This, my friends, is a tech cringe thread

This, my friends, is a tech cringe thread

This picture is to comfy to be cringey

We already have one

This, it just werkz

dumping some gems






I love how said "journalists" lost every single drop of critical mind.




That shit still pisses me off. The father played everyone like a fiddle and people fell for it.




That is kind of amazing.


To do that he would have to have known the school and police were going to be completely racist. Which means they were completely racist.


wtf ?
do they use boas as cable insulation ?



iirc, his dad was basically a professional scam artist and did shit like that all the time.

postan some apple now

And how do you "scam" if you don't have the foundation of the school administrators and police being racist?
Try to get a white kid arrested without him doing something illegal. It doesn't work.








He is a scam artist. Kid was a little autist that found it necessary to carry the guts of a clock in a case to school. The school reacted in a retarded way and the father saw his golden meal ticket. Everyone was a retard and the dad reaped the profits.
The kid went to school in Kuwait I believe.
The school was retarded, but I can't blame them. Plenty of little psychos that want to shoot up or blow up their school.





They didn't do anything racist. They did exactly what they should have done.

Just because the kid was brown doesn't mean that it was racist.


>I can't blame two levels of educators and the police for wanting an autistic geek arrested for bringing in his disassembled clock project to show off.


>They didn't do anything racist
Kids bring in shit every day to show off to other kids without being arrested.
It was a clock. He was arrested for bringing in a clock.

It looked like a fucking bomb. He was intentionally being disruptive, he knew what he was doing.

Next you're going to tell me that everytime a nigger stabs a white person its because of white oppression. Fuck yourself.

He was arrested on the suspicion of trying to incite a bomb scare.

>cringe thread
>post awesome space-hacker setup

this is the only thing worth looking in the entire thread

Why is Microsoft sending him a Raspberry Pi?

Ahmed is a common British name.

It was a clock.
What does a teacher do when a kid is being disruptive with something he took in with him? They take it away until the end of class.

Yes, because "brown muslim" of course means "bomb." Guess what's rather racist?

>how flappy bird makes millions the picture.

>Yes, because "brown muslim" of course means "bomb."
No, a suitcase with a clock face built into it which he claimed to be a bomb does mean bomb.

It was a mass of wires and electronics in a case. Who knows what the fuck it was.

And yeah, guess what? Dune coons commit a lot of violence and terror attacks in the real world, who knew?

You would assume the same thing about a cringy white goth kid if they did the same thing.

How does that work?

it is a live linux distro
you plug it in, and you never see your local OS again
customers think they computer is 'fixed'

Tattoos are just trashy but that's gay as fuck on top of that. That's someone who needs to be gassed.

>lifestyle of the rich
>those pictures

cringe af.

Awwwww...the little macfag butthurt that his pet sand niggers aren't tricking us any more? That's why Trump is president, fag.

DRM on suicide watch and rekt

wtf is up with the scotch tape??

>invaluable feedback

Download more ram

>imma just gonna make shit up

Was the bomb squad called? No. The teacher knew it was a clock and was a racist little shit trying to teach the nigger a lesson for being "uppity". The principal likewise was a racist shit. And the cops were racist shits.

No, white kids do not get the absolute worst assumed when they do things. I brought in my own bow for archery in gym class and was I arrested for "trying to shoot up the school"? No.

>android is a phone

Probably a 3rd party layer to windows readyboost.

In London.
A property gave him the properties. A good sunni would be triggered.
It can run windows 10 and can trigger a detonator too. F91W is still the patrician choice.

>No, white kids do not get the absolute worst assumed when they do things. I brought in my own bow for archery in gym class and was I arrested for "trying to shoot up the school"? No

This is dumb as shit.

When a kid tell you you have a bomb, you're going to believe him.

It's a comfy job, but useless in the same time especially in china.

>Windows 10 IoT for Europe

>it was a mass of wires and electronics in a case
>no one has ever seen this before and no one could identify the components

Stupid educators, I guess. But that's no excuse. I could look at this thing and identify that there were no explosives involved in a quick minute.

>kid strips the guts out of a digital clock and places them in a pencil box
>father likely says "Ahmed you must wear this NASA t-shirt and show this to as many teachers as possible"
>shows his "custom clock" to his science teacher
>teacher says "ok neat, but you probably shouldn't show this to anyone else"
>kid still shows it to as many teachers as possible before someone inevitably freaks out

But obviously he was not directly soliciting an over reaction at the behest of his father

I'd upgrade her to Windows 10 if you get my drift.

>Also rolex btfo,
like anyone with rolex can take seriously this trash. The apple teleshop was pathetic this year as well.

there is absolutely not a single manly thing about that guy

Enjoy your STDs.

>No step on snek

>internet of porn

Honestly, this doesn't even bother me really. If they're happier living as a trans-woman then w/e. At least they're putting some effort into their appearance despite their age, I've seen way worse desu.

That's great there Reb & Vodka but normal people don't know that. If some sand nigger kid walked up to me and goes "look at my clock, meester" with that creepy accent. I'm gonna probably attack him because he's obviously a terrorist. Turns out his dad is a famous race baiter sue nigger who sues people for a living.

Basically this was all staged and dipshits ate it up like retards.

I hate the world and all that live in it because of stupid shit like this.....I wish for the death and destruction of all humanity.....and other shit.

god I hate this celebrity bullshit
what the fuck was his big idea? he's fucking nothing

>normal people
literally an entire school of faculty members and no one knows what a circuit board looks like

Pick one fag.


Didn't a white kid get in trouble for biting a poptart into the shape of a pistol?

>"all the storage you need"
>mfw I have 6tb of videos, 1.7tb of music and 600gb of images

I know you probably are too young to remember 9/11 but when those sand niggers start carrying shit that looks like a bomb, it's shoot first, ask questions later. They're the most violent subhumans ever and will kill you without hesitation. If I saw that little sand monkey walking around with that shit, it's time to tackle his ass and kick the jihad out of him.

I wish they had charged him so he could explain in court his retarded "clock".

And you're a sand nigger lover which is gay as fuck. Fag.

He is the symbol of diversity and muh racism and google is led by a literal idiot who got his job by shitting in the right loo.

Product design by someone who's never lived in a black neighborhood. Might as well put a big dollar sign on it.

All trannies need to die. It's obvious they're not killing themselves in large enough numbers.

>I'm literally the problem with the US. I supported the formation of the TSA and I'm one of the biggest current threats to US prosperity.


His dad had him pull a stunt to get in trouble and sue over racism. The dick sucking progressives jumped on it to show how tolerant they are and belittle bigots.

I don't think they accounted for chronic porn hoarders setting up their own porn backup servers

Exactly how is generating random 6 word passwords worth 2$ ? It's basically illiterate people getting ripped off by a 11 year old. Disgusting.

I don't watch porn memeboi, those 6tb are mostly anime and some hollywood movies.

There is nothing like trans-woman. He is a man in woman clothes, everything else is bs.

Hey I didn't blow up no buildings like those al Qaeda goat fuckers. We can solve a lot of problems by just killing off all Muslims. They're not human, they don't feel pain.

Go fuck a goat, MuhamMAD.


>not porn