I am a cybercrime investigator, ask me anything

I am a cybercrime investigator, ask me anything.

investigate me
ive said some cyber things...

Give cases where you catch a criminal. Like, give details how you track one.

How about you fuck off and solve some "cybercrime"?

Shouldn't you be working?

Hahaha you are very funny goy. Have an upvote funny goy

what is the ratio of niggers vs crackers in your cases?


How about you fuck off and let the dude make a decent thread on Sup Forumsyou fucking piece of shit

We monitor many of the so called underground economy boards and run some ourselves, both on tor and the clearnet.

I am a euro, so niggers aren't really that much of an issue (yet)
But eastern euros and russians are a huge number.

so niggers arent gud with camputers?
also, busted any gypsies performing online crimes?

So you catch blackhat selling passwords and stuff like that? If true goodspeed, let the warez people be though

Favourite fetish porn
How many times you Jack off per week average to it

And to elaborate on this, big(ish) data is actually an important piece of identifying criminals online, even if they use tor or vpn.Most people do not join the scene as pros, in the beginning they often make mistakes like clear IPs, email addresses that can be traced to them, stuff like that. So we have algos that groups the known info from underground and cleaweb sources and tries to find relationships back to older identities.
Also we can query us agencies about their data, they have a fuckton of it and can get all related user information from a lot of big services, like Instagram and so without the need for warrants


do any of your operations relate to Sup Forums

do you often look at browsing habits? what type of legal permissions are needed for looking at things like search history, etcet?

could you name a few programs that will send user behavior to you?

We don't save browsing history here, wouldn't really work with https anyways. Not sure about the us. We can however request your user data from the services you use, for example facebook. They often save your entire history for monetizing purposes

Its probably getting crawled for certain trigger words, but not live monitored. I doubt its of much use anyways.

List your skill set and proficiency in them n/10

what are the crimes you investigate the most often? what would you say the overall rate of prosecution is, as a percentage of crimes investigated?

name, birth date, address, mothers maiden name, social security #?

Hello CIA, repressing any disturbed behaviour lately?

what the deal with the onion drug shops? are they all compromised now?

which browser should i use?

Not the ones the agencies have zero days for.
Sadly there is no way of knowing this

What threat feeds do you use? We're coming off soltra edge, for MS-ISAC excel spreadsheets and I'm ready for death

You are pretty much only at risk if you are a big seller, we only go after individual buyers when its about firearms. But of course surprisingly many darknet drug sellers keep a buyers.xls on their desktop, so of course it can lead to follow up cases
Generally we take whoever we can identify, doesn't really matter the exact crime

What will you do when in 10 minutes you get a telephone call to step outside with your hands in the air?

My recommendation: no sudden movements.

>ask me anything
Real question: how easy is it to obtain personal data WITHOUT court order in your country?

How many years in forensics and what textbooks did you use/ what's hot right now?

If you're real, how would you approach apologizing for hacking an international, though niche-scale tech business?

My bet is they can obtain all of it but can't use most of it in court

Cucked by the judge. Ruins own case.
Yea be careful with that.