I'm about to get the same tatoo as pic related. Already paid for it.
Good idea? (maybe too late to ask)
I'm about to get the same tatoo as pic related. Already paid for it.
Good idea? (maybe too late to ask)
no, this is gay.
I kind of like that actually.
>getting webshit tattoo
maximus autismius
No you retard
No, it's a shit idea. Tattoos are trashy and your best solution is to let the tattooist have the cash and not do it anyway.
Ever had a tat before? If not, I seriously urge you to reconsider. You really, really shouldn't get a tattoo on the back of the neck as your first. It would be extremely painful
Tattoos are degenerate, don't ruin your body with such retarded bullshit. They don't make you unique, they make you look unintelligent, dirty, and like you can't think for yourself. Tattoos are a failed meme, one of the many reasons as to why I hate this generation.
Why did she get her tattoo done in a dimly lit dentist's office?
>It would be extremely painful
You're a big guy
never a good idea ever.
Where are you gonna put the matching tags? I like the idea but wouldn't want to have an upside-down tag on my forehead or something.
dont see why html would mean that much to you, to put it on your neck
faggots its a fucking bait, you are not supposed to answer it
Any women that get programming tattoos are just attention whores.
>Already paid for it.
Sunken costs fallacy. Just because you've already lost your money doesn't mean you can't walk away from the deal.
If you lose your money AND get the tattoo, then you lose TWICE.
maybe they are just programming whores
Very original.
terry davis with his hat. take pics of it
This make sense.
Just like this bich
>look at me im a nurrrrrrrd xD
fuck off retard
i'd rather get a fucking face tattoo than this
Is that really a man?
If you really want that on your neck just use a permanent marker. Does that sound stupid? Well it's less stupid than having that permanently. A marker would make the same effect, it isn't clever.
really? html tags? fucking lol
If, and only if, you have a job in the tech industry
>getting the same tattoo as anyone
>good idea
>If you really want that on your neck just use a permanent marker. Does that sound stupid? Well it's less stupid than having that permanently.
This is genius. I'm stealing this.
She's 6'2"
I couldn't even imagine fucking her with her spindly limbs wrapped around me
You will only hear the honest truth on an anonymous internet board. Everyone of us would go "oh... that's nice... heheh... I am a programmer myself", but in reality we will go "that is dumb as fuck, this guy is an idiot"
Kloss isn't stupid enough to do that. She is a professional and not an "attention whore" she does what the producers tell her to, she has a job of being pretty, but it also requires some grit and professionalism which are features that do not have anything to do with programming tattoos.
>I have tattoos because they're my expression of my individuality!
>mr tattoo "artist", please give me this other person's tattoo
Kek. Tattoos are a great way to detect retards.
A close head tag and an open body tag? This is html right? Isn't it incorrect?
>She's 6'2"
>not wanting to climb it like the aggro crag
wew lad
some woman at my office got a tattoo literally because her roomate said 'hey you should do it lol'
why are women so easily convicned?
It won't be that hard to cover up if you ever come to your senses.
But personally I'd never get a tattoo on skin that is exposed by regular clothing.
whops wrong thred xddddddd
Because women are biologically programmed to be followers, not leaders. Their role is to fall in line and fit in, not assert themselves as individuals.
> be fat as fuck
> put tattoo on every roll
> whenever I lift one up there's another
It's ridiculous really, people glorifying the trivial technicalities of html and tattooing it on their necks
Plain text files don't have a head and a body tag yet they convey just as much information as html
Also closing the head tag is plain stupid since body can't be nested inside head. This would be semantically equivalent
the title
heading 1
No need to close the h1 tag, why would anyone nest p inside an h1
No need to close the p tag, subsequent tags of the same type by default don't get nested
As a matter of fact just throw the head and body tag all together, because a title, style, meta tag doesn't make sense inside body as long as it comes before the tags that are nested in the body, therefore this would be sufficient and semantically equivalent
the title
heading 1
No need to close the h1 tag, why would anyone nest p inside an h1
No need to close the p tag, subsequent tags of the same type by default don't get nested
OP, if you are so poised to tattoo something on your neck, do it, but just don't tattoo head and body, this is beyond dumb
>this was literally on /r/Programminghumor
Kill yourself
How would you know senpai?
Go for it. Don't forget throw in some JavaScript on your back and a large text saying BACKDOOR above your asshole.
Do a /thread tattoo
if you want a programming tattoo so badly, then at least use lisp or something, not fucking html
HTML is an idiotic format used by retards.
Tattooing it is as idiotic as the language.
The head/body joke is not funny, nobody will think it is funny or clever.
We will probably never get a replacement for the document format, but that does not mean the joke is any better in a few years.
Do you actually find this attractive?
Maybe user is not a 5'2 Pajeet manlet
You've never wondered what it's like fucking an amazon?
Wow look at me I know code
i don't like tattoos but i can get a piercing like this.
what? she is a fucking skeleton on heels!
Where does go?
Do you nit pick at fucking everything?
>nit pick
there is literally nothing to nit pick on her, she is as flat as a board
if her body was an inanimate object standing up perfectly straight you could use it to frame a house.
Degenerate no matter how open minded I force myself to be
I'm 6'9" she can wear 5 inch heels and I'll still be noticibly taller
pick one and only one
>Sup Forums is a Sup Forumsang, and using other websites is treason
This is shit. Seriously, the web is gonna evolve for the next 60 years until worms eat your tatoo.
Unrelated, but a general rule for a tatoo is "print it everywhere for a solid year and see if you don't get bored".
people still use head and body tags in 2017?
you are in the 99.997 percentile in the US
and KK is in the 99.987 percentile in the US
so congratulations
Is it me or am i retarded, that html is wrong, if im correct it should go like
If you really want to get a tattoo don't get something as short-lived as a programming language. Personally I would get a physical formula tattooed. But in general tattoos are just trashy.
a tattoo is a permanent symbol of a temporary thought process. It's stupid to get a tattoo because you're feelings and tastes will likely evolve and change as you grow older.
Another reason not to get a tattoo is that tattoos tend to fade and look worse over time.
For you.
> I'm such a nerdy girl
> I can program in html
it was outstanding in 1996
Her literal head is the missing tag, and her literal body is the missing tag.
Please don't make me explain this again :|
What is the purpose? You're putting something most people won't understand or appreciate in any way permanently on your neck because lmao what a pun.
Tattoos are nothing but walking around with a sign that says "I make HORRIBLE life choices" unless they are a 2000$ masterpiece.
this... also, how to inject muh dick into her ??
Lol, shit
>doing a tech tattoo
>not considering a #! on the wrist
ben affleck and jackie chan
What if I could wear the same t-shirt, every day
document.body.style.innerHTML = "DICK";
What will you do once that kind of markup is as outdated as HTML4 shit like
For all you know people wont even be writing html in a few years
bend over and show me dat babe
funny for about 5 minutes
not for the rest of your life
I support people putting obvious, permanent signals that they are retarded on their bodies.
You should do it.
why? this is fucking stupid, you cant even see it, barely anyone will notice and if they do they dont give a fuck/dont know wtf it is.
a good alternative would also be "faggot" on your forehead
Tattoos are OpSec fail
Ok, that's possibly the only tattoo I'd ever approve of.
What if HTML becomes deprecated? Who will be laughing then?
>other websites
No, it's mostly just Reddit, for reasons I'm sure you're already well-aware. I'd rather deal with some moron from Tom's Hardware, frankly.
Cool. I'm sure all the obese blue haired girls in your social circle will find it super wacky and zany hahaha you're gonna get so much beefy p*ss my dude congrats