/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Previously: >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/hrXxMHs9 (embed)
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

Other urls found in this thread:


first for AB

2nd for our beloved APL

Do only normal-leech torrents contribute to the download achievements on GGN now? I don't think this was the case some months ago. I'm confused, because I downloaded a large neutral-leech torrent and got no download credit for the achievement. It seems that FL torrents DO count though. Or could it be that large enough torrents (400 GB) do not count?

3rd for PTC - PassTheCurry

Someone tell Naoko to come back to the land of the living. I want my AB invite.

naoko is a cunt

ab jps bbt cabal triforce

You mean PTP, PassThePajeet

first for best girl

a shit


APL internal memo leakers BTFO

Does OT have better quality jav or is it just the same old thz.la releases but with seeders?

OT is well known as the comfiest tracker there is.

>SCC is die
Fuck, I still had a good buffer on this. Why can't trackers let users know in advance that they're shutting down?

largely that, but they also have a decent amount of higher quality stuff from EMP

Neutral Leech doesn't count in your achivements, you are cucked now you need to seed the 3ds collection for 80 hrs

they were begging for donation since months, you should get out of the closet more often

Who recruits on MTV

h*eck off spaghetti

rude !

h4h is real

Of course, there's a reason the original gitla.in was deleted

So basically, each single torrent file is connected to a specific user?


Not what it's about

Another sky. Counting heartbeats
Not on the KG I continue my journey accompanied by complex anime and Korean kinography.
Watching anime literally too complex for PTP curries. Literally so complex they can only respond in memes that don't work. Literally so complex they never even try to understand it.

the curry trackers

all right.

how do people upload stuff to PTP if the tracker is down?



enlighten me


You can still upload to the site, the torrent just won't connect to any peers until the tracker returns

by not being autistic

So what if I don't know? I don't need a brain to watch capeshit. Movies are meant to be fun you know

You don't watch movies for enjoyment?

You know shutting my brain off is the best enjoyment I ever had in my life. Fuck drugs I can't wait until I become demented. Must be the best part of life right?

I'm so lost

only 20GB left for red elite

I just got banned from EMP for posting loli, top kek.

there will be a lot of last-minute snatching at the end of the month before the tokens expire. you might well get the 20gb then

Didn't realize SJWs run it. By the way, did you know most toothpaste contains that shit?

reminder to use all your tokens now you can

I can find all that stuff on RUT and SS.


>tfw can't find what I want on APL, RED, RUT or SS

What do you want?

Everything that Vitamin String Quartet has ever made
I think I've got about 1/3rd or half

>shitty 'cover' band that literally covers top40 music
>not even the entire song, just the main track
>not even a clever arrangement, doesn't even sound live
what do you mean? heeyeyeeheheh. what do you mean?

I like them because they make shitty top 40 music sound good

I also enjoy music

No, they, unironically so, make it sound worse.

what is your favourite decade of modal jazz

i am a 1970s fan mysefl

I don't see how, all their songs sound extremely dynamic and every instrument is well defined
You can even make out where each member is standing as they play
I think it's much more enjoyable

>I don't see how, all their songs sound extremely dynamic and every instrument is well defined
You tell me.

vs youtube.com/watch?v=DK_0jXPuIr0

Honestly what song?

I literally don't see what you're getting at, I get that you don't like the music but why are you quoting >I don't see how, all their songs sound extremely dynamic and every instrument is well defined ?
Even over youtube the instruments sound great

Next OP

It's still just a boring cover of a song that has less depth than the song it attempts to cover. Completely undermining the song it's supposed to be with lifeless instrumentation. You're removing the most significant part of the song and what you're left with is a repetitive track. Doesn't even sound better than the actual instrumentation. There's no talent involved. I'm sorry to say this to you.


>less depth than the song it attempts to cover
I disagree, I don't see how anyone could listen to that joke of a song with that same heavy 'beat' every 2 seconds. Pounds my head in
>There's no talent involved
That's not really what I'm after in music but I see your point I guess
One of the main things I like about them is they take songs that sound like they're recorded in mono, and make them sound like I'm sitting in the room with them, I think they're one of the most enjoyable bands I've ever heard

>I don't see how
Well that's what happens when you listen to a cover that removes half of the tracks.

>heavy beat
Did we listen to the same song? It's basically an acoustic track

>Did we listen to the same song? It's basically an acoustic track
I'm talking about this song you linked youtube.com/watch?v=DK_0jXPuIr0
Do you not hear that ?

Why would I compare two different songs to eachother you dimwit? Continue listening to covers of songs that remove the only worthwhile part of them though. I'm sure it's what makes the top 40 actually good just like you said. The reason you can't find it anywhere is because no one should listen to it. Just buy it off of itunes. Or are you poor?

The real circle of life.

>old op image

I don't know user, am I?

Looks like you're poor to me. Listening to spotify-tier top40 coverbands and all is in extremely poor taste

So using a private tracker means keeping an rss feeds to grab new torrents of the last GoT season, so that you might be one of the few actually capable of seeding something to other people with slower connections then yours trying to do the same thing.

How is this different then mining Bitcoins (without any prospect of monetary gain)?

both of you fuck off back to Sup Forums

It means you get free movies and tv shows. farming bitcoins is like buying discounted lotto tickets

I don't go there. But a great contribution to /ptg/ nonetheless

holly fuck, step up your game
I grab torrents in a fraction of a second because I snatch them though the announce channel.

>doesnt have home movie theater
stupid whatcuck

>spends money on basic high end headphones
>doesnt have surround sound

headphones aren't surround sound?

Wtf is going on with PTP?

Also, why are there zero threads in the forum about the downtime??

Because it's just another day in PTPille.

it happens often
they talk about it in IRC


stupid newfag ptp always does this. It only matters when you cant download. there's also always based and hdb. Soon youngling you'll experience your first full month of btn downtime and then you'll be hooked on downloading from hdb

>gets called poor
>posts headphones at desk
>not home media center
You watch movies with headphones?

That's not me, moron

idc get a job

not him but wtf would you use a home theater system to listen to music? may as well use the fish tank as a projection screen while you are at it

>may as well use the fish tank as a projection screen while you are at it

I'm not the guy you're replying to. I'm just asking you something. Are you going to answer?


the idea would be to let the client be feeded directly from the RSS in your absence...

>the idea would be to let the client be feeded directly from the RSS in your absence...
that's what happens... whoa

Harder to grow a buffer on HDB. The bonus points aren't as generous.

312c broke the tracker and left. One last attack against ptg

Yeah but there's freeleech and and cross seed low activity shit. Always archivist autists who will eventually snatch the crap youre holding

How did they reopen? Did they raise it to 40k, banwave or both?

I hope ptp didnt put recruitment from curry like xanax or redacted and other open trackers

I just watch anime for the pantsu.

>a pretentious weeb
like tits on a hog

Did you just assume my gender?

fuck off neon