Get new project

>Get new project
>Don't do shit week 1
>Don't do shit week 2
>Week 3, start thinking about the project
>Don't do shit
>Week 4 hits, start writing
>Finish code in one hour of work
>WTF did I waste weeks not working and than all of the sudden finish it??
>There are no deadlines
>There is nobody looking behind my back to make sure I'm done
WTF is wrong with me?

You're posting this thread in Sup Forums instead of one of the normalfag blog subchans.

I'm looking for help

When the fuck did Sup Forums start showing pass users like this?



you've come to the right place

>WTF is wrong with me?
low trait industriousness

What is this??

google says highly dedicated, but it isn't?

Does it mean I'm lazy or something?

it's one of the two aspects of the "big five" trait "conscientiousness"
it's concerned with self-control and protection of nonimmediate or abstract goals and strategies
basically, you need to find a good way to self-discipline because if you don't you're going to be miserable

I actually am miserable

well, then you have to make a schedule and find something to strive for because otherwise it will only get worse :^)

perhaps read up on ADHD, it affects motivation and planning skills over a long, long term period.

I have Asperger's, I only do well in technical situations

've been losing motivation in this career and don't know what to do anymore

I fear asking on tech related forums, and I like to shitpost on Sup Forums

I've climbed so high now I don't know what I want anymore


If you finish it in an hour, it's not a project, it's an exercise.

I was gonna show mine but then I realized I don't have it on at work.

> Interview for an internship
> Interviewer asks me what I'm more comfortable in: PHP or C#
> Say C#
> Hey user you're "hired" drop by the office tomorrow to start
> It's in fucking PHP
I haven't done anything in two weeks

Stop bumping this thread

Just talked to someone, I'll be okay and my procrastination stops today........

Good for you user

If you can't do anything in PHP in 2 weeks, you must be shit at C#.

>interview for a job
>do you know C#?
>not really
>get hired

Pre-2008 crash was pretty chill.

Unfortunately it was the worst job of my life. Now my #1 interview tip is "if they don't ask you technical questions, they didn't ask anyone else either, so all your coworkers are trash"