>elementory cucks trying so hard to look like MacOS but still failing miserably
Elementory cucks trying so hard to look like MacOS but still failing miserably
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I don't know which is which but top looks way better than the bottom.
You disgust me.
>I don't know which is which
Sure you don't, buddy. Because the one with all the Mac specific stuff is surely not the Mac screenshot.
Hello Daniel, you fag. Didn't know you visit this site.
How many dicks have you sucked today?
>freetards hate everything apple
>try to copy macos's GUI and dock constantly
This is a great strategy to get more people on Linux user. Why are you complaining?
They probably tried to do that during Leopard / Snow Leopard and then stopped after Apple when to shit like Sup Forums goes to shit with ignorant people like you.
This lad is right
Apple was really cool before iPhone. After iPhone people like you became aware of Apple and things went wrong.
>This is a great strategy to get more people on Linux user.
Tell me again why we want any more people on Linux? Remind me why any of us care about whether or not someone else uses Linux?
I for one can't wait until the year of the Linux desktop, if for no other reason just so Microsoft fails
Who cares if Microsoft fails? None of us are using any of their shit anyway. What does it matter?
Yep, it's also more usable - it actually has an address bar. And tabs
0 taste
you know this is just a mindlessly contrarian post because the interface he prefers is the dumbed down shitty one solely because it doesn't have the wrong logo on it
>doing something where the address bar is advantageous outside of the terminal
Who's the pleb again?
If Microsoft ever fails then I'm moving to ReactOS. Linux is for virgins.
>not using terminal
Does anyone still use mac?
Developer awareness may increase if linux is more popular. Drivers if nothing else.
>None of us are using any of their shit anyway.
I dualboot it. I thought 60GB will be enough for w7 sp1, but the updates starts to eat the disk space, it's not even good for gayming anymore.
Finder has tabs too.
Bottom font is too blurry, almost unreadable
Normally you would say they are bold fonts.
/thread and fpbp
probably just upscaled or something
If elementary devs would really be trying so hard to look like Mac it would look similar to this.
Name of the icon pack?
no name because custom made
I love Apple's design. It looks really nice. I'd rather not actually use the hardware and software, though.
I like to pick and choose.
The virgin-mac-fags-bait is strong tonight, well played
It's on gnome looks. Just look through the icon section. I used to use it when I was using gnome. Now I am on Windows10. 100000000% better than linux.
>I don't know which is which
if you honestly can't immediately tell from the sidebar that the bottom is macos, then why would anyone care which one you prefer? you obviously pay no attention to detail.
>It's on gnome looks
It isn't, though
literally on the first page
Reminder: Daniel says you're a thief if you don't pay them for their Ubuntu based distro with a skinned GNOME
This isn't the same icon-theme.
he probably mixed it with another one for his dock but the ios icons on his WM is that one i linked.
The bottom one looks like the ripoff.
yosemite+ windows look so shitty compared to classic osx
and yet elementary is the derivative one.
because muh marketshare argument that has always been pushed around here even though i have no reason to give a fuck about marketshares or what normies do with computers.
i thought elementary os was a shill meme, but the top screenshot in op looks aesthetic. should i try it out? do i need to pay?
Yes, you have to pay if you don't want Daniel to call you a thief
>calling >10.3 "classic osx"
that comment made me feel a little bit older
> trying to look like Apple products
Who doesn't?
If multibillion giants like Samsung copy Apple, why won't they?
because they don't even look good anymore
underage pls go
elementary unironically looks better, except for the left panel. That contrast looks bad and is hard to read, not sure what they're thinking. Otherwise looks pretty good.
where is the path in finder ?
How to trigger MacToddlers with one simple trick: the post
Fuck me, do you try-hard contrarians ever get bored of being fucking predictable?
Why are you reddit spacing?
I miss Jaguar.
All the early OSX looked pretty shitty.
I'm a sucker for pinstripes.
>Developer awareness may increase if linux is more popular.
I've seen the sort of software produced for Windows and Macs. It's all a proprietary nightmare written by developers who hate their users. Why would we want these sort of developers to turn their attention towards linux?
inb4 muh gaaaames
Never heard of him.
Uh, top one looks better than the bottom one, it has more thought and a semblance of not outsourcing to POO-land
The pizza guy that cobbled together this garbage
Still never heard of him
>guy who cobbled together this garbage
Didn't Miguel de Spicaza make GNOME? Who is Daniel?
This. Finally replaced Windows partition with Hackintosh today (Photoshop, Office etc.) and while it's pretty fucking smooth its file manager is absolute horseshit. Other than that, everything works perfectly and the experience has been really smooth. Still sticking with Linux as my main OS though.
>its file manager is absolute horseshit.
Use ranger. It works as well on a mac as it does on linux.
You must be autistic. I'd be happy if Linux had a file manager with comparable functionality to Finder.
mmmkay, but seriously, where is the path?
It's not Gnome, it's not even based on Gnome. It's a custom DE and most of the apps are custom too
menubar (global menu) View > Show Path Bar in the OS X
Those borders everywhere...
I miss Snow Leopard.
It had the neatest looking dock I think.
I miss the 3d look.
Finder is shitty software. I'll give you two reasons, of many:
There are 2 different ways to sort your files by the same property. "Arrange by" and clicking on the column headings. These both work in subtly different ways and it's easy to get results you aren't looking for unless you set "Arrange by" to "None".
Finder makes image icons a preview of the image, UNLESS that image is behind a symlink. If it's behind a symlink, Quicklook will still show a preview of the image, but the file icon will be generic. Note that other file managers on the mac don't have this problem (pic related is Commander One showing proper icons for symlink'd images) (Commander One is dogshit for it's own reasons.)
Leopard and Snow Leopard were GOAT, since then OSX went downhill
Id fucking love to work on ElementaryOS and make its aesthetic the same as macOS but make it versatile than macOS while being more affordable. Wait.
pic related is Finder failing to behave in a sane manner with symlinks.
I can't believe people on Sup Forums support an operating system that behaves like fucking iTunes.
or if you want the path on top in the window decorations follow this method.
Launch terminal and copypaste
defaults write com.apple.finder _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool true; killall Finder
interesting, but wouldnt bother me
i unironically would like big software suites to plague linux so normies can move on and bring driver support from marketshare so i can be comfy on an obscure WM and web browser.
It bothers me because the file organization software I wrote for myself operates by creating symlinks from a mounted NAS.
>i unironically would like big software suites to plague linux so normies can move on and bring driver support from marketshare
>so i can be comfy on an obscure WM and web browser.
Well linux already has all the drivers it needs for WMs and web browsers.... what "driver support" are you actually talking about?
This is about "muh games", isn't it? That's what it's always about with you retards who want to help other retards use linux.
>lets get normalfags using linux, diluting the user community with as many retards as possible, so that I can play my "very important" games
>The Pantheon desktop environment is built on top of the GNOME software base, i.e. GTK+, GDK, Cairo, GLib (including GObject and GIO), GVfs and Tracker.
>Pantheon applications are either forks of current or older GNOME applications or written from scratch...
Same as budgie-desktop. cinnamon, deepin they always claim it's "written from scratch" while in reality it's forked from something obsolete and "written on top of"
gnome faggotry.
For instance elementary Pantheon Files file manager is based on Marlin file manager, which was a good file manager but now is barely usable outside of elementary OS
laptop drivers are in sorry state (usually because of hardware manufacturers), dual gpu laptops are just broken.
Aside from that sleep/wake is broken since forever and you basically cannot use linux for anything serious other than programming (video editing etc, unless you dont have a job and do things as proof of concept).
So yeah, totally muh games, especially since i already can play my games on linux, but looks like i gave you a reason to project a bit.
>Well linux already has all the drivers it needs
it has drivers if you have a specific set of hardware, and going to store and buying anything and expect it to work work would be nice desu, not just browsing hardware in hope that it has linux kernel version listed on the box.
>dual gpu laptops
So yeah, this is about muh games. Thanks for confirming.
>sleep wake
This isn't 2007 anymore. This shit just works. All you care about is gaming, admit it then go back to Sup Forums and never come back.
Thank's for nothing.
Nobody does professional video editing on laptops. Video editing on laptops is the domain of amateurs only.
>quadro laptops are for gaming
>cad software is for gaming
>photo,video and music editing software is for gaming
>bugs that don't affect me do not exist
just drink bleach pls.
well you cant do them at all on linux, unless your client is windows/mac based and you use a linux machine for calculations. Or you want to use kdelnive or some obscure proprietary alternative that may or may not drop support whenever.
Nobody does CAD or video editing professionally on laptops. What's more, a professional doing CAD or video editing treats their computer as a tool. A few bucks for a proprietary operating system is fucking negligible as a business expense, and FOSS ethical concerns are irrelevant since they're using proprietary software to do their job anyway.
>muh bugs
You only run into video driver bugs on linux when you're playing muh games. Not when you're using obscure WMs and web browsers. Cut your shit.
>>photo,video and music editing software
It all exists for Linux, even on professional level. Professional music editing probably being the least available.
> Finder
> Good
Kek, good one. When I had to use OS X at work I couldn't stand how limited it was. Literally any Linux FM is better; even recent Nautilus can do more.
Existing and being used are different things. And existing and being used by professionals ON LAPTOPS are again two very different things.
>Nobody does CAD or video editing professionally on laptops.
Why the fuck would you need a desktop for 2D cad? also all in one workstations (which are stupid but used often in work) usually use laptop tier unsupported (on linux) hardware.
>muh bugs
>You only run into video driver bugs on linux when you're playing muh games. Not when you're using obscure WMs and web browsers.
Tried bricscad on nvidia quadro on linux? You have to use obscure wm for it or else shading (in gnome based DEs where shading is dependend on the theme) fucks performance up.
Also i never experienced any video driver bugs with games on linux, (vulkan is much more stable than on windows from my dota2 experience) so wrong again.
MacOS is training wheels for computer faggot
>used by professionals ON LAPTOPS
I heard Nautilus is planning on dropping support for file opening next release. It will be for looking at icons only. They say that for user consistency, opening files should always be done from inside an application using the file picker.
That was clearly bait.
No professional engineer does design work on a laptop. Cut your shit.