>Go to library
>See a 4/10 girl reading through CS books every weekends
>Approach her
>She uses debian
>Fall in love
>Ask her out, after a few months
>Get rejected
I've been rejected by a literal 2/10 before. I know that feel.
i don't get it is this supposed to be funny?
what did they say?
SMBC is literal shit.
>I already have a bf
It's a lie, women can always reach date 5 steps above their appearance grade, because ugly guys are usually ugly on the inside too.
Don't worry.
Either I don't get the joke, or it's not funny.
There's a getter built into the class
How else can you test private members?
Is using #define private public bad?
>see 7/10 short blonde with perky boobs
>gives me the googly me eyes
>her kid comes running up and yanks her skirt mumbling some in whiny childish thing
>girl likes me cause im a nice guy and thinks I would make good surrogate-father
Every fucking time bros. I hate being this beta.
Haha, add stink lines, bad facial hair, and belly to the linux user and we're in business.
Me and my wife use Linux. We met at a Target store,
This is idiotic. You're supposed to be testing the public interface, not the internals. I used to go through crises where I fretted over testing some implementation of an algorithm inside a class, but you have to resist opening the temptation to open the class up. Just make sure the public facing functionality is good and ignore how the class produced the right answer. You'll write less brittle tests this way.
Mac users have to be two guys or two girls (gay)
>fucking tests meme
write the test less retardedly or use reflection or something
The picture is misleading. None of these are operating systems. It's time to clear some things up:
Mac is a device.
Linux is a kernel.
Windows is malware.
Thanks for listening.
is that supposed to be the joke?
someone needs to add a black man holding the female window user by a dog collar while the man sits there, also macfags need to be gay and linux needs to be GANOO SLASH LOONIX
Well, that's what I got, but it's not funny.
A backwards meme arrow, that's what it is, and it's sickening
>meme arrow
Idea man right here. Die.
from one to ten, how would you rate your looks?
Thank you for explaining what gay is.
It's what you went for, and failed miserably, no go >>>/back/
sorry "youtube arrow"
Your methods should be set up in a way that you can test without accessing private members directly.
In Java, if you really need to, you can change it to be protected, which is basically the same as private but you can access them from your tests.
>Your methods should be set up in a way that you can test without accessing private members directly.
this. separate the interface from the implementation. private members are irrelevant to the outside observable functionality.
Put the test in the class. Or friend it. Or use a language where visibility is decided at the module level and not the class level.
I've had other guys say I was a 7, but a special kind of 7.
When I asked what they meant they said I'm not a conventional 7, but a unique 7.
I don't know what that means, but I'd say a weak 6 for me.
a weak 4
Tests are a meme. Time you spend writing tests is time you could spend writing good software.
>i read xkcd
The joke is that QA are fucking retards
I know a Sup Forums thread when I see one. So people weren't kidding, we ARE infested.
Are you kidding me? Every other dude I know has shit self-esteem and has HORRIBLE standards and are willing to call every ugly sack of tranny shit beautiful. Most guys, but ESPECIALLY white guys, have 0 standards and probably have no eye for any sort of beauty at all. Blacks might have bad taste but at least they know what they like and tell bitches they think are ugly to fuck off.
According to other guys or according to girls?
[spoiler]Girls rate 80% of guys below 5/10[/spoiler]
Linux should be two dudes.
There is only blue, green, and red guys in this pic, what are you talking about?
The human mind doesn't work with 0-10 scales correctly. Something about logarithms probably. Whenever anyone rates something a 7/10 you can assume it means average. Anything below is bad and anything above is good.
What's Sup Forums's approved scale then?
>not using gentoo
You dodged a bullet tbqh
I dunno man, but I've found that a 1-5 scale works much better for rating stuff. No one will subconsciously associate 4 with average because it's one below the maximum. 3 is right in the middle so it works perfectly.
>Turkish i
yeah it's ridiculous how much time, effort and money the typical white guy will spend on low grade pussy
At my college, we use binary.
0- No
1- Yes.
Works out well when the ratio is 7-3 guys (although, it's closer to 50/50 by sheer mass)
>women don't make sense
What else is new
a lot of guys on dating sites are total losers to be fair
She probably had a bf, and most likely and older brother, girls like that get picked fresh
and a lot of the women are ugly af
Imagine being at computers
This, except not all nigger is a rude alpha.
Time to work out
so fat you look and see food
private members are not interface, so you shouldn't test them :^).