What do you guys have against Fedora?

What do you guys have against Fedora?

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Beta testing for redhat for free

void or gentoo/exherbo/funtoo are the only options now

Is shit, is a trap, and anons fall for it. Do not become a RedHat betatester.

You made this thread last night. It's a babby distro for edgey cucks who brag about Linux but don't have any idea what they are doing

Nothing. Redhat's Linux distributions are the best operating systems available.

I get to use a fresh version of the best operating system in the world for free and improve that operating system in the process. Why wouldn't I?

It's too late now. I tried Devuan but I realized I'm already too dependent on systemd and PulseAudio. Even if I could use Devuan for now, I'm afraid it'd all be for nothing as systemd is becoming the standard.

>edgey cucks
I think you confuse Fedora with Arch and Manjaro.

Don't bully Manjaro!!!

Why? It's literally the worst distribution that has ever existed. When people thought it wouldn't get worse than Mint, Manjaro somehow managed to show their incompetency and sink even lower. I can't think of a single reason to use Manjaro over other distributions.


>expiring ssl cert is worse than compromised mirrors
I see no problem here, except your butthurt.

nothing wrong with it and every normie on this board know it.


Reminder that fedora breaks too much, is full of bugs

Because whatever it was made for there is other distro doing it better.

Gateway distro? Linux mint
Basic desktop distro? Linux mint
Advanced desktop distro? Ubuntu
Server distro? Debian
Security distro? Kali
Live usb distro? Puppy linux
Geek distro for tinkering? Arch/Gentoo

Professional distro? Fedora/RHEL

You dropped this.

nothing, I just dont like it. Ubuntu just feels comfy

Fedora is top-tier. Very reliable distro that seems to work perfectly on any hardware.

t. RedHat community manager

Ah professionall distro?
So what fedora does what other distro cant?

There's just no good reason to use it.

>Well managed.
>Up-to-date for a fixed release distribution.
>Good software selection, especially virtualization and development tools.
>Most professional software for Linux is packaged as RPM (usually .deb too)

Anyways, there's absolutely nothing wrong with Ubuntu or Debian. What exactly can say, Ubuntu, do what other distributions can't?

lack of documentation and instability in the latest versions was the reason I couldn't stand it. I wanted to use it but it's so broken and shitty.

I just made a fedora server vm. I checked the network interface in the installer and it checked out.
After installation, I had no internet. Even after rebooting a few times I had no internet.
I followed this article: fedoraproject.org/wiki/Networking/CLI
That was absolute bullshit. Who the fuck things that is an acceptable way for making a network connection.. did they build dhcpc off of mysql?
After following those instructions, the internet didnt work even after reboot.
I then deleted the entire vm, went through the install process again doing the exact same thing.
This time however the internet works.
I installed the package I as looking for, navigated to its folder to find its not there. I spend 10 minutes dicking around on google, installing all kinds of shit looking for it. I then rerun the install command and it confirms the installation again.
mfw it didn't actually install it the first time

My entire week has been like this so I don't even give a fuck anymore.
the cli looks pretty though. I want to like it.

I do want to add though, as someone whos used arch exclusively for 5 years now, for me to finally say something is bullshit sorta stands out to me.

Red Hat and systemd.

Yeah network manager is a pain in the ass to use on servers. I really don't get why they thought it was a good idea to use it on the server edition. Gentoos netifrc is nice.

Gnome 3 supporters FUD spreaders against everyone else

I own their stock but I use mandriva

Opensuse > Arch > Fedora

Its called Fedora

whats wrong with pulseaudio?

Just installed fedora for the very first time. Only reason why I even considered it (been a debian for the past 15 for years) was the fact that it's the only distro that supports wayland out of the box. I've mainly used a mac on the desktop for the past few years and I got a good thinkpad for cheap. Turns out Windows is just as cancerous as ever and... X11 is too.

using Leap at the moment. I like openSUSE infrastructure but their default settings are borderline retarded. The choice of a kernel is debatable, and so are network settings. Also all this fuckery with fonts, codecs, thumbnails in a file manager, etc. It's just tiresome.
I kinda made this distro to work the way I want so it has nice perfomance, fast bootimes and doesn't drain a battery in 20 minutes (as it did with a default kernel). But the thing is - after all this fuckery I can honestly say that I made my own spin of brokenSUSE. I don't know what the team behind the distro is doing but they are doing it badly. I wouldn't recommend this distro to anyone.

also, If you consider installing openSUSE - don't choose XFS for a home partition. It's known for breaking stuff if your PC was shut down unexpectedly. Haven't fot any problems with btrfs, though...yet.