>tfw 99% of jobs are the fucking JAVA
so many jobs require you to be fluent in english, OP. i'd suggest you start there.
it's Sup Forums, and i'm not the one complaining about "the JAVA"
You know that You doesn't need to be fluent in Javanese to understand Java right?
You're complaining about his english.
java is so verbose that nobody collaborating with you can be confused.... ish
I feel with you, BUT
>tfw you search extensivly and get rewarded with a embeded developer job programming C
feels so fucking good mang
Yea and not good java either. You ever been on a project fixing up code written by outsourced pajeets?
I envy you.
Seriously... Embedded stuff is my passion.
> Embedded
a dying career
>tfw you're an expert in java because you didn't let yourself get memed by neckbeard neets from Sup Forums
As computing turns more utilitarian and casual, more utilitarian and casual languages rise in usage, but that don't mean that more advanced languages drop in usage, they just stay as much as they're needed.
Also you don't want a fucking khajit programming in C++, the memory leaking will be terrible.
>everything has to be connected
okay boi, think whatever you want
everything on lower level is getting more in fewer hands, look at automotive, one of the hottest embedded areas, they are doing abstraction just like what happened in smartphones, to make more use at higher levels
Java is fine though.
>nfw 7 years of experience in java and cs degree and making 82k as java dev rn desu fampai
Literally kill yourself rupee nigger, contractions are permissible outside of formal writing.