Admit it, you’d buy one if you could afford it

Admit it, you’d buy one if you could afford it.

Other urls found in this thread:


A pen?

Sure, but I'd probably go for the .7mm version.


have you been living under a rock

when did pens become technology?

It's not just a pen.
It's Pilot® G2™ Ultra Fine Gel Pen.
You'd know the difference if only you have it in your hand once, it's really whole another level of comfort and smooth writing.
I'm going to buy Pilot® G3™ as soon as it comes out.


Are you serious?

yeah. when did pens become technology? why are DSLRs and trains and bikes and video games not technology, but pens are?

>I'm going to buy Pilot® G3™ as soon as it comes out.
Good riddance.

>Not Zebra Sarasa 0.5mm or Uni Signa DX 0.38
Opinion discarded.


That does not look like a .02 caliber pistol

I prefer the pentel energel

Oh I guess pens just magically assemble themselves, no designing or manufacturing necessary.
> why are DSLRs and trains and bikes and video games not technology
Literally every one of those has a dedicated board retard, pens don't.

pens have always been technology. When did trains, bikes and vidya games become technology? There is nothing technological about them.

>Uni Signa DX 0.38
The only downside is every time I order 10 of them, at least 3 end up having some shitty ink leak problem. I wish they were free of that problem, because they're otherwise perfect.

Richfag here, AMA

jam it into your jugular

Is this the new meme of Sup Forums?

bikes don't have a dedicated board. people just inferred that things that are transportation related should go there, right?

i guess what i'm asking is why something as aesthetic and discretionary as stationary should be on Sup Forums and not on /fa/ or something. why is there even supposed to be a place for pens on Sup Forums at all? is there some contract we all signed that said all topics must be afforded a space here?

>pens have always been technology. When did trains, bikes and vidya games become technology? There is nothing technological about them.
is this serious? what world are you on?

How much?

ps: i'm not from usa, never seen this pen before

G3s have been out for years.

They're really not much different to G1s (they use the same refills, so write the same - just have a thicker case...)

I always thought the G1/G3 wrote smoother than the G2.

>still buying autism pens
Just roll a Parker

>bikes don't have a dedicated board
I suggest you lurk moar, reddit-kun

Admit it, you'd buy one if you could find it.

lol, drop that plen shit

I have yet to find a better pen than their V5 extra fine.


dude a stick was tech at some point

>tfw bought a used set of varying sizes on ebay years ago
>tfw they were all gunked up and useless

Literally my perfect pen, and the exclusive one that I purchase. I buy them in bulk packs of around 20 or so?

B-but I already have it...

I'll tell you more, I'm writing this exact post with it!

DSLR's and trains and bikes and video games are technology. And they also have THEIR OWN BOARDS.

baka, why would you pay more for form when you can get a cheaper pen that does exactly the same job. Pilot fags btfo

I suggest you grab a dictionary and look up what technology means.

keep one of these shits on my shirt collar at all times

Why would you wear a shirt and pants when cutting arm and leg holes in a potato sack does the exact same job? It's called being a civilized member of society you ape.

Sanjay'd hard

Just get a meme pen instead.

i get these all the time. But prefer steel pens. I have a jar of them on my desk (and some ink) whenever I need to fill stuff out once in a while.

Nah it's probably a .9mm. 9 is bigger than 2 so it's a stronger bullet

I missed out on buying the black model, but I've got a white Xiaomi pen that I carry around everyday. It writes well, feels dense, and was very cheap compared to "luxury" pens

Pens aren't technology

How do you like the click-pen version? I buy those in bulk. I get less pocket explosions with them

>meme pen
>tfw you got memed into buying lit-erally reddit: the pen

Enjoy ink bleeding into your shirt instead of into a specially designed chamber.

You act like wearing a potato sack isn't socially acceptable, better get up to speed on the latest fashion trends before you get laughed back to the stone age.

pens are not technology you stupid niggers

They are though.


I just steal them.

.9mm is not the same as .2 caliber. 0.9mm is 0.035 caliber. A .22 caliber bullet is many many many times larger. A 0.035 caliber bullet would look like a needle.

If you think a thread is breaking the rules, report it and the mods will judge, if you don't like a thread regardless of if it's rule-breaking or not use the "hide" feature or just ignore it manually.

Don't report threads that you do not like that are not breaking the rules, read these:

Fuck normies and their cumfort grip shit on pens.

That material makes my skin crawl.

>saging is reporting

That's not the implication, try reading it again.

Makes sense that in the entire history of the internet only the fucking autists on this board have a problem with such a basic understanding of what technology is. Good grief.

looks like some of you all are pretty triggered by someone questioning your stationary thread

>When I try to get in on a running joke but fuck it up and nobody gets it


i've been using this for 10 years, might start buying in bulk soon.

Top-tier pen. Do they still make P-700s?

Guys, what do you do when you encounter some dumb fucking faggot during a lecture who "forgot" his fucking pen. Like, wtf do you even do here you stupid fucking cumstain, if you didn't even bring your writing utensils? I want to smash their fucking heads in. I hate these fuckers so goddamn much.

>video games
The closest boards would be Sup Forums, or /i/ depending on the context, maybe some others.

have you ever thought about seeing a therapist?

It's always the same fucking asshole. If he doesn't ask me, he asks someone else. It just pisses me off.

I smile and offer to rent him a pen for the duration of the class period for five dollars, payable up front.

Enjoy your expensive no one cares about pen stolen.

people here only talk about pens in the aesthetic and phenomenological sense - how it feels to write with it, etc...

that sounds like it belongs in /fa/. there's nothing wrong with that. it's not meant as a pejorative or anything. it's just a fact. you're losing out on conversation that might be interesting to you, and you're subjecting us to the conversation despite our not being interested in it.

and no, i'm not saying 0% of Sup Forums is interested in pens. on the contrary, i expect there to be a substantial amount of overlap, especially in the margins like these. i'm also interested in food and photography and other stuff, so i browse /ck/ and /p/ and whatnot. i imagine other people on Sup Forums have at least a passing interest in food and drink, but that doesn't mean it's okay to make threads about it here.

the fact that there's interest in pens here is immaterial; it only has any bearing on the discussion if there's some sort of wall preventing some of you from posting and lurking on other boards, which isn't the case. or if it is, it's imagined.

I'm not trying to be mean but are you really that much of a sissy that you let people take your pens right out of your hand or pocket? Please don't do this.

Say "here you go" and stab him with a pen.

Price to pen ratio they really are the best.

Which are you more likely to hear a conversation about pens? At a clothing store or at an office store, where they also sell printers, chairs, laptops, etc. ...?

>The closest boards would be Sup Forums, or /i/
I assumed pens were /lit/ territory. I've seen decent pen threads on /sci/ as well.


>people here only talk about
I don't think it's fair for any 1 person, even an astute observer, to speak for a community such as this one. It is ever changing and you can't just generalize or assert what the conversation is going to be like.

The opening post is not talking about either of the things you mentioned, even if others are, it's not fair to say this thread does not belong here, the OP did not make them reply like that. People responding to the topic of "pens" but with a different focus should create a separate thread on the appropriate board and crosslink it here.

Sure, given the right context.

>no fountain pens mentioned yet