Looking at listings of literally ANY decent job

>Looking at listings of literally ANY decent job
>Required: ... *Any bachelor's degree ...

>Looking at the listings for jobs working for my city - aka parasite where you do nothing all day for $30+/hr
>Required: Any Bachelors Degree

>Looking at literally any job that has paid vacation time, enough pay to move out of your parents house, or even some basic level of self respect or dignity
>Required: At least a Bachelors degree

Sup Forums and /biz/ lied to me. You said degrees were a meme and you can put "Bachelors of Science, University of Google/YouTube™, 2008-2011" on your resume.

/r9k/ and Sup Forums told me you can put "Masters in Engineering - The School of Life, 2011 - 2013" as your education.

My peers from highschool are graduating shitty universities, with mediocre GPAs. And they're... they're getting dreams I could only dream of.

When I tell people I work a wagécückôld job I can see their face change. They treat me like a subhuman, even worse than when I was a NEET. At least when you're NEET people assume you have a mental disease or maybe you're volunteering or working on self development or personal projects. - When you tell people your age, your shitty job and your pitiful life accomplishments up to this point they treat you differently from then on.

I wish I never found Sup Forums. It was a huge mistake. The people here WANT you to fail. This is why they constantly fill your head with emotional bullshit, it's like a pump & dump scheme but for your life.

Did you really waste your life instead of going to college?
College is piss easy and if you're poor (under 50k annual income), the state gives you community college FOR FREE.
You only look like a retard if you DONT have a degree.

If you're desperate just do manual labour or join the military.

I live in Canada.

Do you even have a portfolio? Getting a tech job is easy. Find a recruiter on LinkedIn, show them your meme website you made, get a contract job and work around for 2 years. Congrats, now you have enough experience to be considered for junior positions without worrying about education and can easily make 70-80k on the east coast in suburb areas like central Jersey, not even the city

you didnt go to college because of Sup Forums?

connections, user.

all it takes is one. work your ass off. you won't get handed shit without a degree.

What kind of fucking morom takes life advice from /biz/ and Sup Forums?

You're just stupid, goto a cheap in state college and get it over with.

What meme website should be made?

i learn programming and shit as a hobby, i be damned they would ever get hold of my software.

hint: create your own shit that people need.

> They want you to fail

Nigger, we're here to shitpost. No one cares that you're a dumb enough motherfucker to take anything said herr seriously.

Anything, just make something for your personal profile and a game using html5 and JS or something.

But you're canadian, so you're probably shit out of luck.

can you stop making these threads?

There's loads of spots but they wanna a lot of experience or an education. Could I just lie do you think?

No, get actual experience

But everyone lies.

>joined the army
>do commo
Qualified for Senior leads as an FSR/CECOM dude.

Hawaii here I come.

So You are assuming a BA is required.
Most of the time it isn't.
They just want someone who can do the job well.
If you can prove you are qualified, apply anyways.
The requirements are the "perfect" worker a company is looking for.
If you had 100% of the requirements, you are overqualified and need to search for a Better job.

I work with a lot of "engineers" that do not have degrees.
But they do their job well.
At the end of the day, that's all they want

Except it basically is required because direct hires almost exclusively use online applications, which will look for a degree, at least for entry-level.

Just make that website and reach out to recruiters. Also follow companies on linkedin and when you have something to show try going to a career fair or just comment on a post. In the US most entry-level hiring is done by recruiters now

>being a signal weenie
>not enlisting in superior Cyber or MI

Okay ill give it a shot senpai

>joined the army
coulda been a navy nuke. that sweet sweet reenlistment bonus

just kidding, this job sucks

kek not the guy you replied to, but I almost did that.
What did i miss out on?

Re-read the posts, user.
Most of them say "Bachelor's degree or equivalent experience."

Get an internship and work up from there.

Go Fullstack or Die Trying

>What did i miss out on?
autists out the ass. the schools in charleston arent bad, but the people you meet, holy shit. furrys, weebs(even more than myself), and whiny entitled sjw bitches. tails were spotted more than once. 12:1 m/f ratio

at actual prototype, its 12 hour days, 7 days a week, unless you decide to work hard, which i never did. staff becomes annoying sometimes as well, cause their main goal is to look after the plant, and training you comes second.

your problem is you care about what other people think.

Stop being a babby, learn to code using C

Then learn a what ever higher shit babby tier language you need to create what ever you require.

You won't get a job unless you can prove your worth, and why even work for them when you can work for your self?

Fuck college and all that stupid shit, just get a job flipping burgers or something, then in your free time you learn what you need to learn, if you can't do that and feel you require your hand being held, then please kys.

I dont want grease on my face. I dont want to flip burgers.

>Go Fullstack or Die
it was an example...
