>have been intermittent linux user for over 10 years
>generally install an updated distro every 6 months to see how linux as a whole has progressed
>most recently installed latest ubuntu
>proceeded to install nvidia drivers
>generally impressed with the smoothness of install and how my optical audio output automatically connected to my DAC
>BSOD'd after 30 minutes of web browsing
>selected windows at grub
Have been intermittent linux user for over 10 years
It's like you're not even trying senpai
you're right, a BSOD is better since it actually gives you some information. Linux just goes black then resets
Bump because Sup Forums loves shitty baits.
>>BSOD'd after 30 minutes of web browsing
I hope a Sup Forums thread died for this.
BSOD is far and away the greatest OS available for cloud computing. I use it on a number of different server clusters and its built-in fault protection mode is second to none on any production ready server-oriented OS I have ever worked with (including Solaris). Features like bi-directional throughput scaling, regulated wattage output, backup tri-verification, and adjustable write caching (via the modified, fully POSIX-compliant BFS sub-kernel) have no equivalents on any other operating system. Not to mention the fault tolerance threshold being the gold standard.
should have gone for fedora and felt euphoric as a result
She is uggly with this obviously fake hair colour. She is uggly anyway, but still the most well known slut from got.
she has a particularly nice asshole. which is a mark of only the most beautiful
why do you care about nvidia drivers?
are you gaming? if thats all you do keep windows.
i do it for 20% of my time. whether you want to call that 'all i do' or not is up to you.
Get your bait trash out of here if you aren't even going to try.
Can't tell if troll or not.
BSOD = Blue Screen Of Death
>selected windows at grub
that was your mistake
It's normally written as "BSoD"
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This thread has been visited by Sage the Dragon.
Good things will come to you, but only if you sage this thread.
I guess. But what else are they talking about then?
I must repeat myself again
satanic dragons are not welcome
Olook, a dragon. The slave symbol for laziness. Kind of funny op posted a picture of dynerasss the slave queen. Remember kids, slaves only value laziness.
wow where can i buy that sweater?
>you're right, a BSOD is better since it actually gives you some information. Linux just goes black then resets
At least know enough about Linux to seem convincing before you LARP and pretend.
>He thinks sage is a downvote
Still waiting on that source.
it's just a sweater white template with a screenshot from that got episode applied with a clipping mask
>yfw both features are tools to accelerate burial of a thread
Maybe you need to put your glasses on
Maybe it's latest Nvidia drivers. I've been having this issue where I get multiple different blue screens over the course of a day, usually when is trying to use the gpu. Still makes no sense since it can go weeks without happening. But it only happened when I got the most recent driver possibly the second to last driver. I'm getting errors like internal video scheduler, unhandled exception, etc. I can't tell if it's fixed because it could do it five minutes from now or it might not do it for months. Starting to make me Ree a little.
>being this retarded