the symbols key on their phone keyboard.
They barely browse the web anymore, their internet use goes through the different social media and messenger apps.
They call USB cables 'phone cables'.
They have never touched files in a filesystem, only in the photos apps and onedrive for school.
They listen to music on their phones from either spotify or from youtube with the screen on, careful to not touch it or lock the phone.

>They listen to music on their phones from either spotify or from youtube with the screen on, careful to not touch it or lock the phone
jesus christ that bothers me

>never seen a numpad before
>dont know what the ins/home/pgup/pgdown/del/end keys are
>dont know how 2 numlock
>dont know how to print screen
>dont know what the break key does and is really really scared to push it, its like seriously really scarry having a button that could break your computer on a keyboard, like thats dumb

What the hell are you talking about? Most schools still have desktops even today.

I think metro unironically was a place holder for an actual UI, but they wanted to push the thing out asap, so they looked at their Windows Phones, then got a designer to tweak the icons and marketed it as simply ingenious.

I'd say 2005 and up, they have used desktops/laptops but they don't have any, just tablets and smartphones.

You mean girls. Boys like vidya games too much.

>girls born in 2000 will be starring in porn next year
my internet connection is ready

My sister is born in 2009.
Since my mother couldn't afford to get her a laptop i gave her one with Arch Linux installed. When she wants to do something i walk her through how to do it etc. She's learning quickly and by the time she's fluent in English and can read the documentation herself it wont be long before I'll be the one asking her questions, probably.

tl;dr if you have siblings or kids, give them a laptop with an autistic OS.

Well played.

>gets handed a windows OS
>wtf is this?
>you mean to tell me i dont have to do 40 backflips to copy and paste a file?
>the fuck?

must be nice
I kinda did this with my little brother, they watched the Snowden documentary at school, he got rid of his phone and I managed to get him an old X200 with Libreboot and Gentoo, he's even learning Python at the moment. I'm definitely gonna get him to learn C too. Pretty cool.

The fuck you're talking?
Go back to the future, kid.

That's damn rad

>implying Arch doesn't run simple desktop environments

Just because Sup Forums autists don't do it it doesn't mean people with a brain don't either.

what does break key do?


ScrLk -> scrotum lick

>file manager

Man, I still remember the time I brought my dad's work thinkpad for high school classes in late 90s. Thing felt futuristic and cool as fuck especially since it stood out from all the computers in school were thick bulky crt desktops and boring beige.


>been using a computer since at least the year 2000
>know how to program a C64 in assembly
>never heard of a break key
What the fuck are you referring to?

>anime site

>/f/, /t/
>not Japanese boards
I love how rule fags don't even read the rules.

I'm from 1999 so not far off 2000 and I can say for sure I use a desktop daily

This is the only redeeming part of gaming honestly. I guess most guys who had home computers in the 80s had them for gaming too.


>Implying every single person born a certain year act that exact way

Nice generalizing.

If you push it during POST the computer will halt at that screen indefinitely. You can use it to read the shit that usually flies by on the POST screen. I don't know if it has any other purpose these days.

Oh look you're a failure and you try to inject baseless ageism into everything to make yourself feel better. What if they haven't? What does that mean? It means nothing.

muh eternal september! muh i was here first!

Born in 2000, used first desktop pc in 2003 and first linux pc around 2011.
Also i didn't have an internet connection until 2008
>inb4 underage
go back to smartphone wars thread

>>anime picture

in america this is mostly true. it's rare to see a kid who's used a desktop or watched a vhs or even heard of an 8track.
exceptions are the kids who use iMacs in school, but... well, it's mac, need I say more?

They're not though. As someone who exclusively used to go to /t/ and /f/ for hentai, there's usually none. /f/ was anime in earlier years and you don't need /t/ anymore when you can stream your Siberian Slaughter & Scat Cinemas pretty much from anywhere.

nice edit

I was born in the 98 and I only had a desktop the first 7 years of my life, after that my mom sold the computer and bought horrible HP laptops that she sometimes handed down to me. The reason I never had a desktop again is because mom refused to buy me ANYTHING that had to do with technology, except phones which I told her I didn't like so she bought me one. THANKS MOM.

Now that I'm 19 I'm working for a slave wage in third world Best Buy to buy a desktop myself. Seriously fuck mothers, they can waste 100 bucks on clothes right away but the moment you tell them you need something computer related they say it's a waste of money.

i remember when my beaner friend stole a desktop from school, good times


Need them at school. Especially since the computer science meme is being pushed now.

Also, gaming is moving to PC, so all the fat 11 year olds with man tits will be on that soon

>moving to

>Reddit faggots complaining about anime on a anime image board website

I stopped using desktop PCs at home in 2006.

>people born in 1970 and up probably never typed with 40 baud speed

The kids who had commodores had it best. They could learn programming and weren't distracted by other alternatives like gaming as much. I had a pc, I mostly gamed but later got into programming.
Kids nowadays though, even if they can install some programming app on their device, it's most likely not going to happen. There are so many more distractions for them like gaming, movies, videos, social media, porn etc and they are all crafted by psychologists to make them as addictive as possible.

on what fucking planet did commodore not have games? imho, it had the best games of its time.

I didn't say commodore had no games. My point was that the kids with commodores had less distractions like games. And the games itself weren't crafted to be as addictive like today's games are. Nowadays you have cooldowns, scummy reward loops and all that to make sure you can't even burn yourself out playing the game. Nobody says todays mobile games are the pinnacle of gaming, yet they are massively popular.

To the ones who have kids or shouldn't be here, is there still computer labs with rotten dells in elementary/middle schools or are they replaced with laptops and tablets? We used to just do profiling polls and play flash games because the teachers didn't know enough to teach anything productive.

I need to move every 6 months, so I use a workstation tier laptop with a monitor and K+M.
Does that count? It's usually a cheapo 1600x900 monitor that I find for less than 60 bucks online, and I dump it when I move.
The 17' laptop, and other pc stuff go in my carry on backpack

Well, laptops are just more convenient. I'm in my 30s and I've already decided that I'm no longer upgrading my desktop in the future, just getting a new laptop when I need to.