Why aren't you enjoying the stability of Fedora on your PC? There are many flavors to choose from.
>inb4 systemd
Why aren't you enjoying the stability of Fedora on your PC? There are many flavors to choose from.
>inb4 systemd
>Red Hat
>beta testing for free
Install Gentoo
1)say your name 10 times
2)say your mom's name 5 times
3)say your crushes name 3 times
4)paste this on 4 other threads.if you
do this your crush will kiss you on the
nearest friday. if you don't do this after
reading tis you will get bad luck
send this this to 4 other threads in 143 minutes
when done press F6 and the name of your crush will appear on the screen in big letter
But I am. It's a really nice distro. I also can't judge that... uh... woman? in the picture because I'm fat and ugly myself.
Kill yourself you fucking 12 year old. Go back to Sup Forums.
post your gentoo or get out
which flavor are you running? fedora workstation? one of the spins? i might go for the XFCE version. any trouble installing anything
Too bleeding-edge, releases too rapidly, primary focus is in the latest new-shiny dev tools that I don't much care about.
t. Debian
haha yes
me too thanks
Does this work on Hitler?
> Christine Flood
> 3 chins and hamster cheeks
I bet her ass floods the chair when she sits down.
Ubuntu just works
Upgrading once every 13 months is too fast?
Ubuntu won't be here within the next few years, look into Canonicals financial difficulties. Even after the huge 'donation' Microsoft made to them they're still deeply in the shit financially.
When the time comes I'll just switch to Debian probably. Until then, Ubuntu sexy
I use XFCE as a fallback environment and MaXX Interactive as my main desktop (look it up, it's great).
Me too, our only issue is that we have to use Ubuntu at work and it'll be a pain getting everything migrated over to Debian/Fedora/Windows
Could OP or another kind gentleman here please and kindly link me an article and/or explain to me how systemd has been compromised? I don't visit Sup Forums very often and have seen this a number of times posted with sources/proof omitted of course.
I don't know if it is a valid concern or not...
Yes. In practice they want you upgrading faster than that, they do the OpenBSD thing where they release about every six months and only the current and previous releases are supported. But in practice, the previous release gets little attention, and upgrading tends to only be supported or tested when its X to X+1, not from X to X+2.
I wouldn't like this even if Fedora didn't have the bleeding-edge mentality of shipping new versions of stuff and tolerating the fact that they sometimes break, instead of picking LTS versions and prioritizing a lack of regressions over the presence of new things. I have no desire to be an early adopter, let someone else find all the bugs and corner cases and workarounds and omissions.
I am. Faggots are all mad about it being RedHat, but the company actually know what they are doing when it comes to Linux.
It hasn't been. The only think the faggots can mention is the Google fallback DNS being "built in" like it's something hidden deep within 600000 lines of code when in reality it is:
>in a plaintext configuration file under /etc/systemd
>commented out
>systemd-resolved not enabled by default
So, the actually use the Google DNS, you have to start the service, edit the configuration file, uncomend the DNS and fallback DNS configuration, but actually not configure anything for primary DNS. 0 chance somebody who doesn't know what they are doing might end up with
With systems the distro builder and the user are still 100% in control of the OS, end of story.
>stability of Fedora
>many flavors