Low on precious screen real estate, or busy massaging your carpal tunnel wrists damaged by waving a mouse around like an idiot?
> Why should I use a tiling window manager? - Freedom from the mouse - High customizability - Efficient use of screen space - Lightweight
> ** Resources **
> i3wm - i3wm.org/ Babby's first twm, easily customizable from a central config file, has sane defaults. Usable out of the box.
> Xmonad - xmonad.org/ Written and configured using haskell, so knowledge of haskell is recommended. Highly extensible, stable, and dynamic.
> bspwm - github.com/baskerville/bspwm Binary Space Partitioning Window Manager bspwm is a tiling window manager that represents windows as the leaves of a full binary tree.
> dwm - dwm.suckless.org/ Dynamic Window Manager written in C. Slightly higher learning curve than most other twms, basic knowledge of C is necessary for configuration as it takes place in the header file. Very lightweight.
> awesomewm - awesomewm.org/ Supports lots of features out of the box, less initial configuration necessary than some others. Shares the concept of tags with dwm which can be more flexible than workspaces. Also, very extensible through Lua.
> ratposion - nongnu.org/ratpoison/ Ratpoison is a simple Window Manager with no fat library dependencies, no fancy graphics, no window decorations. As the name suggests, it's entirely keyboard driven.
> herbsluftwm - herbstluftwm.org/ Manual twm with similar tiling system to i3 Can be reconfigured on the fly using herbstclient
> spectrwm - github.com/conformal/spectrwm Inspired by xmonad and dwm. Easy to configure, since the config is in simple plain text. It has a built-in status bar that can be fed from a user-defined script.
this is stupid why do you guys keep making threads for a specific piece of unnecessary software
Aaron Hughes
add it yourself next time
Owen Green
>half of the wm in the list are dynamic wms >tiling
Ryan Smith
David Fisher
How can I use two containers with tabs effectively in i3? If I want to focus the right container, I first have to focus the rightmost tab in the left container. Do I have to use stacking layout or is there another key to switch to a container without changing tabs?
Also i3-gaps is the best window manager and I regret ever saying otherwise.
Jace Rivera
Gabriel Perez
Found it myself, mod4+a focuses parent, from there I can move normally.
Brody Nguyen
Yes but they have good tiling properties which differentiate them from other window managers typically bundled into environments.
Liam Parker
Yes but they have both good tiling and floating properties which differentiate them from other tiling window managers bundled into OP's list.
Christian Mitchell
Someone asked in the previous thread for my polybar config but I didn't have a chance to respond. If you're here, user, I hope you find it useful