Top notch? Or worst ever?

Top notch? Or worst ever?

Why is no one discussing the fact that Apple has pulled off the impossible yet again by creating an OLED screen that mitigates every known drawback to OLED while preserving its advantages? Instead you guys are spazzing out the aesthetics. I thought this was a technology board.

Other urls found in this thread:

Apple didn't fabricate that screen, they had some other manufacturer produce it for them.

the display is made by Samsung, isn't it?

They sure did hon. Now go back to sleep or no more chicken tendies for you!

>buy samsung screens
>put fruity toddler toy logo on it


I thought Sharp was the manufacturer of their screens.

Was. They switched to Samsung oleds user

You mean they've done the impossible and bought Samsung's last year display tech instead of pretending OLED isn't superior?
Galaxy fags have known this for over half a decade.

>buys samsung's leftovers from last year
>market it to iBrainlets as "new and innovative"
>iDiots eat it up


so why doesn't Samsung have these displays in their phones this year?

Apple may have purchased the screen from Samsung, but they get ones that are even better than the ones Samsung is allowed to use in their phones.

What did he mean by this?

This is what iToddlers actually believe.

>iToddlers know what's quite literally true
>Let me harass them

Is it 120hz?

Don't expect anyone here to understand how Apple does anything. People here are literally at 14 year old on YouTube comments level of intelligence. They think Samsung did all the actual work. They're really that dumb. God why do I even come here anymore, everyone on this board is dumb as fuck and poor to boot.

>mitigates every known drawback to OLED
post source that it mitigates both uneven wear and wear in general.
I've love to see this.

There's no refresh rate data for it yet. At least, I haven't been able to find any. If it were a ProMotion display, which implies adaptive refresh rate down to 24Hz, it would have been discussed at the keynote.

>t. anally annihilated iToddler

Go back to your /r/eddit fruity toddler toy hugbox.

Because it's Apple, duh. Please educate yourself before commenting samcuck

What is happening in this motion picture?

>iToddlers think samsung isn't "allowed" to use their own screens in their phones

huh, I'm not a samcuck.
I really want to know about this.
If Apple really has solved uneven wear and possibly even wear in general across OLED displays, I want a big one.
I don't care if it's $6000-8000 for a 32" - gimme.

I'm not here to bash Apple or iPhone.
Only to verify if such an outrageous (awesome if true!) claim about OLED is now true.

Apple gets to dictate the terms of screen tech that THEY fund. It's not tough to see how this makes sense.

Big if true

Did he died?

Jesus christ...

A "technology" board

Don't worry... they'll all love The Notch when it is poorly implemented (copied) on an Android phone, but not before.

We'll see...the data hasn't come out yet.

I mean, there's a good chance it will be head and shoulders above the competition, like most Retina displays, but let's wait until at least DisplayMate gets a hold of it.

True tone is really sexy tech. I do hope the iPhoneXs gets a ProMotion display. The adaptive frame rate actually IS revolutionary, but all normies care about is 'muh pictures', so they didn't talk too much about it when it daybyood.

I take it you don't think this is true?

Why don't you provide some evidence that it isn't then you fucking shill

>Technology board
>Sup Forums

Oh I'm laffin'

This is a consumerist board. Haven't you seen all the Generals?

>I made a claim and others need to prove it wrong
Burden of proof is on you
>muh shillz

>Demands someone prove a negative proposition.

The absolute state of Apple fans after this disaster

>using a period in greentext with no reasonable addition of effect thereby

>Apple may have purchased the screen from Samsung, but they get ones that are even better than the ones Samsung is allowed to use in their phones.
>Why don't you provide some evidence that it isn't

He can't be serious.

Whom are you quoting?

It's an obvious troll. Apple fanboys can't be this stupid...
Can they?...

We just don't know anymore

>creating an OLED screen that mitigates every known drawback to OLED while preserving its advantages
Oh yeah as if that was apple tech.
They bought that fucking technology, apple doesnt do R&D. They that other peoples technology and market it.

they do

>Apple doesn't do R&D


Companies do this, user. Samsung has been making parts for the iPhone since the beginning. Even Samsung doesn't manufacture every single little part of the S8 in-house.

They most certainly do not

You'll see when the numbers come out for the screens in this year's phones.

Color Accuracy is also one of Apple's strong suits


You need to go back.

they do, and have since like the s5. Well I think they've had oled screens since the first galaxy, but they got really good with the s5

>look at all these buzzwerds!

>top notch
I see what you did there

to late iSheep


>on-screen navbar
>Bottom bezel serving no purpose


I think the panel updates its color temperature with the true tone thingy, so its software based. Samsung and others purposefully make their displays more neon. As for burn in we dont know that this problem is 100% solved

>Dolby Vision and HDR10
>one million-to-one contrast ratio
missing hyphen makes it read like it has "one contrast ratio"
>color accuracy
how accurate? according to what? red resembles red?


if the iphone x has an hdr display then what the heck was is the wide color gamut screen on the iphone 7?

I always assumed that meant HDR but apple used a different name to not confuse people with the HDR setting on the camera

But it literally proves OP wrong.

They said so in the keynote
It's a lie though

Search on youtube for "apple store autist"

What drawbacks does oled have? I don't see a single one on my OP3T except seeing the matrix when the screen gets wet

Burn in, wear over time
Less bright than lcd
Colors might be unnatural
Pentile displays
Visible refresh rate

Color shift over time due to blue wearing out faster than other colors

I've never seen this happen on any of my oled phones. Even Galaxy S7, S7 edge and a* series phones that are on display at my workplace don't have that problem even though they're constantly on for 12 hours a day

My S4 had it after very normal use
Modern ones are probably better

I have a Galaxy S4 and you can literally SEE the notification bar if you're watching a video full screen.
Also, the display has a very noticeable green tint to it.

? Are you legitimately this retarded? When does the iNoose drop

Because samsung's ones are better

Yes they do. They consistently had the best displays in years.

Don't expect Apple to outperform everything like they do with their cpu. Samsung supplying the screens will likely mean the gap is small. Just like Camera specs, Sony sensors that gives to Apple aren't better then Sony Phones.

Thank you for the information. I'm tired of all these low info cacks taking up board space.

Colour management is largely up to the software isn't it? Apple designs their own controllers for the screen.

my S4 doesn't have those issues

There's nothing to talk about. Yet another limited piece of crap for Apple groupies.

Could have been a dope phone if he moved that bezel from bottom to top.

Holy fuck, it's real:

Good to know.l

you're welcome
(ps. your comment was equally as useful as mine)

>10 bit panel.

It's 8 with dithering but most people don't care about this. It's promoting numbers for the sake of numbers not because the average consumer needs it.
Make people believe their mobile phones can compete with high end computers and actually accurate displays.

People will buy it tho so no need to bitch beyond what I just said.

This is about ergonomics, not aesthetics, you fucking moron.

people who support iphone are telling YOU that you need to go back

holy fuck reddit is the cancer that ended up killing Sup Forums

the point is that apple didn't invent the tech, its just their marketing that fools idiots like OP. the screen should be about on par with the samsung flagships.

That's much better than apples, at least it doesn't take up 3/4 of the screen. Still pretty gross though.

Lcd is way to bright though. It washes everything out. Also lcd can't handle blacks

ahahahahahahahahah apple copied not just samsung but essential phone!!!!!!

But will it unlock?

can someone tell that sanitation guy to tuck in his shirt and get off the stage

Wow literally the richest company in the world made a screen for a phone that adds nothing in real value

"apple copied samsung" samsung manufactures apple's screens tho :/

nah, mkbhd made a review of the essential phone, he said that at first he was bothered with the screen but after a while he got used to it and started to like it. the same will probably happen with the iphone X

Yes, apple did put a top notch on it, with the cameras and stuff.

>When you sell a bezelless phone, but you fuck it up so bad you wind up with larger bezels than regular phones

iPhone X display is made by Samsung.

It's actually shitbins that didn't make it into Galaxy Note that goes into iPhone X.

Are people seriously bitching about the 5 pixels that are taken away by the speaker grille?

>masking buyer's remorse

Should've just bought the iphone 7s. it's the same shit.

dafaq? that happens to every bezel less phone though, but that only happens to apps that aren't compatible with the weird aspect ratio of the phone

Has nothing to do with aspect ratio. Has to do with viewable regions on the screen.

>Why is no one discussing the fact that Apple has pulled off the impossible yet again

Because they haven't pulled of anything. Samsung has made all technological progress in Oled screens and Apple just purchased it from them. The screens are also most likely worse than what Samsung has in it's own top phones because giving your best screens to your competitor is retarded.

Also the Apple screen looks ugly as fuck, because of the crop out in the top it's asymmetrical.

Just look how beautiful the screen of the s8 looks because it does have capable engineers who understand the importance of symmetry

>that manbrow

>Top notch

yeah but you can't blame apple for that, that only happens to some apps that aren't compatible with the screens. And that happens to all phones with bezel less screens, we just have to wait for apps to adapt to the screens viewable regions

It's a live feed of the iAnon

>Why is no one discussing the fact that Apple has pulled off the impossible yet again

You mean the face ID live fail on stage?

Most bezelless phones have consistently rectangular viewable areas. Apple has decided that rectangular viewable areas is no longer relevant. Just like they decided corded headphones were no longer relevant.

This will go poorly.

apple actually responded to that saying that a lot of people actually tried the face id before the ceo did on stage that's why it didn't work and said "use passcode". you know like how it works on touch id, when you have multiple failures on the sensor, when you do it right it won't open and ask for your password.