We have won!
We have won!
here's why every apple user is a fucking retard:
>sees apple ads in TV about how user friendly macs are ("computers for the rest of us", aka for idiots)
>friends recommend apple products because they are apple uses themselves
>"minimalistic" design appeals to the retard, he can't predict that the materials used are designed to be so flimsy to break, also ignores how other products are more ergonomic to use since those aren't just slabs of aluminium
>compares $2000 applel product to the only other laptops he's ever used: $300 walmart trash and is amazed how ""premium"" apple is
>begins to use mac OS and since it's a bit more user friendly he believes it's the greatest thing ever
>now stuck in the apple ecosystem, has to buy a new model every 3 years because some of the hardware broke (planned obsolescence)
>likely a dumb poorfag so he has to take a loan just to buy the fucking computers
>even recommends apple to friends and tries to justify his position with unrealistic claims ("muh special functions only apple has", "I have a higher status in society if people see my computer", "it just werks", "muh special application NEEDS mac OS")
>worst of all, he doesn't even notice how much he has been cucked
tl;dr macfags are fucking retarded
Dumb people must buy hard to use computers so they think they are being smart and special. Nobody gives a shit. At least half of engineers have a Mac.
ya sure did buddy
The amount of butthurt from gnumix nerds is insane. It just shows that they feel threatenend by a product that's clearly better designed.PERIOD!
>but.. but.. *insert random technical detail*
Dude, you dont get it! It just works!
Why is there so much racism in tech?
I am African American, and almost everyone I have encountered (including people at the company where I currently work, and the university I studied at) assumes I am less capable than others. In reality, the opposite is true. I am currently a security researcher, researching methods to bypass the iOS lock screen without knowing the passcode (I will be publishing a paper soon).
Congratulations, you can fuck off now.
Three rupees were deposited.
Ahahaha, glad to see someone saved the picture I made. 1000+ hours in GIMP.
that's a vintage meme
you have to have an iq of
>being this butthurt
apple might be shit but you guys are worse
Trolls like us only exist because fools like you get mad over having your fruity toys insulted. Your tears are fucking delicious, like those of a virgin child... oh wait.
>nextstep legacy OS
>I am currently a security researcher, researching methods to bypass the iOS lock screen without knowing the passcode (I will be publishing a paper soon).
Hahahahahaha.... Exactly what a racist would imagine a nigger would try to do. Way to prove them right, user.
>that lightning connector
>busted up insulation at the strain relief
Yep! It's an Apple!
>be black
>steal phone
>can't get past the lock screen
I think we solved the minorities in tech problem.
>by releasing a product being constantly made fun of by everyone
Give it back Tyrone.
Lol he mad
Source on that
>At least half of engineers have a Mac
>Ahahaha, glad to see someone saved the picture I made. 1000+ hours in GIMP.
You should be very proud of yourself. You're like a decorated war hero.
I had 4 lightning cables and none of them broke under my possession. User incompetence doesn't imply low quality product.
>One of each asschecks
>Innovative GUI
why xerox didn't exploit his own goddam mine?
The picture says it all. They gave the idea to Apple thinking it wouldn't take off. It did. These kinds of blunders lead to the death of companies all the time.
Dumbass, you fell for it.
Literally every tech company or startup.
A higher quality product stands up better to incompetent users. "Handle it with care" is not an excuse for using piss poor strain reliefs and then charging like they're high quality cables.
Prove it. I mean post actual proof that every tech company and startup use Mac computers.
Yep. The "literally copying chinks now" award.
I work at Google and the distribution is like 1/6 macs on macos, 1/6 Linux on mbp and the rest different manufacturers
>now stuck in the apple ecosystem
why do people suggest this is an issue? literally when you need a new device just buy one that isn't an apple and move over your shit
If you did, why you still didn't beaten the Commodore 64 score?
You know, the one of the number of computers sold from a specific brand and model.
12.5 Million should be easy to beat.
How locked down does a platform have to be before we can stop considering it a general purpose computer?
I would say that something you can't code for it from the device itself.
Sup Forums tards really do have negative IQ